Agreed on the life leech. Hopefully that will get addressed in an update...doesn't seem like the devs are here though. All in all however this is a fantastic game. I really like the layouts, the music and atmosphere is great. What can a thief hide behind in the tomb levels? I guess the sneak skill needs to be built up and use better. I appreciate how the different classes demand really different styles of play and look forward to the other classes!
I'm finding the Paladin INSANE once his Righteous Fury kicks in! Cleard the second act on my first attempt at it ever with the Paladin!
I think the monk is my favorite of all classes. Haven't used the Mage in a whole though and probably should play the plaladin more thoroughly.
A well-executed and boiled-down roguelike experience. Can't go wrong trying it out for free. Two things really make me cringe, though: - I thought it was already understood that turn-skipping creates a TON of solved "me - empty space - monster" situations. - I thought it was already understood that cooldowns should not go down by merely waiting around in a turn-based game, because the optimal strategy becomes: after a battle, sit there and skip turns until everything is off cooldown again, i.e. bore yourself to tears. These might seem like minor quibbles, but they occur so frequently in the game, that they just add up to a whole lot of wasted time.
It might be because i am drunk -and make mo mistakes, i am drunk - but i honestly dont understand your complaints.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the reason. I will elaborate nevertheless. In most cases, there is a clearly correct answer to this situation. Especially for melee combat. You skip a turn, wait for the monster to walk up to you, and you hit it in the face. It's a solved situation. Therefore the game even asking you for input is a waste of time. I've never seen a single-actor game where the ability to skip turns added to the strategic depth, instead it's usually detrimental. A very common problem in roguelikes. Many modern ones therefore tend to leave that mechanisms out. I mean, that one is totally clear already, I think. A strategy that isn't interesting should never be an optimal one, actually not even a good one. That's the main reason why grinding is bad by the way. It effectively asks you to invest boredom as a resource.
Ok thank you, i think i understand now. Sorry for the confusion. I think i agree with you especially on the second point.
You are describing a very serious problem for game designers. Players will always "optimize for boredom" meaning they will choose the most boring task repeatedly if it offers no negative impact, but offers even the slightest positive impact. It can expose bad design, but you as a player can choose to not exploit those systems. Unfortunately for some reason we have a hard time saying no.
I have such a cake-walk leading up to the dragon, and then get destroyed every time. I have to be missing something ( most likely "strategy" ).
Sleep powder.... Easiest fight ever. Not sure if it was a glitch or not. But it slept the entire fight.
Color me confused as an old roguelike player but am I to understand waiting a turn is poor design? Bah! I will concede, however, I agree there should always be incentives to clear your objectives as efficiently as possible. This is why many roguelikes will either have a food system or go Evil Otto (a nasty invincible baddy that will hunt you down if you camp on a single level too long) to discourage camping.
To be fair, that's pretty much the same issue. Eliminate the ability to skip a turn or add a solution like food or even limiting the amount of skipping and it isn't an issue. I think a skip here or there wouldn't be bad design though. I'm pretty curious to find out how dedicated the developer is to the game. As the game is now, I find it hard to see any real revenue coming in with how generous the morale is given. Either way, I'm thoroughly enjoying my time with CQ2 and wish the developer the best.
You can tap the question mark at the top of the screen at any point and it enters a "what the hell is this" mode.
for the paladin, is it better to consecrate a weapon early, or wait until you have a great weapon since you are then stuck with, does your level make the difference or how many levels you have gone up :with: the weapon? The pugilists dodge skills are pretty awesome, but man the last boss you need serious magic resistance.
I managed pretty decently with the initial short sword or a dagger, still leveled damage up to 9. I'll bet, however, a better weapon would have been better as long as still gained early on.
Yeah, because we (consciously or not) understand that it's optimal within the game system. It's like getting infinite "plus ones" while investing no resources whatsoever. Why wouldn't we do that? Having to make the transition to some meta-level to realize "Wait a second, I'm still investing real-life time here and I'm not getting gameplay value back!" will always cause mental discord. That's why putting the ability to grind in a game, is bad design.