Universal Cavern (by Sami Sierla)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by soulinhki, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    Why no good deed goes unpunished...


    There's nothing wrong with asking for help, in fact it's one of the great things about boards like this, and is a necessary part to keep a board community from dying.

    If you notice I responded w/ quite long and thoughtful posts. You may have used the advice or not, but you can't doubt effort was given on my part. I guess I just got a little annoyed when I know 32% resist rings ain't there and then you're definitively saying what's best when less than 24 hours ago you couldn't get past the sixth level.

    Look, in the game I'm playing now, my character has zero resistance protection, and is about where yours ended your game and has a higher score. You're playing an old version and if this isn't exactly begging, it sounds a bit desperate, you'll give me that:

    "This game is ridiculously hard, any tips for a beginner mage? Seems like resetting the game till I start with an Ice Wand has taken me the farthest so far, still only managed to reach about the 6th floor though . . ." - Cilo, yesterday

    Today I get told about 35% chromatic rings and 16% wizards' cloaks and when I reasonably conclude that you got a lucky bug, cuz that shit just ain't in the game you admit you got the numbers all screwed up, that you're playing an old version of the game, but you're still right because people in the mystic top 20 have even BETTER equipment than that.

    Then you lecture me on endgame (after not being able to get past level six yesterday), and tell me resistance rings/amulets are absolutely the way to go, no doubt about it.

    Look update the game, beat it again, then talk. You're not playing the same game the rest of us are.

    Also, I have no idea what the "leaderboards" are. I thought you were talking about the hall of fame boards, but Broadsword is #1 by far, and I'm on the top ten twice on the Mage list, so obviously you mean something different.

    The gear you used, your score, all that is automatically included so there's no need for screen shots. Only info that isn't is your character stats (int, str, etc). Maybe it's because you haven't updated the game, I don't know. But the vast majority opinion of posters is that the game got much better after the updates, so do it today and get current, man. It's free and shit so there's no excuse.
  2. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    #682 Cilo, Mar 5, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
    Not interested in getting into an epeen debate about a game, I enjoyed it, interpret my posts however you like, I feel you're interpreting hostility where there wasn't any but I'm not going to reciprocate it. I'm glad you enjoyed the game as well, maybe they'll add your name to the credits in the next update. :D

    I'll leave you to manage this thread, heading back to wait until either Battleheart Legacy or Hell The Dungeon Again releases! Good luck in life, enjoy yourself at TA.
  3. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    #683 trickamsterdam, Mar 5, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
    No good deed 2: This time it's NOT personal. Because that would involve "epeen."

    Ok, cool but whenever someone makes a big point of saying they're not going to reciprocate hostility, it's sort of a passive aggressive way of reciprocating hostility.

    Mostly I was trying to tell you facts about things you were saying that were simply untrue (e.g., they're AREN'T a bunch of people in the Mage top 20 that have chromatic rings of 32% or better, Broadsword and I ARE on the top 20 lists), and also tell you things that are probably true (if you follow your prismatic/chromatic resistance strategy at the cost of armor and damage items in the updated version you'll probably be killed).

    Remember this all started with you asking for tips. Why resent tips about how you may have to alter strategy when you update the game? Also my very long posts of valid and real tips should have earned me some benefit of the doubt and shit.

    Ultimately you seemed like you could be an interesting person, and probably were following good strategy for the early version of the game you played, but just seemed to dig in on too many comments and opinions that simply didn't make much sense.

