So new fuses open up with each chapter? I'm on 3 and not noticing anything new, still only 2 super rates in they change like the gene boxes or do more options open up?
Can somebody help me please I'm doing Lachesis the Modder quest But I cannot find the rindow spiderweb Someone please help me
I think I got confused on where the rainbow spider Web was too. Turns out I had it in my inventory and just needed to select the right weapon that had it as an option. If you don't have the Rainbow Spider Web yet, I think you can get it from the the purple tree with a bunch of eyes if you don't actually have the item yet. ON A SIDE NOTE- The Purple gift#3 is in Magma Ocean? I completed the Item sheet for the world but I don't have Purple#3, the purple I got from the world was #2:Gemini. IDK what the name of #3 is, greatly appreciate help finding purple # 3 gift ! D:
Try doing a different world tree quest and fight the parasite tree character while you are there and you should get the rainbow spiderweb that way. I found that the item didn't drop if I went to the world tree in explore mode.
I'm now at the start of chapter 4 but there's still no sign of you killing people like in the past Chaos Rings series.
Woah, woah, woah! Hold up a second I'm on 3 too and the only super rare fuse the entire game is still arianrhod. What's this other one?
Hey all I know there is so many pages now on this I have collected quite a few gifts now and I was wondering which characters are pretty good to fuse into. Thank you
Alright, I think I have found the best way to level up genes. First, grab the best armor from Aprils arena, with the high phys resistance. Use the fight now gift Put the highest hit rate weapons you can on Speed and defense bonus accessories are a plus Go to the highest level you can and just fight fight fight and run run run until you face eggons. Only fight them. You can take on eggons at least 15 levels higher than you easily enough, and you will score multiple levels up with each battle.
Hi, sorry if this would spoil your game, but, do I really need to fight that Drei 6? The first "wierd" encounter with him? I'm really wasting my time here surviving and having a hard time putting damage to him. (>~<)
So Egg-ons is faster than doing C or B battles over and over? C battles can be done in 1 or 2 rounds with Medium spells (which pretty much all 4 and 5* genes have at R) B battles might require Strong spells for Auto Battle, or a really high team level. And I'm guessing with a ridiculously high team level, some A battles can be won using Auto Fight.
Oh I just finished that one. Go to the world tree and there's a tree near the top level (you can see him, not a random encounter). And he sometimes drops this item. Also he is a rare encounter, so you may run into him. He looks like a GIGANTIC tree. You'll know when you see him. The screen zoom kind of pans around him when you encounter him. If you are out of luck, leave the area and come back and find the tree again (he should respawn I think).
Alternatively, save before fighting the tree. If you don't get the drop, close the app and load it up again. You get two taps to reset the game (1 for the victory pose, 1 for the results screen) before the game autosaves.
How do you move on with the end game content? I finished all the Art Ascendant sub quests and the orange story arrow is still pointing at the mission center