Universal Cavern (by Sami Sierla)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by soulinhki, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. johndramey

    johndramey Active Member

    Feb 23, 2010
    I'd say Cavern is actually a little easier to get into than other roguelikes. Not to say that it's actually easier to complete, but to get the basics down and be able to progress into the game is easy. Since the character has the ability to jet back to town and heal up it allows the player to have a little safety net. If you are interested in playing rougelikes and want to see a new and unique one then you should really pick up Cavern.
  2. madam_octa

    madam_octa Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    I encountered what I think is a game breaking bug. In my inventory I chose to eat meat but instead the game used scroll of town portal. Also I was poisoned so I wanted to use antidote but the game chose my healing potions instead. I was on a nice run but got poisoned and instead of the antidote, scroll of town portal was used, which killed me
  3. soulinhki

    soulinhki Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2009
    Hello all!

    1.4.7 version is now out, it mainly has following changes:
    -Fixes refilling boxes bug
    -Fixes wrong item used bug
    -Pick all option when picking up items
    -There were some other minor bugfixes that I already forgot as it was so long in the review queue :)

    Work on 1.5 and lite continues, I was promoted to CTO of the company I work for my day job a month ago so I have been very,very busy on that front - work stuff has now begun to ease so finally have some more time to spend with Cavern. - Stay tuned!
  4. smirnoffsky

    smirnoffsky Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2009
    Finally, a pick-all option! Thanks for this cool update! :)
  5. johndramey

    johndramey Active Member

    Feb 23, 2010
    Awesome, thanks a lot for another great update. A 'pick up all' option is really nice to have. Looking forward to whatever you do with Cavern, it's a great game and lots of fun.

    Also... Congratulations on the promotion!
  6. Ravenblack

    Ravenblack Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    Good job, soulinhki. I didn't like this a lot back when it was first released, but it's improved so much that I really enjoy playing it now. For me the game is slightly more challenging than Rogue Touch and require more patience and to exit the dungeon now and then to replenish food supplies and such.

    Looking forward to more updates to Cavern. :)
  7. johndramey

    johndramey Active Member

    Feb 23, 2010
    #267 johndramey, May 19, 2010
    Last edited: May 19, 2010
    Hey Soulinhki, got a quick question. Have you purposely taken away the loading sound effect between the levels? That *scwaaaaang* sound that pops up between the levels. It's not coming up on my phone anymore. I miss it!

    *edit* hmmm, nevermind. The sound seems to be coming in and out for me.
  8. soulinhki

    soulinhki Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2009
    Is anyone experiencing crashes with latest version?

    Itunes has couple reviews saying Cavern crashes all the time but I'm unable to reproduce it and there's no crashreports submitted.
  9. Ravenblack

    Ravenblack Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    No crashes to report here.
  10. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    I crash quite often, usually when trying to pick up stuff (multiple items) and my inventory / carry limit is full. Or sometimes while going up from the cavern to the main town floor.

    I was quite far this morning, furthest I'd been, got very lucky equipment wise, and went to pick up some loot that had fallen from monsters. There was two items on one tile, I hit pick all nothing happened (I guess I my capacity was full again), then I tried to pick up just one item and I crashed again. This time though, my savegame was apparently corrupted, as I get "new adventure" and the title screen instead of "continuting" or whatever.

    Very disheartening, I'll put this down until the "lose your character bug" is squashed. Nothing worse than that in a game of permadeath and you're actually doing good for once lol...
  11. johndramey

    johndramey Active Member

    Feb 23, 2010
    I have only had one crash, and it happened at a similar time to what Jorlen said. It didn't corrupt my save data at all, and was able to resume playing no problems. All in all I'd say Cavern is one of the more stable ipod games that I play.

    In case you want to take a look, here is the crash log for that one time.

    Attached Files:

  12. nafkert

    nafkert Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2010
    I was crashing constantly until I restarted my device. Haven't crashed once since.

    However, each game I play starts at normal speed, then slowly slows down as I keep playing. When it becomes annoying, I restart the app and it plays at normal speed again, and the cycle repeats itself.

    Also, don't know if this is a known bug, but every time I find a chest or box with gold as one of the items, the gold gets picked up and placed in my backpack, but doesn't get added to my gold count. I can sell the gold (for 0 gold, ironically enough). It's easy enough to fix. I just drop it and pick it up again, then it's properly added to my gold total.

    I'm using a 1st gen ipod touch with the 3.1.3 firmware.

    I just got the game, and I'm really loving it. A couple of questions...

    (1) When I'm in a room with two locked gates and items behind them, there is only one lever, which only opens one of the doors. Is there a way to get in the second gated area?

