Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by NaiveCynic, May 28, 2015.

  1. Whoraywut

    Whoraywut New Member

    Jun 5, 2015
    Haha, thanks for that, I must have been so impatient with how the game flows lately but yeah, it's all right now. :)

    Just so everybody know, I'm freakin' loving the game even if it lags so hard in my iPhone 4, currently have 3-3* SR genes and 2-4* R genes, am I playing it right or should I have all 5* genes to finish the game? Anyway, it's another time to be hooked in such game here in my phone since KOTOR... :D
  2. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    What have you guys used on your Keplers? I only seem to have Power Seeds, Defense Seeds, and Luck Seeds. I'm still early on in the game and I don't want to waste my Keplers on these seeds if there are better ones on the horizon, you know?
  3. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    Athena learns Emperor Mode at level 40 SR. Just now got it.


    Been using mostly Augmented Healing/Electra/Mana on my Kiplers, as I haven't yet started to farm magma ocean for rare gifts yet. Apparently on magma ocean level 100 there is a "re rollable" chest for rare and powerful Gifts.
  4. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    Also I don't think seeds carry over when fusing. As such you should only use them on SR genes you aren't planning to fuse later. At least that's what I figured. Gifts that grant spells and abilities should carry over as innate (blue) skills though.

    Sorry for the double post. Forgot to use multi-quote.
  5. Anakin0302

    Anakin0302 Member

    Jun 5, 2015
    What is the kepler gene for guys? And currently im stuck at a part where we meet Daisuke's mom and there's no main quest to move on, the game indicates me to go to the spaceport but when i talk to the woman there she doesnt give me any quest. What do i have to do? Thanks
  6. Lymphocyte

    Lymphocyte Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    I got extremely lucky and have two Joan of Arcs. Is there reason to fuse the two together to create an SR in lieu of using a Kipler?

    Sometimes when in combat I'll get 'helped out' and my stats will increase. Usually when this happens, it will occur almost every battle for a good length of time. However, later in the day I often play for an hour or two without anyone helping out during the entire play session. Is there a trigger that I'm missing? Why do I sometimes get huge stretches of help while other time I have great deserts of no help?

    Any hints on golden chest locations in the Lollipop Labyrinth? I've found one in the castle (having visited it probably a hundred times at this point), but no others in the area. I also can't seem to find this chocolate lagoon that eats pigs that I keep hearing about. I haven't gone though the Colosseum Cup yet in the story mode, so perhaps it will open up later in the story.
  7. DivineHate

    DivineHate Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    I would like to know this as well.
  8. Evokerz

    Evokerz Active Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    You can get it from completing last dungeon sheet (Theia Box), don't bother to use Fuse gift to obtain him.
  9. potatomonkey

    potatomonkey Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    So.. What now?

    So I just completed episode 4 but the cutscenes after the credits leaves a cliffhanger. However there are no more story quests from what I can see. How do I progress with the story or is it gonna be a dlc or something.
  10. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    #690 Styr, Jun 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
    Iirc, you need the detector to access the last area in Lollipop, but you can get all the gifts before then. The detector is given in early Ch 3, I think.

    As for the Joan's, I'm not sure either. I think you can use a R Joan to fuse with an SR Joan to inherit innate/blue skills, but again, I'm not sure how. Right now I use Kiplers to give them innate skills when I evolve. Haven't tried to give innate skills via enhancing, but I've heard it works if you use the same unit?

    I just 'finished' Ch3-3 but when I reloaded I'm still here. Do I have to complete all those level 90 A-class quests to move on? Looks like there's one per party member.

    I'm thinking of farming magma ocean level 100, but I'm not sure what Gifts to look out for first. Most of my Gifts are either Battle Gifts or Equipment Gifts. I haven't been doing much work on the item sheets though save for Lollipop to get Fight Now, so maybe that's why my skill/spell Gifts have been mostly Augmented Mana/Electra/Healing, with a regular Lotus here or there.

