Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by NaiveCynic, May 28, 2015.

  1. SkyressKing

    SkyressKing Member

    Feb 9, 2009
    Noooo, ho1yski3s, you're wrong about something~~~~

    A lot of people have a misconception that Greed Seed is the worst but it's actually the best one. If you can get 8 Greed Seed II (+5 all stats) or 4 Greed Seed III, you can feed all 8 to a gene at the SAME time. This lets you work around the stats cap and have +40 on all stats.

    The more you know ;) It's the most you can optimize one gene in the game.
  2. SkyressKing

    SkyressKing Member

    Feb 9, 2009
    I've also been farming Greed Seed II for that purpose alone. I find the best approach is to do a run of the Magma Ocean and to open chests. Every 10 levels, there are 3 chests. You can just reset your game every time you don't open a chest with Greed Seed II in it.
  3. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Ohh interesting I didn't realize this. So that means you should use anything but greed seeds (II or III) on your best genes?
  4. Tenebr1s

    Tenebr1s Active Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    #1984 Tenebr1s, Nov 13, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
    wow... welp back to breeding for another gozen and doe...
    i may have to restart cuz i used my floodgate and crit first atk xxxDDD

    Edit: rate my new JD and SG

    Advanced Odette
    Asura Lotus
    Crit *2
    First atk crit
    Dark Booster

    Attribute Affection
    Magic booster (I'll just farm for them wonder drugs)

    Recov *1.5
    Beautiful Rain
    Mental Wall
    Moonlight Shadow
    Physical block

    Adv heal all (use vin brule, there for a reason)
  5. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    I tried it on my save. Doesn't work. It will either pump the first two stats 20/20 or one stat by 40. There will always be 40 total stat add cap
  6. Tenebr1s

    Tenebr1s Active Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    #1986 Tenebr1s, Nov 13, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
    also tried it, just raised my attack by 40...
    damn! i was almost about to delete my save too!

    goddamn i misclicked and deleted it :/ I won't be able to experiment for a while
  7. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    That happened to my first save :/ And then I restarted the game with 4 stars from the gene box and discovered the wonders of Kishibojin. Remember to make copies of saves guys.
  8. Tenebr1s

    Tenebr1s Active Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    Eeh no biggie, over sulking and now after about 45 mins of save scumming, i have black prince (morphs into Jack), Wagner and caylpso.
    Another two hours and ill have cleared chapter 2.
  9. Khangress

    Khangress Active Member

    Aug 17, 2015
    Should I just sell half of my plums? I never use them and now I have 99, with 5 in my "get gifts" tab.
  10. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    You can use them while farming items? Final dungeon last room has a bunch of tough mobs which you can farm apples of flesh and eternity from. Or a run in magma ocean. Or farming century tusks in the ark. I think so many plums shouldnt be just sold away.
  11. Tenebr1s

    Tenebr1s Active Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    personally I don't use plums unless I actually need them in a fight.
    not sure if people know this, but if you swap to my page and refill mp there, it'll carry over.
    my page transfer from town locations to arena also refills MP.
  12. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    MP refills by changing between story and battle modes only works when you are in town. Out of town MP only refills over time.
  13. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    #1993 ho1yski3s, Nov 15, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
    Catastrophe 1 turn kill

    I just did something pretty amazing. I bought Al's 40 Weight Armor from the shop and gave it +60 Weight mod. Then i set Al up with a +130% Light Weapon (Carnivore Maximus) and +170 Atk Ain Soph Aur accessory. The gene is Xuanzang with Light Booster, Floodgate and Critical First Attack.

    The important thing about the fight is to set up Attack Up and Luck Up on all characters before Catastrophe spawns. Luck is for Wagner's Magnum Fang's increased chance to crit and for second char's Gamma Knife to hit as well.

    Catastrophe always starts with Dark Element. Leary's Attack Boosted Magnum Fang did around 6700 damage. Then Elroux threw her Gamma Knife which doesnt break the combo. Al dives in dealing 30k alone with the Floodgate Crit First Attack. The hard part is making sure the AA is Al's. I still cannot understand why sometimes its another character instead of the last hitter who gets the AA. After about 6 tries I managed to get the AA going and it perfectly killed Catastrophe at the last slash of the first set (17k damage total) The second set overkilled him by 8k

    Weight is powerful.

