Just finished mixing this cover song today: http://www.heavyjack.com/carryonwaywardson.mp3 Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Not on my phone anymore so I have some more time for this post I recently recorded a cover of Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son and am looking for feedback http://heavyjack.com/carryonwaywardson.mp3 Recorded with Logic 9 Express, Drumagog, and Pod Farm 2.0 Recorded track in 9 hours and spent about 8 hours of mixing time on it - it was for recorded for the closing credits of a documentary. As such time was a priority and I used a rearranged midi drum track with drumagog to get the drum sound and Pod Farm 2.0 to alleviate the process of recording live amps to build tone.
I liked it. Nothing can really beat the origional, but you did a way good job. Singing was a little too deep and grungy for the song in my opinion. But it was put together really well for most of it.
Great until the singing started. Perhaps I'm too used to the original, but I didn't like how the tone of each line dropped off at the end. Seems a little too uninterested to me to end almost every singing line like that. Combined with the harmony singer, it sounded like the chords were slightly off, which made it sound not quite as good as it could have been. The instrumentals were good, though. Maybe I'm being a little harsh, I dunno.
I Quite liked it. I like how different it is from the actual song. If covers are too similar to the original then there is no point in listening to it, most people would rather just go listen to the actual song.
I have to say there wasn't anything about that cover that wasn't freaking awesome. Well done man, like rocketman said, I really liked how different it really was. Covers are supposed to be that way.
Nice guitar skillz! On a similar topic, has anyony geeked out over this yet? http://www.misadigital.com/index.php?target=gallery&lang=en I genuinley can't wait... I get to be both a geek and play guitar at the same time =D. Like two of my favourite things lol...
Interesting, but I could never abandon the real thing. Though given the chance to aquire some serious monies, I totally would get that hahhahaha
Lol, yah I mean the electro-aucoustic is still the "insta grab" device... But still think I'm gonna get one next time I decide I have enough disposable income saved up!
just put a new cover song up - Six Blade Knife - http://www.heavyjack.com/sixbladeknife.mp3 This one was recorded live with real drums for the bed track. An extended version can be found at http://www.heavyjack.com/sixbladeknifeextended.mp3 Let me know what you think.