Universal Cavern (by Sami Sierla)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by soulinhki, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    Warning: A few small spoilers about spell powers in this post...


    Thanks for the explanation on the resurrect scroll. I'd been trying to use it on dead heroes. I either thought it would revive their ghosts again or possibly bring them totally back to life w/ their abilities, but as AI.

    When it never worked, I figured it was a random power and I was unlucky, or, more likely, a practical joke by the Dev. But that sounds like an interesting power, especially for Mage, thanks again.

    Also, you were right to block out the text. I usually put "spoilers" in the title bar if I'm going to discuss the specifics of a game, I'm going to start that again.
  2. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    A great game is "Dungeons & Such". It is $2.99, but there is a lite version for free. It does all the good things this game does, but in a completely different way. Probably doesn't have the replay ability of Cavern, because it's not the kind of game you play again just trying to get a higher score, but the twist when you finally beat it at the end is hilarious and cool. A first person dungeon crawler more than a rogue-like, but I can't see anyone who likes Cavern not liking Dungeons & Such.
  3. Broadsword

    Broadsword Member

    Feb 20, 2014
    #663 Broadsword, Feb 24, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2014
    Well I finally broke into the top three. Scumsquatch joins the ranks of the hallowed at the #2 spot, with a mighty picture on the wall in the mystery object room. A fighter class who came so close to death several times. I had my chance to beat the number 1 spot but messed up and couldn't do it. Another fun run!
    Some more things I noticed... the scrolls have a target limit that is not imposed. I can pick as many enemies that are on the screen regardless of what the scroll limit is.
    @Trickamsterdam, you might want to bring that demon skull to the recycling bin...

    Good gaming guys
  4. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    I'll check it out for sure, thanks!
  5. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    Warning: some minor spoilers in the game talk and advice...

    How on Earth did you get that score? That's amazing to the point where I honestly don't see how it's mathematically possible. I assumed the other scores were from some pre-update version.

    I've been on my own quest to prove that Mage is as good as the other two, and that those fighters who don't do well in it will have to accept they are miserable failures at the Internet and stop blaming the class.

    Hey, I kid the fighters. They are the jocks of gaming and like to hit things w/ big swords and who can blame them? All the damsels like a knight w/ a big sword.

    Your advice has been key in my triumph however (e.g., the weight trick w/ strength items in the back pack, the fact that scrolls have no limits). I hope the Dev doesn't fix these, as they are features not bugs. They also make up for having to walk down 16 levels when the teleport stone bugs out.

    I was fourth on Mage, but would have been tenth on Archer (really tied for ninth) and would have been 12th on Fighter and was 24th overall. And I'm not even very good at video games. Someone really good could rule at Mage. Wasn't phalimight (sp?) a Mage?

    The Mage is as powerful as the other two and easier than the other two and because it gets more powerful faster is more fun than the other two. At least IMO. That is my story and I am sticking to it. How long am I sticking to it? Until the bitter end.

    But seriously, I really don't understand how you go that score. Like literally I don't. I cleared the whole dungeon. I walked through a level until there was nothing there. Both up and down.

    True on my way back up I didn't pick up any of the trash to sell. It would've been too boring, but that wasn't going to get me another 100,000 points anyway. I did sell everything I had once I got back, except my main equipped items and another ring which was basically an equipped item. I wanted to show what items could work for a Mage for anyone who was interested. But going back in the dungeon w/ a teleport stone and collecting and selling everything was not going to get 100k points.

    So how'd you do it, Sensei?

    Signed, your humble karate kid, Daniel-San...I mean Trickamsterdam.
  6. Broadsword

    Broadsword Member

    Feb 20, 2014
    Haha, you want the secrets to my success? I'm actually playing the mage class now and working on the #1 overall spot. Very powerful class for sure, as all magical damage is increased based on intelligence. I won't give you my methods just yet, you can probably figure it out if you play more. I will say that I was shocked to learn another new thing this time around, there is a secret door in town! Anyone else find it?
    Well good luck and thanks for the credits...you'll be seeing me atop the leader board with another picture in the hallowed room of champions soon enough!
  7. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    Warning: minor spoilers in game play...

    There are actually two secret doors. One's an arrow trap, the other is a tribute to long time fans, indie devs, and I guess a deceased friend or loved one.

    I can tell your strategy has something to do w/ money, because you sold every one of your items and told me to recycle the demon skull (I didn't know i'd get money, I was just trying to humiliate the fat, red freak).

    But you must also be finding a way to generate more monsters
    to kill. I kind of have a theory I may test next time on how to do that.
    So crazy it might just work.

    I was also surprised you said you nearly got killed a few times.

    I only got in trouble once, I was talking to someone and didn't look at the life bar. To me mages are OP from the start as long as they get a fire or especially ice wand. Even poison is ok cuz you can usually sell it fast.