    Attached Files:

  14. Tenebr1s

    Tenebr1s Active Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    where can you fight catastrophe?

    also, claymore, chapter 33. Mariv comfirmed, Illuminati comfirmed, world is gonna end

  15. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    Final Boss of Normal Battle in the Modern Colosseum. This boss absorbs any element that it isn't currently weak to and has 50k HP.
  16. Tenebr1s

    Tenebr1s Active Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    i actually beat everything up to cheating death, did every event quest (all armor/wep drops + fests) and still haven't unlocked it...
    Also, missing three colloseum weapons... y u no have dark+ weps and physical weps?
  17. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    Its the MC Incarnatus that you fight in cheating death. Also there are no bolt or dark event weapons. :/
  18. Tenebr1s

    Tenebr1s Active Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    oh, i was thinking something else...
    also wow, i guess i can't get al thunderclap and mc another og incarnus
  19. Tenebr1s

    Tenebr1s Active Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    #1999 Tenebr1s, Nov 16, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
    So still team building then i found a good genes for most chars... Personal preferences and bias of course :p

    MC: john doe
    Not changing it, can easily chip 7k hp without break, same affinity. With break and light affinity + proper boosts and you can manage up to 30k

    Elroux: Shizuka Gozen, Iseult
    Ah yes, the two forge-only light genes. Shizuka gozen is an absolute healing beast. She can survive two rounds of super dorothy's dark nukes. Thats real tanking there.
    Iseult is my personal favorite snow tiger trader offer, concentrated light nukes arent just fancy pyrotechniks either.

    Al: Wagner
    Still working on genes with our thousand voyager. He has huge potential damage output with alter la trivia, crit first and floodgate wagner has as default skills help a ton too... Primary candidate for gilgamesh.

    Daisuke: Kishibojin
    Imo kishibojin is early access john doe without the ability to breed for emperor mode or other 'superior' skills. Still does impressive damage regardless, mainly used when john doe doesnt pull through. (honestly, why use concentrate and rally when you can just cast twice? Extra break accounts for more to me then sp saved)

    Leary: -
    Sorry, leary but due to your lack of end game weapon i have been neglecting you a lot :p still looking into more genes...

    Other noteworthy genes:
    Kojiro (decent physical attacker, has a 100% hit gurantee skill)
    Coloumbus (good stats... Not much i can say otherwise)
    Santa claus (no idea why you would use her, but if she gets risk breaker (havent been using her) she would be an absolute beast with her absurdly high HP boost
    Okita (breed for snow tiger)
    Salome (easiest access to trade/odd month box only)

    But yeah, thats about it. Most self buffs the way i see it is negligible since you can just use a miracle pill (farm at ark, along with century horn and plate) and besides, who actually emperors for every single encounter?

    Edit: gilgamesh and adrianhod have the highest stats overall hold HP (honestly, unless you are super weak you wont get hit for anything more than 2k to begin with) xuanjang also has like a two thirds of gilgamesh's stats, but why use her? So slow ugh!

    Feedback plz as always :p
  20. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    The exceptional part about Leary is her ability to fill the break gauge super easily even without Magnum Fang. Give her Heart Stealer II (postgame weapon. Hits: 6 Power: 11 compared with 72 total power on other weapons of the same price) with +40 Break Mod and her 6 hit normal attack will always fill 99 percent - one hit shy from max break (her Magnum fills a fully red gauge to fully blue). Now from the tutorial/Honey Holly's random rants you know that the more Break gauge filled the more damage, and conversely no Break filled is less damage, so the character who goes first in a fight will always be dealing less damage. Leary fills the role of starting the combos, she might deal less damage at first, but she helps the other characters who act after like Alter La Traviata Al deal more damage. That is why i use Wagner with her, because lacking a Bolt event weapon Wagner is less of a nuker but more of a utility combo starter.

    About Kishibojin, the way concentrate works is that it will deal 2x damage in one turn, essentially casting a spell twice in one turn. An enemy has a set amount of magic defense so it will reduce the damage of the first spell but not the second spell. This is why sometimes an non-resisted attack against a high level monster does below 100 damage but with concentrate it deals more damage than below 200 (and why i think Critical x2 deals way more physical damage in one turn than a Deluge skill, because the "second crit" isn't mitigated). Concentrate also lets you combo easier because the Kishi user will be setting up for high damage the second turn after buffs and debuffs/Ice Lotion applied rather than do bad damage first turn then moderate damage second turn.

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