    Even your last comment that I was the caretaker of this thread and "enjoy TA" seemed to be a subtle put down that I have no life, and you have better things to do...but you have 1854 posts, and I only have 19.
  4. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    I wasn't implying anything, I'm glad you enjoyed the game, I genuinely hope you have a great life and I felt let's just agree that our personalities might not be suited in communicating with each other, so, so long. Also that post count is over the course of 4 years lol I pale in comparison to some people here who have racked up thousands in that same time frame. I think I'm averaging less than 2 a day lol. :eek:
  5. dominici

    dominici Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2010
    I just installed this on my iPod Touch from work and when I tried to load the game, the game kept freezing at the loading screen and then it would crash. I took a punt and switched off my wifi, and the game loaded fine. It seems the game does some sort of internet check when it first loads, and doesn't seem to like it if it does detect the internet, but can't get through due to firewall or blocking some port, as my work is prone to do. This may be the cause of some other people reporting crashes?
  6. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    I sent you a pm, but I'm not sure if you read it before you wrote this or read it at all. Basically it seemed like you might stop posting on the thread (when you said you'd leave me as caretaker to the thread, or something to that effect) because you didn't want the hassle of interacting with me. So I wanted to assure you that if you didn't want me to comment on your posts I would comply with and respect that.

    Not that you were afraid of me or anything like that, but I could see stopping posting in a thread because it just seems like it's going to be a hassle getting in an an argument with some guy every time.

    I don't want that to happen because this is an extremely solid game and you seemed excited about it. So let me know by pm or post if you're interested in still posting on this thread, but with no replies by me. I will respect your wishes and no hard feelings.

    The one thing I disagree with is that our personalities don't mesh. I think it was purely a case of getting off on the wrong foot for a myriad of reasons.

    Essentially what I think happened is we were talking past each other because we were interested in two different subjects. You were trying to communicate the excitement of beating a game you really enjoyed and I was trying to figure out how you'd gotten all this equipment I'd never seen.

    This eventually lead to sarcasm and annoyance, but I think it was a unique situation. The vast majority of the time I think we would get along quite well and discus subjects intelligently and respectfully.
  7. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    It's level 44 or death. And death is looking better all the time...

    I just went on a long run under the name "chilling ring of ox" where I finished in the top-five among mages and 18th among over-all players, but got nowhere close to Broadsword's level 44 achievement.

    I couldn't even beat his old character Hobo, who beat me too, by a couple dozen points. Broadsword said if I kept playing, I'd probably figure it out, but I've been playing for almost a month and see no path to level 44. Even if it's a bug, where's the goddamned bug??

    I'll probably try a bit longer...
  8. Broadsword

    Broadsword Member

    Feb 20, 2014
  9. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    #689 trickamsterdam, Mar 8, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
    Rant: Gazer is a pussy...Darth Nihilus is expensive pussy.

    The Gazer may be the most over-hyped, over-rated boss since Darth Nihilus. At least in this little corner of Internet gaming.

    This floating pussy is so easy to kill its hard to tell what you even did to kill him. Seriously, he dies so quick I can't even see which of my bolts from my wand even did it.

    I don't bother with scrolls on him anymore, except a charm scroll on his henchman who wears the armor, and who gives the impression once he starts fighting for me that he could almost handle Gazer and all the skeletons by himself.

    You get what you pay for, and evidently Gazer paid for the best (he certainly leaves enough gold and turkey drumsticks laying around on tables)...but it's pretty embarrassing when an arch-boss and his undead legion can't handle one hypnotized goon wearing a tin can.

    Also, Gazer is a tactical genius not, since the gate he put up to protect himself, merely protects me from being bum-rushed by his hoards since only one door in the gate opens, allowing only one underling out at a time.

    Maybe this would be a problem for the fighter class, who if they didn't have swords would be ditch diggers or janitors, but we are mages and breeze through this kind of shit.

    All this after seeing Gazer's picture on every wall in the early dungeons, his totally creepy music when you finally make it to his lair, the horrible scenes of torture in the lair and then this levitating ass-head just lays down like a cheerleader on prom night.

    It's exactly like an indie Nihilus, who was hyped with music, imagery, bodyguards, horror-scenes, and when the final battle came...drew his light saber, swung it a bit, then grabbed his chest and fell over, and then had his body disappear. He, too, had trouble handling one of his bodyguards.

    Gazer and Nihilus are a disgrace to bosses everywhere, and the bosses from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (or however the hell you spell it) kick ass and make pee pee on them.
  10. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    NSA, Broadsword, amiright?