    But it's interesting to me you nearly died. I rarely felt danger, so maybe that has something to do w/ your strategy as well.

    Glad to see someone who knows what he's doing is going to play Mage. We've got 'em by the things they hang from Christmas trees now.
  8. Broadsword

    Broadsword Member

    Feb 20, 2014
    Sooo...Broadsword takes the number 1 spot, aahhhh...feels good. You are getting close with you strategy thoughts.
    I gotta look for that second secret door.
    About almost dying, that was with the fighter class (Scumsquatch), and it was on the bacharian(?) boss, I was frozen and they were wailing on me. I was able to teleport to town to heal but ended up running out of money cause I had bought some stuff. So I was completely out of any items that could assist me and probably had about one hit left when the fight was over. With the mage, I killed it. There was a point upon my ascent where I was bombarded by over 50 enemies at once, I have a screenshot but can't attach it. Unfortunately I only had one scroll as I felt I didn't need them, ugh. Well i targeted 53 or so of them with an arcane icebolt. It was heavily satisfying to see the sheer destruction and hear the plethora of sounds that were emitted. They all froze, and some of the crumbled to a heap. It was a long fight afterwards with most of my invulnerability and blessing potions being used up. Lots of fun though. Good luck beating my score, hehe.
    A few notes to the dev..During the run with the fighter I got an error message in game, when i figure out how to post a screenshot i'll send it. But I was using twiddles star in combination with a blessing potion or something, had to unequip it to continue. Also during my last run, I teleported back to town from a very hot place and found that the town was shaking...must have carried over the effects from down there.
    Great game, I don't think I will do a 5th run anytime soon, but would love to keep reading peoples thoughts and experiences.
  9. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    Warning: some minor spoilers in the game talk...

    Well, as far as beating your score, actually you proved my theory for me, which was that 1) mage was the superior class, and a great player would dominate.

    And 2) Mage is just flat out more fun. I think your score and experience w/ the baccalian chief (sp?) prove the first, the satisfaction of using one spell for elimination of an enemy army proves the second.

    For me, I may make runs until I either hit 200,000 or get into the top ten of fighter to show that an above average player playing Mage can get the same score as a fighter elite, and an elite player like you, playing Mage, dominates them.

    Why I got in this fighter vs. Mage thing to begin with, I'm not sure, but I have to say, to quote a great movie villain: "Everything has proceeded as I have foreseen. "
  10. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014

    What are "xp boosting wells" and who is summoning these skeletons? And how would you keep the summoner alive long enough for him to summon the skeletons necessary to kill to reach this high level?

    Thanks for any help,

    Trickamsterdam (real name Sean) :)
  11. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    This game is ridiculously hard, any tips for a beginner mage? Seems like resetting the game till I start with an Ice Wand has taken me the farthest so far, still only managed to reach about the 6th floor though . . .
  12. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    #672 trickamsterdam, Mar 3, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2014
    Warning: Some minor spoilers on the game in this post...

    1) Be confident Mage is the most powerful class. They can use a sheild unlink archer and their attacks are the same at melee and range unlike fighters. Broadsword, the highest scorer was a Mage. He probably could have been #1 at any of the three classes but he pm'd me he nearly got killed by a relatively weak boss, bacchanalian (sp?) chief, as a fighter, where as he took him out easy as Mage and whole armies w one scroll. I have no doubt he got a higher score at Mage than he would've at either other.

    2) the ice wand thing is a good idea when your a beginner. Make sure you chack the chest I the storage room first thing and then every level. If you can't use what you find you can sell it. Level three or so invest in a town scroll. It saves time and can teleport you out of trouble worst case.

    3) use the litter by the recycler to get the extra two gold and buy a scroll. Fire is best since you have an ice wand and may run into ice puddings, but ice scrolls are excellent. Poison arrow scrolls are bullshit scrolls they don't affect the undead or maybe even puddings. They have uses if you find them against spiders and shit but I wouldn't buy one.

    4) don't worry about antidotes, you start out with one you'll find more.

    5) dex is unimportant as a Mage and strength only matters so you can carry shit. Increase int so you can do a lot of damage before you're reached. Increase vitality too . You'll probably find an item that'll increase your strength, but you may need to increase it a bit yourself. Most important thing is to get int to 19 or 20, and vitality a up a bit as well.

    6) heal yourself almost every time you're hurt, you'll find more food. Make sure to check in the weapons store for armor and shields. Trade in your old stuff for money for new stuff. Check the magic store too, every new level they'll have new items. Things like chilling shivering and frost add greatly to your damage. Fire rings are ok to. A wand or scepter that does fire and ice BOTH is best, but ice alone is better Han fire. Avoid poison wands, unless it also does shivering got frosting, even then look for something better.

    7) a scepter or wand is usually better than a staff because you can use a shield which often have great powers.

