@Spinda: Great write up! It was really helpful though it was a bit hard to understand. So I take it the Kepler card should be used to fuse with 1 other card to increase that card's rarity, that's the simple answer? The other use you said is to give an existing gene an ability you want, you have to teach the ability to Kepler (using a bought item that teaches an ability immediately- not through fusion), then fuse Kepler with the gene you want upgraded. Is that correct? The main concept is you always lose Kepler through fusion and get to keep the other gene. If that's true, it seems like it would be difficult to give a favorite gene an ability another gene has. You'd normally end up creating a new gene with fusion. So the only thing you can do is give Kepler a self teach item you bought, and then fuse the Kepler with the favorite gene to get that ability? I haven't seen any good instant learn abilities but I'm very early in the game. Are they in shops? I only bought an increase encounter skill but that's probably the most useless skill which I'll throw on some weak gene if I'm out to grind.
Yeah, that's what feels so f2p, the tokens. I've purchased one piece of new equipment, but it'll take a while before I can save up enough to upgrade everyone. Seems like the perfect opportunity to sell IAP tokens. Also, the VIP membership thing seems like a f2p mechanic. I mean, I'm super glad it is premium! It's just really interesting having these elements in a fully premium game. Kind of weird at first, but definitely refreshing. Alright, now to find out if I can make it past Moctopus on my phone.
Slight correction about Genes learning abilities You can view all the skills a Gene can learn by going to Gene Swap -> Selecting the Gene -> Select Skills Tab So Normal learns skills at 15/30, Rare at 15/30/45 (nothing at 60) Super Rare "Before 25"/40/60, before 25 because Level 60R + Kepler = L25SR, so maybe 20 since the other 2 skills come in at 40 and 60 If you're planning to complete the colloseum for May (12 boxes is 2M points, I just boughtt the last 5 boxes, the prize is L1R Snow White) She has Weak Light and Earth All, Light Boost, Medium Light Single and Healing All Also the Armor you can get from the C special boss is 20% Phys Res -20% Magic Res (yes that's minus), from the B boss it's 30% for both values.
About the coliseum sets - as long as you get even one item from the set, it'll always be available as an option in the random pull screen. So make sure you do at least one, if nothing else.
How long will it take for them to address the Moctopus crash? I was hoping they would have patched it by now as it seems to be fairly common and people paid a lot of money for this game.
Well, this waiting for MP to refill isn't that refreshing actually. Without an IAP system to buy tokens to refill MP it is actually really annoying. I wish while fighting in the battle mode it would refill after each tournament. But, take the good with the bad I guess!
The question is would you rather have a CR3 that is completely freemium or one that walks, talks and quacks like an f2p game but is premium? Those two seem to be the only options, given how hard they have gone with FFRK.
Great post! I am playing all the chaos theorys again to make the third one more epic, well in truth i am only playing the second one now!! And just wow! I loved the first one, but this one has took it up another level, i really hope the third one surpasses the second even more? Going by shawns review it could well be which is very high praise. Im envious you guys are enjoying it in the meantime....
MP is restored every time you go back to town. So just have your party sit in town before going into the Modern Arena. Then just switch back to Story mode once you need MP restored.
after Al joined my team i have to go to the spaceport du rescue leary.. but i see no way to do that. does anyone know how to continue from that point? :/ edit: nevermind i think i just had to shuffle the quests :X
Hey, have you guys noticed if hits just divide your damage, or what. I'm not sure how to figure out when one weapon is really advantageous over another. It seems like more hits is clearly better, especially for eggons There's also the attack level you have with your genepower and attack must be really different stats, otherwise the increase of 10 or 15 power for -2 hits would be dumb. The easy way to test this would be to put on a weapon with more hits and the same power, but I don't have that.
How did you manage to run out of MP to the point that you have to wait? I've clocked 16h, on chapter 3 at the moment and not even once I had problem with MP. Maybe you should rethink how you are playing. The MP replenishing items are not that hard to come by as well.
Enemy defense is also a factor. There are times when Leary can match Daisuke in total damage (tested with the same Genes), usually on weak enemies. But there are times when Leary does pretty pathetic total damage with normal attacks. So it also depends on the enemy.