    At least I beat Hobo and BitchBow in my latest run. You were mortal once. Only two guys have ever gotten over level 30 and I'm pretty sure Valiant did it more or less by accident. Even the Dev didn't understand how to do it, he made that clear when you asked him about it.

    But with you it's very clear you figured out how to do it on the scumsquatch run, but something went wrong, but you knew your theory was right. So then you're so confident, you use the name Broadsword for your run to really bury everybody, which is the name you're known as here and not a joke name.

    I'm quite flattered you said I'd eventually figure it out, as it's quite clear by now that you're the only one in the world that understands it. Seriously, the Dev admitted he doesn't understand it...and Valiant...well, he's a guy who chose to call himself "Sir Valiant". We could water-board him at Guantanamo for a month and he couldn't duplicate that score.

    But I bet you could go over level 30 tomorrow, it's just you've proved your point and I also suspect to get a score that high is very, very time consuming.

    What I could have probably done if I'd wanted to prove a point is eventually beat out Phalmight, and become the #1 Mage, as well as out-scoring all the fighters who've ever played, thus proving that they are the ditch-diggers and janitors of fantasy gaming. This would have made them happy as they are naturally subservient, in addition to being quite depraved.

    It is well-known that people who play the fighter class have severe sexual problems, such as enjoying being caned by midgets (who in their sick minds they pretend are hobbits), and that they think Japanese hentai cartoons are documentaries. Many, many of them are furries.

    But being the #1 Mage and humiliating some fighter-class playing perverts and riff raff seems a bit pointless now.

    You though should go to work for the NSA cracking codes and reading people's shopping lists, you're that good. Jesus, you probably already are. ;)

    Note: I have not given up but it is slowly dawning on me that I ain't gonna get it done, and that wazhack or whatever game you recommended to me looks interesting. I like the way they say their game is hard so as a beginner you must play a fighter, not a Mage. Like me, they realize it's a class for people who don't know what they're doing. That's a very, very good sign in a dev.

    I'd go back to playing 100 Rogues, but they're going to have to fix it...AGAIN. It won't show you your score when you beat the game, and it's the kind of game where the whole point is to beat your best score. What those devs do to that game is similar to what Michael Jackson's plastic surgeons did to his face.
  11. bluewomble88

    bluewomble88 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    I keep coming back to this thread and getting so close to buying Cavern. Something always stops me though. Can anyone convince me to take the plunge? It isn't the price, I just want to know it's time well spent. A few questions....

    How randomised are the levels each time you play?
    On further runs, are there any remnants of your previous avatars?
    How much micromanaging is there (I don't mind a bit but if there's a lot of items and other stuff to mess about with then it's a huge turn off)?
    How much grinding is there (the less the better)?

    Many thanks.
  12. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Cavern is one of my IOS favorites, I highly recommend it to rogue-like fans. If you like the genre, then you shouldn't hesitate.

    You can't grind in this game. Enemies don't respawn. You can of course, clean out the level completely before proceeding.

    The game is mainly randomized but has some static rooms and areas, usually only for boss fights and stuff like that. Other than that, it's very much randomized.

    There's quite a bit of loot, but if you don't plan on selling it all, you can just leave it on the floor. The items are well randomized, kinda like diablo, where you can have random suffix / prefix. I love it. There's a town at the surface, which you can teleport to with a scroll or the heaver, and unlimited portal stone.
  13. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    Jorlen answered most of your questions. As far as remnants, you'll come across corpses of fallen heroes from other players or your own deaths, however their ghosts become an ally for that floor. It can attack with you, and has hp and can die.
  14. undeadcow

    undeadcow Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    Houston, TX
    Consider secret rooms in new floor/places every time a peak at how detailedand randomized Cavern, you won't regret a purchase. Running into player corpses/ghosts is another highlight. Cavern is also one of my favorite iOS games
  15. Dsoden

