What's not to like? It's got a little of everything from crafting, combat, survival, adventure... Sorry I am new to this game but can't find anything not to like. Oh and my favorite part it's a thinking game/strategy game too and big time. I am not saying anything against you as opinions will always vary no matter what. Good luck finding something you like if this doesn't do it. I am only mad that I have spent a lot of money on games the last couple weeks cuz now I don't know when I will have time to play them after finding this gem!
I love roguelikes and I really want to love this game but it is just not happening I want to fight and craft and enjoy it but I can't figure out how
Lots of patience young grasshopper this game is not for the hand holding gamers There is plenty of material online to research and then you will be good to go. Also go see how many craftable items are in this game! True enough it's either gonna be a game you love or you will hate it for its difficulty. Today is my 1st day ever playing it and I'm catching on very fast but miles to go still Also I read when you are first learning just surviving a day is a big deal
I've only briefly dabbled with this but what I can say is that the sound pack adds an incredible amount of immersion to this. Well worth the 0.79GBP. I would urge anyone about to delve into this to buy the sound pack. As soon as you hear your footsteps and the wind blowing outside you will know you have done the right thing, both for your experience and doing the right thing by the devs of course. I will be spending a lot of time with this.
First time playing this, I have to dab around learning the commands more and learning the Ui but seems like so much potential ! =] any good YouTube videos someone can link me to for beginners ?
Noticed as soon as I had posted haha! I've found the tile sets to be awesome tbh, and haven't had to turn animations off (iPhone 6 Plus) and it's smooth as silk. Performs and controls WAY better than I ever expected.
Not having any issues with the animations either on iPhone 6. Just prefer to have the them off. Not platform specific I guess Glad others are enjoying it too.
Bought the sound pack and it adds a lot more to able to hear the sounds and they did a good job with it. Adds a creepy layer to the game
This,ladies and gentlemen,is truly the best fallout experience on IOS.If you like fallout and you donnt get this then you shall miss a LOT,trust me.
Is there a reason the keyboard disappears after every button you press?Can I not keep it on screen? Very irritating when trying to type names in.
Look at the 5th tutorial slide. You can long press empty space to bring up a locked keyboard so you can enter long strings. The reason the keyboard disappears is that it's simpler to enter one character commands. I'm a noob too but I guess this speeds up play once you are familiar with the system.
Just a heads up that using ASCII is a good way to see more of your surroundings as the characters are more distinguished thus allowing you to use smaller characters. Here is RetroASCII30 at iPhone 6 resolution which isn't smaller than the default chesthole but already more recognisable without zooming in. Will attach RetroASCII20 in the next post.
As above, here is retroASCII20 on iPhone 6 which is what I use and found it to be a good balance between scope of surroundings and readability.
Yep. But goes without saying, there's an added level of "ok what the heck is that, ok what does that represent, ok why is that hash different colour to that hash, ok what's that etc etc etc" with ASCII. Particularly in this open world type game. Whereas in nethack it's same old floors and walls and characters for monsters. Versus this which has objects tangible to a real world. Of course once you get used to it it's not so bad. I'm still trying to work out what I like best here.
My question is, is there a go to way of identifying what an individual square is on the screen. I know if your right next to something then 'e' for examine and then using the direction arrow to it gets you bang on the target. But if I try and 'e' something 20 paces away and then press on that square, say when I'm outside, I usually get "that's dirt", even though I know it's a rock or flower. Maybe it's fat fingers, when I don't actually have fat fingers. Is it possible and what is the go to way of identifying everything on screen?
Push ";" to examine any square. Of course you can also swipe from right to left to examine significant items/monsters (tab to alternate). As for ASCII itself, you generally get a good idea of what everything is after a couple of runs. You can always examine if you're not sure. Think about it this way, using the default Chesthole has hundreds of tiles, and because a lot of them are not really distinct from each other or clear, you're still going to be examining a lot anyway. At least with ASCII each character is distinct and easier to differentiate with the eyes, I find it *far* easier to play roguelikes with ASCII than tiles in the long run.