Universal Cat Quest (by The Gentlebros Pte. Ltd.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalwastebasket, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. Lady Libra

    Lady Libra Member

    May 25, 2017
    Hi again!

    I have an Android question; will there be some kind of on-line save there? Like via a Google Play account or something?

    Thanks! :)
  2. Goldalene

    Goldalene New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
    A friend and I are playing Cat Quest but we have a question: although our health is going up (mine is 69 at level 7, hers is 175 at 19), we both only have 5 and 6 MP max in our bars to spend. How do we increase magic points like health? Should hers we much higher now?
  3. stlredbird

    stlredbird Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #323 stlredbird, Aug 18, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
    Im not sure how you increase it. I'm lvl 115 and have like 15 mp i think max
  4. stlredbird

    stlredbird Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    Just a general FYI, I maybe have bought 5 50 G chests but the rest of my gold has gone to spells and at lvl 114 I finally just finished maxing all of the spells.
  5. Xcxc

    Xcxc Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2017
    Ive found only the giant / trap / fire (maybe ice) spell usefull

    The heal / lightning / lifesteal spell are underpowered compared to those
  6. stlredbird

    stlredbird Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    I only use heal and trap
  7. The Gentlebros

    The Gentlebros Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2015
    Game developers
    We at the team love to farm dragons and the mimics on Founders Island.

    This is something we hope to implement, but not certain of it yet.

    I believe you emailed us, and we have replied your email. :)

    Cattrap is a huge fave of ours as well. But if you flamepurr and follow it with a lightnyan, the damage is quite crazy and you spend less mana, allowing you to do it more times. :)
  8. WjndWalk3r

    WjndWalk3r Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2015
    trap need slow from ice spell to shine, but with combo fire and lightning, you got a mini nuke lol :D like your trap will less useful when deal with enemy using trap too, you need to lure him to your trap while not steping in his trap and trap user mob grant most exp in the game, so... :D
  9. Delusionaltool

    Delusionaltool Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    first off this game cats or no cats is awesome! i have 4 cats at home so yeah i like cats. ive not had this much fun playing a action rpg in a long time it is great...

    now for a dumb question, where the heck do i find keys to open the big chests? is there a store that sells them? are they random drops? can i pick locks?

    and can you sell your non used equipment ?
  10. The Gentlebros

    The Gentlebros Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2015
    Game developers
    Thanks! Glad you like the game!

    You will need the Golden Key to open the big chests. Try exploring the world, and you might find a quest that might just solve your problems. :)
  11. Littlefox

    Littlefox New Member

    Aug 18, 2017
    Willpower and Faith not found on iOS

    I have scoured the steam forums after not being able to complete the fashionista achievement and know the secret, hidden places where these items should be found but I cannot actually access them through the interface on my iPad. Devs?
  12. sugimulm

    sugimulm Well-Known Member

    Not sure if this was brought up, but I would suggest when you zoom out, add the ability to scroll around to look where to go or towns. Just a suggestion, loving the game and hoping Apple will approve the cloud saves soon!
  13. 19civciV

    19civciV Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    Level Designer, Social Media Marketing & Managemen
    Nantes, France
    What a GREAT game !
    I can feel the vibe of some of my favorite games like Golden Sun or Oceanhorn !
    I'm in love with this game, definitively !

    I just completed all the main story at lvl.56, I will start now all the quests and dugeons. Can't wait to see how far the game is full of details and great dugeons to complete.

    Here are few complementary ideas for all the other suggestion I found in Touch Arcade thread :

    . a S+ mode : I think I could really play all the game again if I was able to keep all my stuff, gold and spells. It could be fun to get the difficulty of each monster/boss increased by 2 (x2 more health and speed). That could be really fun and will increase the replayability for sure !

    . an Endless Mode : definitivelly ! Like a tower with different "floors" of difficulty to beat and a leaderboard to know your ranking position ! Or like in Kingdom Hearts Colliseum it could also look like different "tournament" to beat, with extra reward to win there. Both ideas could be implemented in 2 different places eheh :)

    . the Giant Spell : I never really used it ingame for now... What about a new island called "Giant Island" with all the enemies in this island/cavern/ruins are giant and makes x2 dammages ?

    . a cool alternative quest/minigame could be to get a new power "Photo Snap" with the mission to take a picture of every creature/cats/boss of the game. Like in Baten Kaitos ! :)

    . I'm missing a "Fire Island" where you could loose some health by walking/flying on it until... you found the Fire Suit to allow you goig there safely.

    . "!" symbol in the completed dugeons where we need to collect a golden chest : what a great idea there ! It could be so helpfull !!!

    . tweaks for the inventory : I guess it's a bit unclear that all the objects are in the same list, no matter how you sort them. As you are already separating the objects and the spells, why don't you make a different category for each kind of objects ?
    It could be interesting to get the complete list of objects to collect already in the inventory : the missing ones could appears in black with a "?", just to let you know how many objects you need to collect to complete your collection

    . it could be fun to get a bonus quest after the final boss fight, to collect the different parts of a legendary suit : not just a sword, but also a new costume to get in different dungeons. BTW it could be soooo fun to get the sword that Dragon bosses are using... like an EPIC weapon to use ahah !

    . what about a 7 " Weekly Caverns" to explore with a boss to fight, that will appears randomly on the map 1 specific day on the week ? I guess 7 locations (1 for each day) could be fun, in the same vibe as Pokemon games :)

    . we need more "Pirate Quests" : that was really fun to do, like in Zelda Wind Waker we could buy different new "treasure location" in the same way as the one actually ingame ! It could add a lot of extra replayability for sure !

    I can't wait to see what's upcoming for this game, and how you will add more quests in the next updates.
    I love it, for sure ! :)
  14. The Gentlebros

    The Gentlebros Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2015
    Game developers
    Update and thanks!

    Hey everyone!

    Thank for all the useful feedback! We've read and plan to work on as much of the feedback as we can. :)

    Just some updates and plans for the future!
    - The next update is still pending approval and should be live next week! This update will contain iCloud, bug fixes and tweaks to the location of Legendary armors. :)

    Plans for the future!
    - We plan to add a new mode called 'Mew Game'! We will have more details soon and would love to hear everyone's feedback on it when we do. :)
    - Plans to add more QOL improvements like adding a marker on caves to show which ones still contain chests.
    - Improve Kit Cat and give her more skills. [Tentative]
    - More to announce in the future!

    Also we want to thank everyone for the A-MEOW-ZING support! Cat Quest is a success, and we can't wait to bring you guys more! :D
  15. Hambo12

    Hambo12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    on the internet
    ready for dog quest :cool:
  16. CatOverload_GD

    CatOverload_GD Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
    ready for birb quest :cool::cool:
  17. nezuja

    nezuja Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2014
    Just wanted to chime in and say this game is great! Fantastic value for the cost and the style is wonderful. I've just discovered the "pirates treasure quest" and am trying to figure it out. Looking forward to seeing if I can find it or not. Have fun ya'll!
  18. McFlyy

    McFlyy New Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    Love this game. Using thorns helmet and thorns suit with dragonsbane . What armor and stuff do you guys use ??
  19. Rocksaint

    Rocksaint Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Hey guys,

    First of all, this game is freaking amazing. Been waiting for a proper premium game that suits mobile and my playing style for so long. Its easily 2017 GotY for me. :)

    Now, did anyone manage to find the pirate treasure that's hidden underwater?
  20. Excalipur

    Excalipur Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2017
    My wallet is ready to finance the Lupus Empire.

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