I don't know if I should get this or Enslaved, or Dead Rising 2. I already preordered (and paid in full) Fallout NV and Black Ops... so right now I can only budget one of the 3 titles.
It was out in EU for Playstation Plus subscribers, now it's out for the other 99 percent of games. Dead Rising got a lot of horrible reviews. I played the Enslaved demo and found it too janky with dodgy platforming. My recommendation is Castlevania of course. Have you thought of renting from Gamefly instead?
Exactly right mate. It came out last Wednesday for everyone arta. I'm half way through Dead Rising 2, it is definitely worth trying out freedog. I've chosen Enslaved over Castlevania. I just think it'll be a game I can sit down with after work and finish in a couple of weeks. Castlevania seems like a huge game and a chore at that.
yeah I played the Enslaved demo and I liked it. It seems kinda like a Mirror's edge type platformer with a good story. I'm kinda turned off by IGN and Gamepot giving the new Castlevania 7.5's only so I might wanna try a demo of that game first. Dead Rising 2 looks cool, I remember beating the first one but I hear the sequel has the same negatives as the first (timer, slowness) so I don't know.
I was put off by the 7.5 scores too my friend. I just can't see myself having lengthy gaming sessions due to work these days. So a shorter game is actually a positive for me at the moment. There is a demo for Lords of Shadow, definitely check it out. As for DR2, I can only speak for the sequel as I never tried the first. But I'm finding the more time I spend with it, the more rewarding it gets.
Thanks for the info Sammy. I just went to the store, and when I got there they had exactly 1 copy of Enslaved, Castlevania, and Dead Rising 2 left each. So I had to choose and after staring at the back of each case for 15 minutes I just bought Enslaved for now.(Maybe it had the best case art, I couldn't decide which one to get another way, they all looked pretty good) I might pick one of the other 2 games up next week.
oh and Sammy, Americans don't have the Castlevania demo yet, I wonder if its all part of Konami's grudge against the good ol USA, they keep shafting us.
Let us know how long Enslaved is, it's by the Heavenly Sword devs and apparently suffers the same short story syndrome. I'm hoping for at least 10 hours.
Pal, anytime. You do know you can set up a UK account FREE, right? If you need any help, let me know. Good call on Enslaved. It's getting solid reviews.
There's probably not much point in setting up a UK account, it's not often we get stuff first. I've got US and JP accounts though, and speaking of which, the JP demo for Vanquish is different to the US/UK version, so get both of 'em
I asked Dave Cox (LOS producer) on twitter and he said they gave Miceosoft the demo a long time ago and it's up to them when it comes out. Konami has little say over when. Gametrailers said Enslaved is 10 hours long compared to Castlevania's 20. They gave Enslaved a good score, but said it's over too quickly like most games this generation.
Yeah I enjoyed the Enslaved demo more, but the shorter length is what makes the decision hard. Mind you, I thought the Vanquish demos were miles better than both