Whatever happened to this game, is a shame is not available at the moment. This is a great rogue game that gave me a lot of fun hours. I hope it will be back soon.
Hello all Cavernites, First of all, my sincere apologies for total silence on Cavern, but the fact is that I've been super busy with real life projects like work, family and studies and I just had to put Cavern on hold to let me focus on those. Cavern was pulled from AppStore due to me not noticing changed paid application agreement and agreeing on it on time - this is fixed now and Cavern should re-appear as soon as Apple processes my request. Also, I guess this is a right moment to tell some news on Cavern. No, the development has not ceased, but has been slowly progressing since January and I'm now hoping summer release for Cavern 2.0. New version is pretty much complete rewrite of original game with much faster graphics, more versatile dungeon generator and a ton of new items and monsters. I'll post gameplay video from development version in near future. Regards, Sami
Edit: Back at least in US store. One word of caution - High Score server is not running at the moment, I'll try to figure out how to get that back online. Cavern should be still playable though - but obviously ranking and top 20's are offline. Cavern is on .99 sale due to this.
Oh my god this is awesome. I just checked again to see if it was back yesterday. So glad I get to purchase this. Thank you!
This game is in my TOP 3 rogue games in iOS along with Rogue Touch and Fargoal. I'm lookin forward to play that 2.0 update this summer!!!
Finally figured a way to re-enable Highscore server for Cavern - it's back online now (with all the old scores, ladders will be resetted with 2.0). Cavern is still $0.99 until version 2.0 lands, if you want to "experience" the old gameplay or pick a cheap copy. I'll try to post some early gameplay videos from 2.0 later today.
Oh yes! Another Finnish developer! Wow, we're owning the App Store: Rovio, Remedy, Mountainsheep, this and many more Hyvä Rogue peli muuten.
Hello, It's been too long silence with Cavern 2.0 but after almost complete rewrite of original, it's now close to release Still some balancing, small issues to be fixed and game testing to be done but hoping to submit for approval in next couple weeks. Some highlights: -Pretty much complete rewrite to original -OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics -Universal App & iPhone5 support -Random item attributes (not completely unlike diablo 2 prefix / postfix system) -Some new gameplay twists like friendly / neutral characters -New dungeon generator with support for secret rooms and buildings -Some new monsters, many old monsters have new unique behaviors -It will be update to current app, so no more Cavern 1.x Requirements: -iPhone 3GS and up -iOS 6 Check the preview youtube clip: (sorry about bad framerare towards the end, this was recorded from retina airplay stream and my laptop couldn't quite handle it) Best, Sami
Just wanted to say I finished Cavern for the first time today and it's AWESOME. I am tweeting about it and spreading the word. You should be very proud of creating such a great game. My first clear run got me the following stats (not sure if good or not): GP: 4004 XP: 16096 Turns: 13903 Monsters Killed: 302 Damage Dealt: 10745 Damage Taken: 1152 Score: 31355 I did that with the Fighter guy. Next up Wizard I think! Thanks again - easily the best Roguelike on iOS - and I've got almost all of them.
Been playing the current version in anticipation of the new release, but it seems too easy. I can kill any monster by luring them next to the stairs and then doing down and up so that I crush them. Is that intentional? I don't get any XP that way, but you can kill most monsters for XP and just use the stair trick when necessary.
Squishing monsters when descending stairs was intentional feature but amusingly found out too that people were abusing it to kill all monsters . Feature is gone in 2.0 as the player tries to descend to a any free tile near stairs (previously tile was selected by random).
Great to hear you liked it, much appreciated! I've tried to keep the atmosphere and gameplay as close to original as possible with 2.0.
It's still exploitable if the enemies don't move when you go up and down the stairs. You can go up and down until you end up not adjacent, then shoot at them, and repeat. Of course you can also go up, heal, and back down. It should be the case that after you go up or down the stairs, the enemies get a chance to move/strike.