    (2) How exactly does one search for hidden doors? Sometimes I get to the end of a hall and one opens. Do I just tap on the space? The tap recognition is a bit touchy, so unless a hidden door is at the END of the hall, I'm afraid I won't be able to find it.

    Love the game. Keep up the great work!
  13. nafkert

    nafkert Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2010
    Of course, as soon as I say it doesn't crash anymore, it does. Twice. First time trying to pick up an item out of a chest. Took me back a level to the last save state. No big deal.

    However, second time, I had just picked up an Ice Necklace. Had never seen one before. On level 8. Went into my inventory to see what it does, clicked on the little "i", game crashed. WIPED MY SAVE.

    Man. Best run I'd had.
  14. soulinhki

    soulinhki Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2009
    Hello all!

    First of all, sorry for so long silence. Two more weeks until my summer vacation which means time for my favourite project, at last!

    Anyways, 1.4.9 has been submitted, it fixes a ton of crash bugs and some other not so major ones (ie. deepest level reached does not add to score as it should).
    Update also switches to new highscore server which should be transparent but may cause score ranking to be offline for couple days if update is not approved before end of June (old server is shut down 30th).

    I will be also having a small sale for Cavern when 1.4.9 is approved so if the price has been issue then it's time to pick it up soon ;)

    1.4.9 should be last version in the 'old' code branch. All the development I've been doing since 1.4.8 has been to completely new branch that is not only universal to ipad and iphone but also has shared code with the os x content editor. There is still a lot to do though...
  15. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Hi there!

    Will the update will cause previous version save games to stop working?

  16. soulinhki

    soulinhki Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2009
    Saved games are unaffected and compatible with 1.4.9.
  17. soulinhki

    soulinhki Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2009
    1.4.9 finally approved!

    Also, starting now, Cavern is $1.99 until next Sunday!
  18. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Bonus! I was just about to pick this up! (been in a real roguelike mood as of late.. :))
  19. KrakeN72

    KrakeN72 Member
    Patreon Silver

    Apr 6, 2010
    MA, USA
    Game Impressions

    Hiya folks,
    Got the new update to Cavern tonight. Also noticed the price drop and shot an email to a friend of mine letting him know about Cavern. We're both fans of RPG's and other kinds of adventure games.

    I copied my email to my friend, tweaked the grammar a bit, and posted that to the App Store as my 5-star review for Cavern. It's my second review in the store, my first was for Sword of Fargoal. Hope y'all don't mind if I echo my Cavern review below. :D

    And away we go.....

    I had picked up Cavern quite a while back but hadn't gotten around to playing it until recently.

    The past several weeks I've been whiling away time playing Cavern during my 1.5 hour train & shuttlebus commute to work. This is one instance where I'm not afraid to admit I'm a bit of a dumb dumb for putting off playing it for so long after buying the game. :) I'd been missing out on a heck of a fun game.

    Simple to play which makes it perfect pickup-and-play for both long or short sessions. It loads quickly as the graphics aren't overdone-shiny-glossy-pretty and there's hardly any animation, but it has a nice PC era EGA-ish look to it that I rather like. It's a pretty decent RPG, the only thing you really can't modify on your own are your character's stats at level-up. There are two types to choose from, fighter or magic-user, at the start of your adventure. You can modify stats later via rings, amulets, regular or enhanced armors, regular or enhanced weapons (my favorite is a bow that also poisons!), potions, etc. There's both ranged and melee combat, weapons-based or magic. You can buy supplies, potions, scrolls, standard weapons, etc or find a wide variety of stuff while exploring. There's a shopkeeper where you can sell excess loot, earning precious gold for more supplies and freeing up your inventory (your character has a carry-weight limit). The dungeon floors are randomly generated for each adventure, although they are themed in the same order (dirt cave, dank cave, stone and lava, etc) the random layouts, random loot, and random monsters keep each play-through fresh.

    The dev is still very much supporting the game, putting out updates constantly, in fact a new one was just released today. What I've been doing when I play is start some music playing via the iPod and then load up Cavern, the music keeps going while you play. Time during my commute just melts by. Fun game, worth the $2 sale price, definitely worth regular price.

    Thanks, soulinhki, for a wicked fun game!

  20. Artfoundry

    Artfoundry Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2009
    COO and Creative Director at LCD Dreams, Inc.
    Bay area, CA
    I just got this game and have been loving it. All the goodness of a Rogue-like w/o all the frustration. However, I have been running into the slowness that some others have reported. Two or three times now, after playing for 30-60 min. the game slows down to about 25-50% of the normal speed - ranged combat is the worst. Quitting and restarting the game fixes the problem fortunately. I'm on an iphone 3G with OS 3.1.3. Any idea when this might be fixed?

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