    8) kill the bachallian chief by charming him so he kills his two friends and run away from him. Once the charm wears off hit him w a powerful scroll and then shoot him until he eats shit.

    9) kill the gazer by using blessing potion and or invulnerability scroll and hit him w your most powerful scroll. Maybe charm one of his guys especially if he's wearing armor. Use your finger to aim all your shots at gazer from your wand.

    10) avoid fountains and alters, they're for experienced players if they're to be used at all.

    11)Again, never forget your health bar. Heal yourself when you have minor injuries. There is no coming back.

    12) that's enough for now, but I'll probably think of more later.

    Ps- oh yeah, scrolls can be used on everyone on screen. Completely disregard how many creatures it says you can target. Also lapis rings won't protect you from ice puddings. Sell lapis rings unless they also have another power and maybe still sell them. By fire scrolls and damage causing rings which will protect you from the puddings by helping you off them.

    PPS- fighters are an inferior class and should be looked down upon. If they didn't have swords they would be ditch-diggers or janitors.

    PPPS- My spelling and grammar ate shit in this post. Bit I am tired and it is long.
  13. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    Addendum to last post: Warning, may contain minor spoilers of game...

    13) Use the ghosts you meet as human shields. Have them follow you, then tap them when you see an enemy. They'll move behind you (they switch places with you whenever you tap them) then use your range attack on the enemy. The ghosts have a powerful attack of their own and can freeze opponents (one of the worst things that can happen to hero or monster in the game). Ghosts are expendable, but valuable, try to preserve them, but not at risk to yourself. If you meet a ghost called Trickamsterdam, that's me. In my ghost form I'll have no legs and will attack anything. Thank me later.
  14. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    Warning: minor spoilers on game strategy and situations...

    PS- Oh, btw, When I said mages didn't have to care about strength, except to carry things, it's true you may want better armor at the later levels and you may need strength for those, but you'll almost certainly have magical items that help w/ strength by then. So develop it a little, but only after you've got int in the 20s and have added a couple or few points to vitality (maybe by magic item). Dex is totally unimportant (to mages), when I got over 200,000 my Dex was 6.
  15. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    Ok I broke the game, got far enough to stack 35% all resist rings, wizard cloak with 16% all resist, and an amulet with 8% all resist, pretty much just strolled through the last hell level unstoppable. I reached the point where you find a vendor in one of the dungeons, continued to the next floor then leveled and went back and he was selling chromatic 35% all resist rings which are insanely OP. Great game couldn't stop playing it, loved every second!:D:eek::D
    IMG_0591.jpg IMG_7691.jpg
  16. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    Warning: Some minor spoilers on events in the later game...

    Congratulations, but I literally think you might have broken the game.

    I actually joined this board after a major bug where the guards would not let me into the outpost on the 14th floor. I wanted to find out if it was a bug or if the Dev was trolling me and that's how the game ended i.e., it was a conspiracy where the villagers had the mystery object the who time, haha! I could see some indie Dev doing some dumb shit like that.

    But it was a bug (never happened again, btw). Out of revenge though I usually let some elephant-looking monster (looks like the dude playing the piano in the Star Wars cantina scene) kill the shopkeeper now though. It's pretty fun to watch him explode and for the game to solemnly announce "the shopkeeper has been killed."

    Upshot is I don't think 35% resist rings exist or 16% wizards' cloaks. The only thing I can think of is did you drink from any fountains or pray at any alters? There is an eight, nine, and ten percent wizards' cloak...maybe the fountain or alter doubled the value of anything w/ resistance you owned?

    Otherwise it was a bug. But it's still cool anyway, that you won and had a cool time. Not trying to rain on the parade. Just wouldn't expect to see those items again, not you or anyone else.
  17. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    #677 Cilo, Mar 4, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
    They do, I bought them (sorry it was 32% resist all ring, 16% resist cloak). Did you see my second picture? I'll post more with screenshots of the item info. I didn't use any buffs, I just reverted back to playing mage on how I do every other rpg I play. I dumped points into int (think I was like in the high 30's with int, switch between fire/ice - in my case I stacked fire and ice together, until I reached the levels where most mobs were human types then I went all ice, and I charmed the hell out of bosses. I was at a good 20+% of resist all until I reached that vendor I told you about, checked his items at first and he had nothing good, then I leveled and you know how items change when you level, and he wound up having that chromatic ring 32% resist all, which is a game breaker. I stacked two of those and the other gear I had and was literally unstoppable. Oh I made a mistake it was the 8% wizard's cloak, and a 16% resist all amulet. I posted the other way around so that might've been the confusion. I'm also guessing the chromatic ring is a reference to the ring from Lord of the Rings, or at least I hope so. :D

    I also had some ridiculous amount of freeze chance from doubled affixes, which is weird as I've never seen affixes stack like that. My staff alone had 20% chance to freeze then a couple of lines down, 50% chance to freeze, so I'm assuming this was either working way more than intended or not working at all.