    By the way, I've noticed the escape option rarely, rarely fails: maybe one in forty will fail for me. Using this escape tactic you can keep using Fight Now until you get those tri-eggon battles that give loads of XP.
  11. sgjr

    sgjr New Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    Where is the SNOW DROP???

    Will SOMEONE please explain to me where in the blue hell the SNOW DROP and the BLEEDING HEART is? This is getting ridiculous!!! Also I am not understanding how I can obtain a SR card worth keeping. I am on the third chapter and still don't have a SR fighting gene!!! I have a Kepler but it appears to be useless! I have five fully maxed R genes but they stopped at 60. How do I get these genes stronger?!?!?!???
  12. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    #692 Styr, Jun 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
    The Snow Drop is in Winterborough iirc, before the blizzard area; this was actually the first flower I found. The Bleeding Heart is a quest related flower and cannot be obtained before the game wants you too.

    In order to evolve R genes into SR genes, they must be maxed and then fused with a Kipler. I'm not sure if they have to be 5* or not, since I've only evolved 5* R genes. This is done at Maril's place: simply recombine the max level Rare (should be 60) with the Kipler and you should get a level 25 SR.

    The best genes you can get from the gatcha boxes are 5* Rares like Joan, Athena, Dante, Calypso, Wagner, Agamemnon, Seimei, Black Prince, Kishibojin, Xuanzang, Gagarin and Artemis. Not sure if this is all of the 5* rares, but those are all the ones I've found so far. I've seen some people discuss John Doe too, so I think he might be one I missed.

    I've got all of the above in Rare format, and have evolved three to SR: Athena, Calypso and Dante. In a bit I plan to upload all these rare units' skill/stat list so people can get an idea of how they are like. I'm working on leveling the rest of the bunch so I can evolve and see their SR skills, which are often awesome and amazing.

    Keep in mind only Athena and Joan are 'available' this month. If you want to get later ones, you'll have to manipulate your date and time.
  13. JustinS1985

    JustinS1985 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Where in the final level are the gold boxes? Normally it would be near the "end" of the level, but I've run down there a few times (up to the point where it says I have no business going further) and never see any boxes. I've tried exploring the rest of the level as well and I'm just not seeing anything.
  14. sgjr

    sgjr New Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    Thanks but that didn't help me at all for the snow drop part. I need you to be specific bro. And all my rares are two star what does that mean?
  15. Candykiller

    Candykiller Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 15, 2010
    United Kingdom
    Look around the left side of Winterborough village for a golden gate, and the snowdrop is growing in front of it.
  16. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    #696 Styr, Jun 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
    The main problem with 2*/3* Rares is their relatively low stat cap and overall weaker skills compared to 5* Rares.

    If you don't mind gaming the system, you can get 5* Rares easily be resetting the game if you don't get the Gene you want. Personally I feel this is smarter than trying to use tons of coins attempting to get a single 5* rare.

    Those 2-3* Rares like Bismarck, Michael, etc are useful as starter genes, but imo getting the better genes is a priority. I know some people frown upon using tricks to get the good stuff, but in Ch3 there's a big difficulty spike; I was using three low-level 5* SR genes and still got wiped out by TRASH.

    Right now you can only get Athena and Joan this month, as the gene box only gives out two 5* Rares a month. Athena and Joan are pretty amazing though, so you should definitely try to get them however you can. Not everyone is lucky to pull them quickly, so some of us resort to save scumming until we get the genes we want.

    Uploading some pics now of the twelve 5* Rares I know of, and I will also feature a description so people can get an idea of how the gene works. Hopefully I can cram it into one post.
  17. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    #697 Styr, Jun 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
    So here is my post listing and describing the twelve Five-Star Rares I've come across by messing with the data and time. Down near the bottom are two sections: one that displays what month the unit is available, and the other displays their Super Rare abilities! Pictures will be included, although they aren't uniformly leveled or anything. These are just included so people can see their Skills; will eventually update with max level stats.

