Agreed! Cavern is one of the few games I manage to find at least a few minutes to play every day - endlessly replayable and always fun.
Update is live on the UK AppStore. Not sure about other regions ? Thanks for the update ! Will be giving this a spin shortly !
Thumbs up on the update! No more crashes; same amazing roguelike fun! I'd like to see bigreduk447 beat my score now that the cheating death exploit has been closed!
I hate to say it, but I just got a crash. I went down a stairway, and the game froze on a black screen (before loading the next level). The second time I tried, it loaded fine. I don't know - maybe it was because I didn't restart my ipad after updating. [Update] Just crashed (regular crash) after trying to drink an antidote. Again though, haven't restarted the ipad.
Took a quick look at the Antidote script this morning and didn't notice anything crash prone - I haven't received any crash logs for latest version so I'm not sure what might cause them. If issue persists after device reboot, can you give more details in what level crash happened and (if possible) actions you did before that (ie. went to town, read scroll, how long played in same session etc).
Got another crash (after reboot). This time it was while fighting on level 7. I was probably playing for about 20 minutes and probably went to town once or twice before it crashed. Unfortunately, don't remember much more.
I also got a crash this morning. Not sure when (I was in the subway.. didn't notice). Might have been by drinking an antidote. I'll post additional info if I crash again.
Will debug this one today. If you can detect pattern that causes crash (and can reproduced) it would help a lot. The fact that Cavern runs Lua VM has downside that it makes tracking crashes really tricky (game crashes are caused by memory corruption in Lua). Will submit (yet another) update as soon as this is solved - there is also some new game content I did last week when waiting for 2.0.2 approval.
Crashes again here too. Cavern level 8 just jumped to town and back. Clicked out to save about 6 turns before it crashed when I attacked a zombie. It has crashed a few other times before this. It worked for a long time without crashing. Noticed more crashed when I started "saving" again by clicking out of the game. Sir Gareth
Been playing this on the ipod touch 5 and an hour long session on the ipad last night. On the ipod touch -- (Adventurer) Crashes seem to happen after level 4 or 5, or maybe it's the extended play. But I did try restarting the device, but it still happens upon continuation. - a few times it crashes during transition between floors. - crashed once when I was in town and I touched the portal stone to get back down. - crashed once when I was drinking a potion of antidote. - crashed once when I opened my inventory and was checking info on an item. On the ipad (Wizard) - crashed twice during transition between floors - crashed once after fights with a lot of bug-creatures on level 5.
Level 14 crash Had jumped to town and back, crashed when I attacked a slime creature, forgot to "save" and was back in town with the rock not lit so had to work my way back down to level 14 and I am a Fighter. Probably after 15 minutes of playing. But I "save" often in between. Level 14 crash again moments after "saving" walked a bit and attacked an earth elemental. Sir Gareth
Thank you for your reports - I think I found the issue (am I repeating myself ). Just seeded a new beta for testers.
So far the beta hasn't crashed and I tried lots of things, jumping to town and back, saving game by clicking out. And I was able to complete the game. I did notice when I attacked a strong demon in the lower levels I received an error message like the picture attached. Also when I retrieved the mystery object the whole earh shook and there were no monsters to kill on my way up and I could just use a town portal scroll to jump up instantly. This dropped my score a bit...and yes I am making excuses Sir Gareth
Any word on the update? My current character is doing so well I'm hesitant to play it right now for fear something bad might happen. I can't wait to jump back in!
Update has not yet been submitted but will be soon. I want to be sure the crash issues are totally gone after two bit too hasty fix releases. Good news is that looking at the beta test results the crashes are finally fixed.