    Although I'm playing on an old build of the game. I purchased this way back early last year, and never got around to playing it till now, so maybe updates since then changed items or nerfed them? I'll update and give it another go! Great game though, can't wait for a Cavern 2 if there will be one. Probably the best $.99 I've spent on the app store, too bad it took a little over a year to get around to playing it.:eek:
    IMG_4984.jpg IMG_4983.jpg IMG_4982.jpg IMG_4981.jpg

    Edit: My gear was not bugged trickamsterdam, check the leaderboard on mystics and look at people's gear, there are rings and amulets with higher resist all affixes than the ones I found. Resist all is absolutely the best way to clear the latter half of this game with the mage, I took about 2 hits from the gazer boss and didn't die because of that, and was able to cast charm before he hit me again. That was pretty much my only close call during this run. The major mistake I made on padding my end score was not fighting my way back to the surface. I got to excited that I had reached the end that I ported back so quickly to place the mysterious object I didn't realize there were monsters left to kill. :(
  18. trickamsterdam

    Feb 5, 2014
    Warning: Some minor spoilers on game events and equipment...

    I never meant to imply you were lying, and to be honest it was the wizards' cloak that threw me the most. I've seen so many of them, whereas it's possible there might be a super epic chromatic ring.

    I also related my own story ( why I joined this board at all, with the guards not letting me into the Shop).To me a game that's capable of doing something that buggy is capable of handing out double-powered rings.

    Not to mention Broadsword got to level 44 which should be impossible, and even the Dev admitted he didn't know how this could be done, and said a bug was a major possibility (but Broad sword told me it wasn't a bug, and I believe him...he's figured out some trick to re-spawn monsters somehow).

    I was also genuinely curious if the alters or fountains could give you that power...to double resistance on items you own.

    I now think the ring has been nerfed based on the fact that you are playing an older version. But since you've gone in one day from asking for help (almost begging really) to being sure that "resist is absolutely the best way to clear the lower levels with Mage" then by all means update the game and go looking for 32% resist rings. Also you should definitely try to charm Gazer again. It worked on your version, and I'm sure it will work on the update too. You can make him dance a little Irish jig, it's almost St. Patrick's day. Maybe put a little dye in the berry juice and pass it off as green beer.

    But be aware if the charm doesn't work in the update he may eat your face.

    Also that if monsters have been toughened in the update wearing all "resist" magic items and a 15 armor wizards' cloak with one staff may not be enough damage to give and and too much to take.

    But since you're "absolutely" sure, by all means update and march forth to glory.

    PS- I can't check the others equipment right now, I'm in the middle of a long game which is probably going to take a couple or few hours, and playing off and on it may take till late tonight or tomorrow. But if I find someone past this last update, w/ the equipment you describe, I'll kneel. ;)

    PPS- Based on their scores, maybe five or six people in the top 20 of Mystic even knew how to play, and it may be less because Broadsword and Hobo are the same person. Forgive me if I don't care what the bottom 15's methods are. Especially since half of them got wasted before completion, even though they were playing the most powerful class.
  19. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    I think the game should feature and endless mode of randomized content once you bring the object back. I.e. beat the game, but you can continue further and see how long you last.

    That would be rad :)
  20. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    #680 Cilo, Mar 4, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
    I've been playing for a good couple of weeks off and on, but had a day off so figured I'd see what I could do in Cavern. Didn't feel like dredging through the last 15 pages to see if anyone posted walkthroughs so I asked - not sure how that came across as begging, it might've been interpreted in your head a lot differently than what was actually written. Either way, I turned back a couple of pages on this thread and noticed you and Broadsword had already described most of the major events in the game so I just followed that. I'm pretty sure I'm sticking with my resist all strategy, if and when I get to play again, but I'm almost certain my last run involved a lot of luck on drops.

    My only complaint that keeps me from being obsessed with this game is how far the vendor in town is from the portal stone. Playing the mage class, I was back and forth a million times selling because I didn't want to waste stat points on strength, and I equipped a strength ring for a bit to offset that but the magic vendor should be able to buy loot also, just my 2 cents.

    I agree, kind of sad to see all my stuff go up in a puff of smoke once it ends.

    I also don't see hobo, or Broadsword, or trickamsterdam on the leaderboards, but maybe the boards have changed a lot since both of you last posted in the top 10. I barely broke the top 30 at 27, wish I would've known of the extra mobs at the end, and sold misc. loot I had in inventory that might've bumped it a tad? Who knows, don't think I'll be breaking 200,000 points any time soon, which is what most of the people in the top 20 have. It would be nice to see screenshots of people's end scores, and gear here if you'd like to share.

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