Well, what I noticed is that they are both different game modes. Edit: I think that, if I can, I'm going to pick up Dodonpachi instead of Deathsmiles.
Here's the official description: 1. The Full Version, which includes Arcade Mode and Smartphone Mode 2. Smartphone Version, with Smartphone Mode which includes use the new "Awakening Pulse" system 3. Arcade Version, with the same exciting gameplay as the arcade release 4. iPad 2 versions remastered in HD: Full Version, Smartphone Version, Arcade Version Smartphone Version: ●TOUCH TO DESTROY THE BULLETS! ENJOY SMARTPHONE MODE! Smartphone Mode features a game system optimized for the iPhone: use the "Awakening Pulse" to touch and destroy bullets! ●BGM UPDATED FOR SMARTPHONE MODE! Basically I guess the Arcade version is the regular one, Smartphone version has the new touchscreen gameplay feature and BGM, and the Normal/Full version has both.
smartphone version has some different scoring system which involves going into awakening state and some smart tapping on enemies and bullets, but i would say the arcade mode is kind of more shump and therefore more fun.
Bug Panic is a lot of fun. A lot of secret areas to explore. Crazy boss fights, loads of bullets. And not too complicated a scoring pattern (I think. I actually am more enamored by the visuals of CAVE games rather than trying to get high scores) PS: I should mention Bug Panic is the only game I have played from Cave. So my opinion probably doesn't count for much
So I somehow missed getting Espgaluda II HD at the introductory price when it was launched. Now I really do want to pick up a shooter. Am a little confused if I should pick up: 1. Bug Princess: Universal so can actually use the edges of the unfilled iPad screen to control. But in a 2x mode, I do not expect the game to look pretty. And if I have to play a 2X game on the iPad, I might as well buy... 2. Espgaluda II: Now this one has been my favourite lite. If I have to play on 2X mode, I might just pick it up. Plus it's a lot cheaper than... 3. Espgaluda II HD: THis one I expect will look the best on the iPad. But am confused about whether I should get the Arcade one or the iPhone one (Both of them are a dollar cheaper than usual price I think). Or both of them in that combined game. This one is an expensive affair. Is it worth the extra bucks to pick this over the SD version and play 2X on iPad? And if yes, which version should I get. My iPad is with my folks who are on a travel and will get it back I think on 30th December. Can't experiment with lites on the iPad and how they look. I am hoping someone tells me Espgaluda II (SD) looks just fine on 2X on iPad. I read Blake's year old review and am hopeful for someone to confirm.
Bug Princess is universal, but don't set the screen size to max, keep it at medium or small. This is because Large stretches the pixels by an uneven amount, over-aliasing everything. Medium is an even 3X original arcade resolution, and will look the cleanest. Play-wise, Bug Princess is the easiest to grasp the scoring. EspgaludaII Arcade and Smartphone are very different scoring methods. Arcade is the original, and involves careful use of Awakening mode and Awakening Over to multiply and then cancel bullets. Smartphone mode involves touching to cancel groups of bullets to stay alive until your screen is as full as possible (and 500x) and then cancelling them all at once for gold. Both are very different play styles.
If you're going to play on iPad, get Espgaluda II HD. You won't regret it. I'd recommend the full version since that gives you more modes and more replay value. If you're going to get just one, it really depends on whether you prefer the authentic arcade play or something more tailored to your touch screen. I guess I'd take arcade if I had to choose.
This will be my first shump. Bug princess or the one that starts with the D. I have played both the lite versions and can't decide.
I haven't played Dodonpachi yet, but I can definitely recommend Bug Princess. Although, at the moment, I'd get Dodonpachi because it's on sale, and $4.99 seems to be Bug Princess's normal price.
I'm pretty sure $4.99 is just the intro price. CAVE always releases there games, and then raises the price a few weeks later. Dodonpachi, EspgaludaII, and Deathsmiles all launched at $4.99 too.
Well, from one of their tweets, Cave mentioned 4.99 is the normal price for Bug Princess..but who knows what will really happen. But even at 4.99..its worth it for me. =D
I'd go with bug princess first, I wish I could've played that one first.... I guess the bullet designs and scoring make it the best one to start with... U have to consider that dodon and ESP are sequels and you can tell kind of... I felt like I was just thrown into the story randomly... Bug princess feels like a start and that's the best reason to play it first. IMO....(I'm fairly knew to these games as well so an expert might tell u sumthing diff?
What's funny, is that the original arcade version of Bug Princess actually has a far more advanced scoring technique, which didn't translate at all to iOS, and had to be simplified (it involved tapping the shoot button at various rates, plus proximity and "counter banking").
I've got all except Deathsmiles which came out after I got my iPad, and isn't universal and doesn't have an HD version
Do any of the Caves have an endless mode or is it hard to finish the game period? I'm really looking to play a shump with endless replay value. The one on mind is Dodonpachi.