The strongest weapons and equipment are all found in game. There are some IAP for weapons with iconic attacks from other games, but they aren't as powerful as in-game items. Plus, in-game items gain bonuses from sets, and can be stacked by 9 for further bonuses. I do suggest getting the Heart Locker thingie though, since it raises item droprate by a lot.
If you want to collect everything..the IAP strivemind is pretty much required. Unless you have tons of time to grind bosses.
I realized the directional pad in bug panic could be unfixed! Cleared the 1st world in the lite version and then CAVEd in and bought the game. lol So with $8 left in my account, it is a toss up between Deathsmiles and Null Space.
I bought bug panic..for $.99 its hard to pass up.. I play it on my ipad and expanded to 2x i think it actually looks better than bug princess! =( Fun game.. Works really well with the fling controller
Am I to assume that Bug Panic's 99 cent sale is a must have? All the other games are much more expensive, so I don't really want to shell out the money for that.
Depending on your luck, you can get good drops in hard. But as people in the "bullet hell" group here (and on other forums), its incredibly difficult to get worthwhile drops in a reasonable amount of time. The IAP item Strivemind mentioned is almost a "cheat" since so many items drop if you buy it and equip it. Its *much* more enjoyable playing with that item though if you're trying to collect everything.
Should i get dodonpanchi or deathsmiles? Those are the only 2 I don't have... I got Espgaluda first and Didnt like it that much but after playing bug princess I like it alot more... I guess because I don't understand the scoring system... I think I've gotten somewhat better but not really that good... So dodon is sci-phy like in space? I figured Espgaluda was like future but more fantasy... And bug princess was bug and grass themed obv... Is dodon scoring easier than ESP? Is there anythingike awakening? I haven't really played any side ones, I've tried playing enborn but I just completely suck at it and can't get past 2 minutes...
Does ESP2 & Bug Princess feel pretty much the same to you (aside from the scoring)? If they feel pretty similar..maybe you can consider Deathsmiles for a different (horizontal) experience. If it feels different to you..then you got a hard choice between the two. Try out the lite version of Deathsmiles to see if you can get used to side scrolling.
Alright so I have never bought a Cave shmup before but am willing to try one. Which one would you recommend that is fairly manly? No Deathsmiles for me lol just tried the demo.
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between the regular espgaluda 2 and the smartphone/arcade versions? It seems both smartphone and arcade versions are cheaper than the regular version.
Unfortunately, I got the Smartphone version, so buying the regular Espgaluda II would be a waste. The regular Espgaluda II has both the smartphone and arcade version inside.