I've got 10 promocodes to give away: JKJNMWK9J3WA 349A66THWTNE X7H94EHE4K9E YR949LHJK36Y YWYK6W9PHYFF 66JKAAT6PYKF 47WWYPE97KMJ E6KHJF439TJ4 EJ9AHFMRMHP9 X4FHEP9J4W66 Game Info Here: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=25167 Post if you got a code. A review would be nice too Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the game.
I really like this game, but it does need a few more thing to put it where it needs to be. first off it needs a pause button and an option to return to the main menu from in-game. It also needs an option to calibrate the tilt angle, looking down on the 0 degree tilt angle hurts my neck, I would prefer a 45 degree angle. One last thing it needs is a button to blow up combos on your tail because when you shake it can cause your snake to go to places you dont want it to go. Fix those three things, and this game will be a lot better. I really do like the gameplay though and I hope you keep expanding upon it! PS I left you a review in itunes as well
Will090: Good suggestions. Glad you like the gameplay. I have a couple of game play additions that I want to add in. 1. Adventure mode, with some added weirdness. Hoping for this to come sometime in Oct Nov. eggzbacon: I wrestle a promocode for you, check your PM. Thanks to everyone else who downloaded the game. Looking to hearing your feedback.