f2p? What? I don't even recall anyone in this thread even complaining about that. There's nothing f2p in it at all. There's login coins to get bonus items but you don't even need those. The balance in this game is pretty good and this is probably the last great original mobile JRPG. It was good enough to warrant a portable console port.
I didn't mean to say it's strictly, or heavily, F2P, since there's no real money payment involved except the upfront price (that's what the "-ish" was intended for). But it's simply just not "natural" in regular RPGs, as an example, not being able to recover MP, unless you used items that are obtained mainly in a F2P-fashion in the game (through quests or daily logins) when you can usually just rest your party at inns to recover both HP and MP or, later in the game, buy said items from shops using regular credits obtained through battles. I don't think you can get plums from shops, at least not in the first two chapters (I only made it to the start of chapter 3 before losing my progress) and I can barely remember getting a decent amount, if any, from chests or monsters. I noticed there was a way to avoid the MP recovery wait (think of timers, one second per MP point, wth) by simply switching back and forth through Colosseum and Story modes, but that felt like cheating... "Oh, hey, I ran out of MP and I don't have any plums left... let me switch modes and get back to the game". This basically breaks the continuity of play and joy you can get from the game, as well as making it too hard to advance when your characters are low on MP (using skills makes it incredibly easier to go through battles, compared to using physical attacks). Also, some previous comments mention fastforwarding date/time for obtaining some benefits (that rings an old Candy Crush bell, for recovering hearts). I've only/mainly seen this player behaviour in F2P games, when they grow impatient of restricting mechanics or endless/constant flow of content that takes a lot of grinding. Items obtained with Ohnz, although not mandatory for going through the game, are way stronger/faster/improved than items you can get from shops using regular credits. Also, they're apparently the only items with cosmetic value, as for most items you get the same appearance. Think of how some F2P games offer and monetize on different skins and/or special weapons. In addition to this, keep in mind GP boxes, "VIP Access" that tries to encourage players to play more through limited-time exp/money bonus and keys for special chests. Don't get me wrong about the game's remaining aspects quality. I actually enjoyed the story until chapter 3 and, even though they radically changed the visual tone and BGM, I grew used to that change (although I never considered it a Chaos Rings game, since it lacks most of what established the mood in previous games), combats were like in regular turn based RPGs and the finishing moves were cool. But I literally forced myself to play this game in an attempt to make it through the story and find a justification for the money investment. In a second try I didn't feel like making it even to the second chapter and deleted it... maybe I'll play it again later but, for now, I'm staying away from it, since this is not the way I wanna play a game I almost insta-bough out of love for the previous games. If I had known it'd be like this, trust me I wouldn't have spent the money and time I put into it, and I wouldn't be here trying to justify my opinion. Maybe I didn't perform a decent research before purchase. Sorry.
@sebgo I initially agreed with you and it took me a while to get past that and into the game, but once I'd played for a little longer I really fell in love with this game (currently playing through chapter 3) It's really really good, maybe give it a little more time?
Yup, I may give it another try later... waaaaay later. It's not totally out of consideration, but it's still a little hard for me to get back to it, and the constant flow of new releases (indie and bigger companies) make it even harder to look in CR3's way. Haha
A question to everyone... Say another developer manage to license this game and come out with the exact same piece but f2p game. Iphone x support and all the fancy stuffs u expect to be in a game today. Will you be supportive of it. I wish square Enix will consider this.. It's such a pity the last update is 2 years and I can understand the death of premium games u just don't make money anymore. I really want to play this again!!! Please square!!!!!
there are tons of premium, successful games. i really don’t get this “free-to-play or die from hunger” wagon. if your game is good enough you will make money regardless is it f2p or premium.
Just read the FAQ (my sig) we did , if coins are a problem, you can easily fix this with changing your phone date. While it’s true CR III was obviously intended as a f2p release (gacha boxes + currency dont lie) , they did a 180º turn and made it a 100% premium game and prob the best jrpg squix released on iphone (even if i liked the 2 first a lil more story wise , on dramatic side). at least this one is still available, wish they could re-release the 2 firsts in one game, Celestial Diva is still one of the best song i heard. Btw i dont feel premium games are dying at all, monster hunter stories is probably my goty , sky gamblers storm raiders 2 etc.. And f2p model is now most generous overall imo in EN versions, played sdorica, was nice for a while. Now playing EN Azure Lane (game similar to girls frontline but with different gameplay.) and unlike ffbe or jp nuts 1/2/3% gacha rates (dropped grancrest cause of it despite being a fan) , 7% + banner chances , any f2p can get best SR units multiple times without efforts, skins are mostly what you pay for. Needless to say it’s optional.
I was thinking of getting this but saw that the AppStore has a notation that the game has issues with iOS13 and iPadOS. They say to bear with them while they try to fix it. There is no recent update for the game so I was wondering if anyone knows how long the game has been broken and what exactly is the fault? I am very wary of Square Enix actually fixing their mobile games after they completely neglected to fix Chaos Rings 2 (that was an expensive outcome for me
The game renders weird on some devices (it's unplayable on any iPhone with a notch). For me it works fine on my iphone 7 and iPad Pro 2nd gen. Squeenix don't have a great reputation for fixing their games.. so it is a bit of a risk! But it does work for me at the moment.
I’m holding out hope that they update this. Was shocked that Final Fantasy 6 was updated with X support a few weeks ago. Fingers crossed!
Updated for iOS 13 but… no full screen support, still borders At least I hope it's playable now for those having problems.
Of course so. It's kind of old game. Do you really think they can remaster all the things or whatever?
Uh yeah, why not? Tons of games do it. I can understand when it's a 2D game as that might require redrawing assets, but 3D polygonal games can typically be made full screen without too much issue.
So glad this has been fixed I noticed lately square is updating all their games so that rocks hopefully TWEWY will be next
FIXED!!?? YES!!! Still my favorite mobile RPG ever. I was worried it might have been dead. I put it on "offload" so now time to get back into it. So happy to be wrong. I thought SQE would've given up on it since it probably isn't generating much money anymore.
Got back into the game recently and it’s fun. But there’s seems to be an audio issue? Sometimes music plays and other times it doesn’t? Anyone know a fix?