    Chaos Rings 3; Five-Star Rare List:

    Joan: Fire-element, with great Attack and Defense but only average Speed and Luck. This gene specializes in tanking: Provoke is a taunt for single-target attacks, while Song of Offering is an AoE attack. Floodgate makes your attacks sync with your element, and Rakshasha Lotus is helpful for more hits and damage. Lucky Seven and Berserk Negative (All) help reduce damage; personally I feel this gene is ideal for Daisuke or Al.

    Athena: Light-element, with a good spread of stats: great Attack, above average Defense and Speed, and average Luck. Augmented Aquinas is a great trash clear spell, but with a high mana cost. Note: gets Emperor Mode at level 40 SR. This gene is ideal for the MC, personally.

    Calypso: Water/Ice-element, with amazing Defense, above average Attack and Speed, with below average Luck. Without a doubt she is one of the best choices for your healer, seeing as Calypso gets two AoE heals, an AoE cleanse, revive, and passives that boost her healing output and heal the wielder every turn. She even has an Ice spell for damage - Augmented Cocytus - and having the Calypso user team up with another Augmented Cocytus user can result in crazy burst damage. I recommend one person on your team have this equipped.

    Dante: Water/Ice-element, this gene has a very balanced set of stats. Her attack and luck are just a bit higher than defense and speed, but not by much. Dante's Unstoppable is very useful when enemies start using No-Skills on your party, and having it can be a lifesaver. She has Augmented Cocytus until she learns the advanced version as SR, so she can team up with Calypso so do amazing damage.

    Agamemnon: Bolt-element, with great Speed, above average Attack and Luck, with average Defense. He is focused on using bolt attacks, and can counterattack with Intuit. His Trompe skill moves the Break bar in your favor. I'm afraid I can't say much more than this, as he is one of my most neglected.

    Wagner: Bolt-element, with great Attack and Speed, but below average Defense and Luck. This guy has both Physical Booster and Magical Booster, along with Rakshasha Lotus and Augmented Electra, which I assume would become Advanced Electra in SR. Along with Floodgate, this guy can bring the pain with a +50% Bolt weapon. I just maxed his R form, so I'll be trying out his SR later today. Impervious makes him immune to stuns. Wagner acquires Magnum Fang at level 40 in his SR form, which is an impressive skill like Asura Lotus.

    Seimei: Earth-element, with amazing luck, good Defense and Speed, with abysmal Attack. I'm not sure about her SR skills, but all but one of her R spells are group buffs: Diamond Mode (All), Eggon Mode (All), Berserk Mode (All), Tachyon Mode (All), and Format (All). Format is a group cleanse, so not really a buff. Her last spell is Augmented Doga, which like the others before, most likely becomes Advanced upon attaining SR level 40/60. As you can see, Seimei is a buffer through and through. With only three slots for party members, I can't see much value for her unless you give her heals/revive via innate skills.

    Black Prince: Dark-element, with above average Attack, Speed and Luck. His Defense is on the low side of average. Seems to focus on doing Dark physical damage or poisoning abilities. He also has Rakshasha Lotus. Like Agamemnon, this is one of my lesser known 5* Rares, so I can't comment much on him. He gets Asura Lotus at level 40 SR.

    Kishibojin: Fire-element, with above average Attack and Speed; Defense and Luck are not far behind. This gene seems to be a nuker, with heavy emphasis on Fire and Earth. She has Magic Booster, Fire Booster, and Earth Booster, along with Augmented Cremation and Augmented Doga. To top it off she has Concentrate, which is a spell that doubles your next spell's damage. If you can use her on someone that has a +% Fire/Earth weapon, she will be a good source of damage.

    Xuanzang: Light-element, with a simply absurd amount of Attack. Her Defense and Luck are below average, and her Speed is even further lower than that. She gets three types of Deluge attacks - Light, Ice and Earth - which means she can target those different elements easily. She also gets Critical x2, Augmented Healing and Last Stand. She gets Asura Lotus as her level 40 SR ability.

