I'll look into this if there is no big code changes needed. In any case 2.0 version requires OpenGL es 2.0 capable device so 1st and 2nd gen iPhones and iPod touches are not supported. At the moment solving crash issues is now on top priority though.
My sincere apologies for crashes, I'm working on second update to solve remaining issues. Rest assured that this is on my top priority. Currently, Cavern is not marketed in any way other than discussion on this thread so buyers should be aware of current issues by reading this thread and App Store reviews.
Sami, here are some pics I took that may help with the crashes. I don't seem to be able to show all the pics together. If this is helpful let me know. I have like 3 or 4 similar to this one.
Sorry, couple of quick newbie questions I wanted some clarity on if someone doesn't mind filling me in: 1) In the "help" notes it says (not an exact quote): when attacking you move one space at a time but you can double touch to move anywhere on the screen instantly. I tried that and it would still only let me move one space regardless of where I double touched the screen. 2) What is the number at the top of the screen next to the total gold amount? It looks like, for example, 57/130 and has a rock or something next to it. I'm assuming that is encumbrance but it doesn't make mention of it in the "help" notes so I just wanted to make sure. Thanks for the help!
1) When you double tap on a space, your character should move to the space. The character doesn't just appear over there instantly, but will move towards it, is all. 2) Yeah, it's encumbrance.
Had a nasty crash that caused me to die: I was surrounded by enemies (and frozen!) and thought - ok, I can escape this by using a scroll of town portal. I use the scroll of town portal and the game crashes. Ok, no problem, I'll just continue. I start the game again and am still trapped by enemies all around me. I open my inventory to use my scroll of town portal...and it's not there. The game saved after I used the scroll and then crashed. Anyway the game can be auto-saved before the use of a scroll of town portal instead (keeping it in your inventory and only removing it after a successful warp)? Still enjoying the game a lot but it's frustrating to lose due to a bug .
This is related to other level change crashes, unfortunately auto save happens after you have used the item so your inventory will get saved to proper state while the level where you are is not.
This is actually outdated documention (this was the case in some 1.x versions) - there is no doubletap functionality at all anymore (but you can switch off the "one move at time when enemy visible" or "stop when being attacked" behaviour in the settings). Will update help in the next version.
Finally was able to pinpoint the cause of crashes (related to shop item regeneration after levelup). Just seeded a beta for 2.0.2 - will submit to AppStore after green light from testers.
I had the identical crash/death with my second character today. This is the best rogue-like on iOS and one of the best period, so I hope the stability can be improved. In the meantime a "quicksave" button would mean I wouldn't need to keep quitting and restarting the game to cut my losses due to crashing.
Greatest challenge in the AppStore ! Despite the random crashes and loss of certain items I absolutely am impressed with this game! I've spent more time on this than Far Cry 3 and I really liked Far Cry 3! It's the details and random levels and loot and challenge that make it so incredible. The rating system keeps it globally competitive too I have one more bug to report that I haven't read about yet. Sometimes if I drop armour to pick up another armour to check out its stats, the first armour I dropped loses all of its armour value and goes to zero. Please forgive me if this has already been addressed, I lost a 53 piece of armour last game which went to zero after dropping it. I know a good game when I can play it despite the bugs, Gothic 3 and this are such games. I liked it when it first came out, but it just keeps getting better. Excellent work! Sir Gareth
Thank You (all) for your heart warming support for Cavern! Feedback like this makes the project worthwhile! Armor bug is new to me but will check it later today - will include it in 2.0.2 update. Level change crashes seem to be fixed now too, so next version should be less pain to play There are couple other fixes too in update: - Animation "ghosting" when picking items or opening doors is now gone - Monster turn after level change is slightly delayed so you're not dead when level fades out - Monsters can't initially spawn to tiles next to stairs so deaths when descending to level should be not as frequent.
Great news about the upcoming update increasing stability! Hopefully this leads more people to find amd enjoy Cavern.
No problem. Thanks for your reply. I'm on iPhone 4 and I would love to play the updated version of this game.