Castle Burn - Delusion Studio's Upcoming RTS for Mobile

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by delusionstudio, Jul 30, 2017.

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  1. delusionstudio

    Jul 26, 2017
    Make awesome games.
    Seoul, South Korea
    Greetings! I'm Brandon, community manager for Delusion Studio, and I am pleased to announce the upcoming August 11 soft launch of Castle Burn!

    Castle Burn is a fast-paced PvP real-time strategy game developed with mobile devices in mind from the beginning. Castle Burn has become a game that we love playing in-house, and can't wait to share it with the rest of the world.

    Below is a short feature list. Take a look at our press kit to see more.

    • - Fast-paced PvP combat
    • - Card collecting
    • - Economy-based real-time strategy
    • - Customizing army composition
    • - Heroes with unique powerful abilities
    • - Quest rewards
    • - Competitive ladder

    I'm interested in what everything thinks. Do you have any up-front concerns or comments? I'll be glad to share everything I can.

  2. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Right at the start of the trailer the female characters breasts jiggle despite the fact that she's wearing plate armour.

    Surely if anything is going to prevent breast jiggle, it's plate armour.

    Aside from that point (and it's more important than it seems, do we really need that sort of thing, still?), I'll give it a go when it comes out to see what will set it apart.
  3. delusionstudio

    Jul 26, 2017
    Make awesome games.
    Seoul, South Korea
    Thank you for the comment, MetaGonzo. I actually made the same comment when I played for the first time when they brought me on board. I'll forward the message to the art department and let them know I'm not alone.
  4. delusionstudio

    Jul 26, 2017
    Make awesome games.
    Seoul, South Korea
    I am proud to let you know, MetaGonzo, that your suggestion was very well-received by the higher-ups and all in-game boobs are now slated to abide by the laws of nature. Thank you again for the valuable feedback.

    If you, or anyone else, has further input or questions from the available footage, please do let me know.

  5. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    /adds game developer to CV
  6. Mrmesli

    Mrmesli New Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    Hey here, game looks promising with more units at the same time than CR -> hopefully more strategy.
    Now facebook page is in south korrean, any plan to develop the community pages/forums anytime soon for the english community?
  7. delusionstudio

    Jul 26, 2017
    Make awesome games.
    Seoul, South Korea
    Funny you should mention that, _hnng_...

    I was just talking to the CEO last night and he expressed interest in a possible closed beta test for the US. I'm not announcing anything because nothing has been decided yet, but we'll be notifying people on social media with any updates on that front. Stay tuned!
  8. delusionstudio

    Jul 26, 2017
    Make awesome games.
    Seoul, South Korea
    #8 delusionstudio, Aug 2, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
    Glad to hear about your interest. As a once-avid StarCraft (2) player, my first impression when I played was of a legitimately deep strategic game. But of course the players will be the final judge :)

    What separates it most from CR, I think, is the emphasis on economy. Claiming and defending mana sanctums (the buildings that harvest mana, the game's main resource) is key.

    About the community pages. The truth is that you are seeing Korean because I am very new to the team and am just starting to get the social rolling. The Korean posts are from the development period, but it will be all English from here on out, with separate Korean language pages for the Korean audience.


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