    Dsoden New Member

    Apr 3, 2014
    I may be stuck

    Hello. I hoping that I'm just missing something and am not actually stuck. I'm in the Lower Batrachian caves and I cannot reach the stairs down. I can see them on the map which I revealed with a scroll, but there is no way to get there. A solid dungeon wall separates that area of the level. I assumed there was a secret door or a lever that I missed but I cannot find it and am now woried that the random level generation may have failed to provide a path. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  16. soulinhki

    soulinhki Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2009
    Sounds like a bug - unfortunately there is little that can be done if stairs are unreachable. Cavern should regenerate all levels that have unreachable stairs so don't know how this have happened. If you have access to your device filesystem you can send me the savegame files for inspection. Will look into this in any case.

    Also some updates on how the next version of Cavern is progressing :

    I've been super busy with my day time job and school projects so Cavern update has been on hold - I most likely have time to work on it in April but this will be mostly bugfix release with some minor new features.
    I've also been putting some hours on a Unity port of Cavern - I've not yet decided if I will do it but it seems that it wouldn't be huge effort and would of course enable android and desktop ports of the game. I've got a prototype running that reads Cavern datafiles and generates levels.

    And one more thing - me and two other fellow guys have applied for funding for a roguelike game rooting in Cavern world - no idea if we get the funding but if we do it will make me a full-time game developer.
  17. sbj-in-az

    sbj-in-az Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    Stuck at gate of Gazer's Lair

    Hi all,

    I'm on the Gazer's Lair level and am standing right in front of the double gates to the actual gazer's lair (not the beginning of the level). This was not my first rodeo in Cavern so I knew what to expect. I am playing as a mage, so I collected a nice grouping of bones and resurrected a clump of skeletons at the southern end of the hallway leading up to his lair, and then gulped a blessing potion and headed north. I zapped the archers, visible guards and gazer-summoned skellies in the lair with spells and then resurrected THEIR bones inside the gazers lair. They all ran off to the right and proceeded to kill the Gazer who I never really saw (He did zap me a few times with Cold from long distance as is his practice).

    Now I am standing at the gates, which are locked, and I can't get in. In my past runs, I think the gates were opened by one of the guards inside as he was charging outward but this time I guess I overwhelmed them and they never opened the gate...

    I've been up and down the entry hall looking for a secret door or lever to open the gates, but I don't think there is one. Am I screwed? I can continue downwards, as the exit to this level is not behind these gates, but the treasure is...

    Thanks for any advice.
  18. soulinhki

    soulinhki Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2009
    Gazer room doors are controlled by hidden swithces in front of them (player triggerable), will check what might cause this bug.

    And then some Cavern news :

    Unfortunately my team did not get funding for the planned new game in Cavern universe, on the other hand this means that some features planned for it most likely will be implemented to original Cavern in future updates.
    Also, Unity 3D rewrite mentioned previously is on hold for now, it's just too tedious to rewrite everything in C# just for android compatibility. Maybe it will happen someday though.

    Next update is progressing and in addition to smaller bugfixes it will bring two very visible changes:

    1) Old per-tile field of vision will be replaced with raycasted field of vision, which looks a lot more nicer in motion. It will change a gameplay a bit since you will see more of the world in most cases. I've not still decided if I'll keep the old FOV as an option (that would alter game balance)

    2) All GUI elements are replaced with more professional graphics - hopefully I'll be able to replaces character graphics with custom ones too. (All current Cavern guis are based on GPL stuff)

    Will post screenshots of both soon.

    Also, as a forward warning, in future (not in next update) Cavern will most likely drop support for iOS 5.x and 6.x due to changes in internal scripting engine.
  19. Artfoundry

    Artfoundry Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2009
    COO and Creative Director at LCD Dreams, Inc.
    Bay area, CA
    Wow, cool sounding updates! Haven't played in a while, but I'd be interested in seeing those changes.
  20. paradsecar

    paradsecar Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Too bad about the other game, but good news for Cavern. Still the best rogue-like on ios, hands down.

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