Universal Castle Doombad (by Adult Swim & Grumpyface)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I also had trouble getting the treadmill challenge to work. Now I'm a bit stuck on it. I guess I'll try all treadmills.

    And it looks like there is a glitch with the game not progressing if the dialogue appears right as the boss is about to extend the castle. The game won't extend if they happen at the same time. However the enemies will still magically appear from above. I hope maybe in the future they make it so you can tap the dialogue to dismiss it. I noticed I need to do stuff where the dialogue is and it takes like 3 or so seconds for it to go away which is a bit annoying.
  2. sugimulm

    sugimulm Well-Known Member

    Need more levels, lol. Loving the game!
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I can't understand why the treadmill won't work for anyone I did it first try. Chapter 1 level 10 placed them on the entire bottom and second floor as a few defences on 3rd floor are enough to win.
  4. Foghorn Irrascible

    Foghorn Irrascible Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    Well I gave it a go despite my reservations about a paid game with expendable currency IAPs. It's alright, but I got bored of the gameplay by the end of the first castle, not really got much interest in going any further, let alone having to grind any levels to get more coins.

    Personally I feel that my reservations about IAPs were justified. I did feel like I wasn't getting enough coins, and resent that other people pay more to get the doubler and get probably just the right amount of coins. Just charge £4.99 and throw the doubler in. Then I'd feel ever so slightly less like I was being nickel and dimed.

    I understand and accept that people who are more miserly or less well off than me will welcome freemium gameplay. Personally I still find that it kills the appeal of the game for me.

    Fun while it lasted tho!
  5. Foghorn Irrascible

    Foghorn Irrascible Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    One constructive suggestion: allow players to change the order of the traps in the shelf by dragging. Very frustrating having to remember to put them in the most comfortable,,obvious order during the selection phase. PVZ did this too, annoying.
  6. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Each to their own I guess but it does seem from all your posts here that you just wanted to complain. Gameplay hasn't gotten boring for me yet and I've spent hours with the game and I do earn enough coins the doubler doesn't even double your crown reward so isn't much help anyway, the game is built to not require it.

    At least you give it a go though but it's a shame you couldn't get into it : (
  7. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    Yup IAP is totally unnecessary and like its been discussed the doubler only works on the coins that drop throughout the level so it's really not that much help. To each their own I guess but to say that IAP is even remotely necessary is dead wrong.
  8. Ramaz1234

    Ramaz1234 Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
    This game is one of the best. Tower defense games I have ever played, so much fun!

    What's everyone's strategies or favorite things to use so far?

    I love using 3 treadmills in a row and then putting a harpoon to the far right so that they are all vulnerable. And then I out a spike trap in front of te last treadmill so if one hero escapes my evil trap they will be spiked.
  9. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    My favourite at the minute is a harpoon behind a troll then a spike trap with acid dripper above and acid vent on the wall.

    Also use ac vents every few spaces and love to use the manual crusher.
  10. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Endless mode needs to have a save option.
    Also an endless mode in the style of chapter 3 would be great.
  11. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Ice vent on ladder with acid dripper above and a harpoon gun below
  12. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Troll under a ladder, spike on the path in front of troll, stomper on ceiling above spike to crush enemies bottlenecked in front of the troll, medic minions to heal troll, and bomb minions to get rid of engineers (trap disablers). And of course a scream generator to rush the setup in multiple points.
  13. ImJPaul

    ImJPaul Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
    Love seeing everyone's strategies. That's the beauty of tower defense games. So many ways to get the job done.
  14. swiftsnake

    swiftsnake New Member

    May 15, 2013
    Hey devs,
    I think the game is great. I'm just getting started with it, but it's already won me over with its charming design.

    In a future update, I'd love the ability to play my iTunes or spotify music in the background while playing; right now it pauses the track automatically even if I use the iOS swipe-up menu.
  15. GrumpyfaceChris

    GrumpyfaceChris Well-Known Member

    Definitely! This was the main thing I couldn't wait to see when we were getting the game out the door.. I've witnessed so many playstyles between testers, friends, and family, so it's definitely an aspect of the game we're proud of :)

    Thanks swiftsnake! Your request is one that we actually usually fulfill in our games, though we didn't have a chance to implement it in Doombad. I have it on our list of things to hopefully add in the near future, so I'll be sure to update this thread if we're able to do so
  16. GrumpyfaceChris

    GrumpyfaceChris Well-Known Member

    Can I just say I love this post? (us old guys gotta stick together...)

    The "currencies" in the top right are, from top-to-bottom: Screams, Doom-shekels, and Evilness.

    Screams are your primary resource for being able to build traps -- each trap icon displays the scream cost at the bottom. The princess provides you 50 screams every few seconds (as long as she's hooked up to the scream machine.. if she's being carried away by heroes it's cut in half). You can also pick up screams sometimes from slain heroes, and finally you can generate them faster by installing the "scream generator" trap

    Doom-shekels are used to unlock and upgrade traps, as well as extend your trap shelf (in the trap upgrade screen). You win shekels from beating levels (you get twice as much if the Princess doesn't get picked up, and harder levels award more) Evilness is awarded for completing challenges and it's used to buy more power-ups and also to recapture the princess with the flying monkey (when she's being carried away)

    Regarding the app name: ha yep, we should fix that to help out fellow OCD peeps... thanks for the heads-up!
  17. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Some more ideas:

    Auto traps
    - Shark pit (yeah there's already a trapdoor, but a shark pit is so super-villain)
    - Beehive (hangs from ceiling, releases a swarm of nano bots or genetically altered super bees, deals damage over time, upgrades can increase swarm size, allow bees to slow down heroes)

    - Underground base (would be an inverse of the usual tower, instead the levels go down underground, so heroes descend to reach the princess and ascend to escape with her, instead of ladders heroes could use mining pods)

    - Space marines (would be a parody of Master Chief/Colonial Marines-style soldiers)

    Any chance of being able to upgrade the scream machine itself? Stuff like more scream points per scream, or have better protection, or offensive capabilities.
  18. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Have you got to zone 3?
  19. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Not yet, guess I should preface my suggestions with the fact that I haven't unlocked or completed everything so the ideas might already be in the game
  20. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Well it's obviously a good suggestion, even the developers agreed already :)

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