Time for me to play CR3 again... lost my save file so... i'll dig in again in the FAQ (sig) , as i don't remember most tips haha... QQ.
Well, if you mean which one is best on the App Store, isn't CR3 the only one on the App Store now? I'd say CR3 has the most to do in it and is probably the best overall. CR2 was great, but CR1 will always be nostalgic for me as the first. Why do you ask?
CR1 & 2 have a different vibe, more drama, choices, regrets etc, they follow the same formula. CR3 is more "rpgesque" more areas, exploration (very minimalist in cr 1&2) and a vastly better combat system imo with ofc some drama/epicness too but the tone is lighter imo overall. But story wise i can't help feeling nostalgic about the 2 first opuses, not mentionning Celestial Diva song from cr2 still resonating within me QQ
You've pretty much summed it all up in a nutshell. I don't even know why I'm even posting a follow-up response, lol! All else I could say is that I highly recommend Chaos Rings III. If SQUAREENIX ever releases another Chaos Rings game (CHAOS RINGS IV), I hope that they can at least take advantage of the Retina display nearly all up-to-date iOS devices use.
Crashing when naming team Hi guys, hope you can help. Just bought CR3 from the googleplay store, and it looks great! However, about 1-2 hours in, when you are asked to name your team at the dinner table, entering a name and pressing enter causes the game to crash. I have tried it several times now, including in airplane mode, and with a new game, but every time, the game simply closes. So I am wondering if I am now forced to email google play and ask for a refund? I would love to play the game, but it does not seem like i can. I searched the net for advice, but no one has any solutions i could find. On the google play store, several reviews also point to this naming issue as a bug but there has not been a solution or update by square to fix it. can anyone advise? should i seek a refund? Thanks!!
Howdy. I purchased the app a few days ago and everything seemed fine and dandy until about 2 hours into the game, when an annoying buzzing sound appeared. It happens during walking or fighting i.e. when I don't move everything is fine, and what's even weirder, it happens ONLY with connected headphones. Game sound works just fine through internal speaker, and no, it's not the headphones. This is the only app that has that issue, and besides I tried 4 different headphones. Oh, and obviously I reinstalled the app (and this time sound issues appear from the start), nothing works. Anyone with any idea on how to fix the problem? Thanks in advance.
Transfer Hello, I'm planning to change my iphone 5 to iphone 6. is there a way to transfer the save file? I like this game a lot, but i dont want to restart my +100 hours of playtime
Post-Game Feedback Hello again everyone, after 90+ hours, I've FINALLY beat the game! Chaos Rings III is a MASTERPIECE in many respects! I feel that this game is the best in the series, even moreso than the brilliant Chaos Rings II...not only this, I believe that this is the best full-fledged traditional RPG on mobile even still to this day! If anyone's still on the fence about buying this game, rest assured that you're getting your money's worth! The story alone is worth the hefty price; this game receives my highest of recommendations. After you finish the game, you'll understand...
victim of date trick in-game date messed up, accidentally saved on september 2017. Now i cant get daily bonuses on real date. How to reset ingame date? it is annoying.
Unfortunately I can only think about stopping playing until September so that the phone clock syncs with the game clock, sorry. Were you messing with the phone clock to get daily rewards or something similar? I did that long time ago, but stopped doing so because games did all kind of weird things because of this.