    Gagarin: Earth-element, with great Defense, above average Attack and Speed, with average Luck. This gene is a mix of buffer, healer and attacker: she has both Format (All) and Diamond Mode (All), so she can both cleanse debuffs and buff your group's Def. She also has Augmented Healing for single target heals and Augmented Core for AoE Earth damage. She then gets Natural Remedy for 5% healing/turn on herself, and Eraser, which can block the skills of one enemy.

    Artemis: Dark-element, with relatively balanced stats; Defense is slightly higher than Attack, which is slightly higher than Speed, and Speed is slightly higher than Luck. This guy has access to Augmented Odette, Odette Jab, Magic Resistance, Braveheart, Augmented Creation and Stress. Note: Stress is an amazing ability from what others have said. This makes Artemis very good at dealing with high-end bosses, as Stress can shave off 20% HP.

    Five-Star Rares by Month:

    1: Calypso / Agamemnon (July, January)

    2: Seimei / Black Prince (August, February)

    3: Dante / Kishibojin (September, March)

    4: Gagarin / Xuanzang (October, April)

    5: Wagner / Artemis (May, November)

    6: Joan / Athena (June, December)

    Five-Star Super Rare Abilities:

    SR Joan of Arc = lv.20: In the Pink, lv.40: Light Deluge, lv.60: Rally
    SR Gagarin = lv. 20: Mental Wall, lv.40: Advance Healing, lv.60: Unstoppable
    SR Artemis = lv.20: Natural Remedy, lv.40: Advance Odette, lv.60: Blue Moon Brave
    SR Wagner = lv.20: Adv Electra, lv.40: Magnum Fang, lv.60: Critical First Attack
    SR Agamemnon = lv.20: Moonlight Shadow, lv.40: Trompe III, lv.60: Effect Booster
    SR Dante = lv.20: Unstopptable, lv.40: Advance Cocytus, lv.60: Effect Booster
    SR Black Prince = lv.20: Emperor Mode, lv.40: Asura Lotus, lv.60: Effect Booster
    SR Athena = lv.20: Concentrate, lv.40: Emperor Mode, lv.60: Advance Aquinas
    SR Xuanzang = lv.20: Unstopptable, lv.40: Asura Lotus, lv.60: Narrow Escape
    SR Calypso = lv.20: Magic Counter, lv.40: Recovery x1.5, lv.60: Prime Recovery
    SR Kishibojin = lv.20: Advance Cremation, lv.40: Advance Doga, lv.60: Attribute Affection
    SR Seimei = lv.20: Moonlight Shadow, lv.40: Mental Wall, lv.60: Braveheart


    If anyone can add info for me, especially the ones I know little about, I would greatly appreciate it. Hope this helps someone.

    Thanks to Mattosai for info about Artemis. Thanks to Evokerz for SR ability info!
  18. sgjr

    sgjr New Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    Again, I thank you for your response and answering the second question. But, again, I need specifics on where the SNOW DROP is please. For you to have made the post about the twelve SR genes, I hope to see one about where the items are on AQUINAS MANUSCRIPT.
  19. Candykiller

    Candykiller Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 15, 2010
    United Kingdom
    I just told you exactly where it is, read 3 posts back.
  20. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    #700 Styr, Jun 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
    I wrote that post for people wondering about the other five star rares. Just because I wrote it doesn't mean I am obliged to spoonfeed you.

    Most of the flowers are easy to find with a tiny bit of exploration, save for the Bleeding Heart which is locked behind a quest. The Firegrass also takes a while to get in-game, but the Snow Drop and Lily Bell are available almost immediately after you get the Mother quest. And they are located in peaceful areas, no less.

    Until you get the quest for the Bleeding Heart, you cannot get the Mother gene. No amount of gathering the flowers quickly will change that.

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