postmanmanman, You're correct, I did know there is in-app purchase to reach past level 15 but didn't know the price. Ouch.
There is a nasty bug in 1.4.6 and 1.4.5 that causes sometimes different item to be used from inventory than user selected. Will submit 1.4.7 today to fix this.
So I've got RT, SoF and 100R on my touch now. In those TA threads Cavern keeps popping up... Looks like a more authentic approach to the roguelike.
I finally bought Cavern today. It's been on my radar for ages, but I finally bit the bullet after reading the 100 Rogues thread. Haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
I like it a lot, especially once you buy the town portal and can nip back and forth between the dungeon and the safety of the town. There's some quite satisfying about vanishing mid-fight to nip to the shops, get some food, get some weapons, and appear back in the same place to wreck vengeance.
I do like this game, but even using the portal stone it gets somewhat monotonous for me to have to return to the surface and keep descending again every two levels or so just to keep items to restore my health. Also, I spend the lion's share of my gold on health potions. Due to the small inventory and time spent returning to the surface and then diving back down, it does hurt the game for me significantly that you can't regenerate health without using potions.
Funny--you made this post while I was writing essentially the exact opposite in my post. Ah well, maybe this one just isn't my style or something.
Yeah, I guess it depends on personal preference. At times the running or teleporting back and forth for item selling and buying is bothersome, but when you really need it, its *great*! Cavern, like 100 Rogues, at least decided to break out of standard conventions for roguelikes and try something new. Rogue Touch has the excuse of being a tribute to the original grandfather of the genre (at least that's my defense. get off my lawn!)... But going forward it'll be games like Cavern, Fargoal, 100 Rogues, and hopefully my next game that will be at the forefront of a new roguelike generation Watching for the latest bug-patches for Cavern to arrive soon, and looking forward to the next expansion of the game and new content as well!
Yeah, Cavern is a very significant roguelike to me, as much as RT reintroduced me back to this genre in the iDevice. These two games, along with SoF, DS and 100R makes up my current iPhone collection. All wonderful games. Question is, how do I abbreviate this game? "C"? lols
iNethack?! Where??!! Damnit how could I have overlooked that one! DS meaning Dark Shrine. It's more like an action-RPG/dungeon crawler type of game. But personally, it feels a lot more like a dc to me.
I gotta say that since I bought Cavern I've been putting in a lot of time playing it. The support that soulinhki has given the game has been nothing short of incredible, the game is really fun, and it's a nice new take on the roguelike genre. I'd imagine if you really want to abbreviate the game you could just right "cave", but since the game's name is only one word you wouldn't really need to abbreviate it. It seems that most people play as the fighter. Do you folks think that is a function of the default character being the fighter? I.e. if the mystic/adventurer was set as the default those characters would get more play time. I'm trying to play more in the way of the other characters, and am enjoying it a lot. I wouldn't say that they are much more challenging than the fighter. Once I learned how to use him properly I honestly felt that the mystic was more powerful than the fighter.
refillinging boxes in 1.4.6, whenever i take items out of a box, the next time i tap the box, the items are back. the box refills endlessly, thus making collecting items way too simple. i suppose this is a bug, not a feature in 1.4.5, this never occured.. somebody else experiencing the same behavior?
I'm getting it as well. The thing is though, the items are treated as one item of each type. I.e. if you have a box with a meat and a carrot in it and collect 10 of each when you go to use/sell a meat or a carrot all 10 will disappear. The 'ghost' items will take up weight and be listed in your inventory, but are not actually usable/sell able.
refilling boxes ty johndramey. then i hope this will be adressed in a future update besides that, awesome game
same with me, the refilling also happens with corpses. An interesting side note is that if the stack of items is a amulet or ring, then the entire stack is put on at once, so you have twice or more times the effect.
Yeah, I think that's probably true. Come to think of it, I've only ever played as a fighter, but now my guy just hit the dust I'll try being a mystic. There's iNethack, Rogue and NetHack out for the iPhone- all variations on nethack. They're all free as well. Although to be honest I find them pretty fiddly when playing on the iPhone, compared to playing them on a normal computer. They're not that user friendly.
Yeah, I wasn't aware of both iNethack... and damn there's a Nethack!! I'm glad that you guys mentioned it here The controls and interface are fairly simple and user-friendly. The game mechanics are just as good. The challenge rating is a bit tougher than RT, at least for me, but nothing too hard to the point that it gets disappointing. I'd say get it, if that was your primary concern about the game