Universal Cast Off: The Game of Hilariously Inappropriate Casting!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Stevenpaulr, Oct 16, 2017.

  1. Stevenpaulr

    Stevenpaulr Active Member

    Jan 26, 2014
    Game Designer
    I wanted to share with you guys the game I've been working on. It's called Cast Off, and it's a mobile device implementation of the card game of the same name. I think the game is super funny, and it works better as an app than it did as a card game.

    The plan is to release on iOS and Android on Oct 26th (assuming the approval process goes smooth).

    Break into teams, choose movie lines and the voice of a well known person who is auditioning for that role. You’ll hand your choices over to your opponents and watch them perform while their teammates try to guess who they’re impersonating and facts about the film in question.

    The game comes with the comedy and drama set for free. There’s also superhero and animated, science fiction and fantasy, crime and horror, and sports and action as DLC. (Each pack has 2 genera of movies.)

    Here's the short trailer for the app store:
    Cast Off on YouTube




  2. firestormink

    firestormink New Member

    Aug 29, 2017
    Actually this is a card game that I originally developed one Gen Con.

    Friends of mine were walking down the street playing the Schwarzenegger game, where you put him in films he doesn't belong in and we ended up making the people in front of us stumble. I think it was Arnold shouting, "SHOW ME THE MONEY!" that did it.

    Anyway, later that evening I was chatting with some publisher friends and I told them that story after we were done laughing I said, "That would probably make a really good party game."

    Then everyone was looking at me and I said, "Damn it. I guess I have to do it now."

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