Universal Card Wars - Adventure Time - (by Cartoon Network)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    It's not bad, but I wonder what the point of the Battle Wheel is. At least you can turn it off after the first few levels, but it makes the game ridiculously easy by offering the player a massive advantage over the AI.
  2. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
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    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    After reading the comments, this is sufficient enough for me not to pull the trigger at this time.
  3. o0oJAKEo0o

    o0oJAKEo0o Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
    Full-Time Student
    Has anyone found out yet if you can earn gems in-game? If not, it is a HUGE disappointment :(
  4. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    Aside from the timer, you can only have 50 cards total in your collection. You can add 5 more cards to that total for one gem. Exactly one gem at a time can be obtained by completing a quest 3 times, with various challenges added on each attempt, or by paying $1 real currency. In addition, you need 3 gems to open the best chests for a chance at rare cards.

    The game looks great, the animations are smooth and the humour will resonate with fans of the show. The gameplay itself is fun in it's own right, but fairly easy. The AI does some pretty dumb stuff, such as using an ability for extra magic and then passing it's turn, making the game that much easier.

    The balance from one card to the next is also questionable as many cards, especially forged ones, are far superior than others while having the same cost. Some of the higher rarity cards are all but indestructible without other high rarity cards to counter then. For instance, one of the best 1 star creatures I've seen so far has 5 attack and 5 health, it can do 5 damage and take 5 damage. From a chest I received a creature with 5 attack and 30-something health. Considering decks are limited in size and during a match it takes gems to reshuffle, having a creature that alone can take out numerous other creatures is obviously very powerful.

    Overall, for $3 it's a decent enough game that will likely appeal in the short-term to fans of the show and perhaps fans of lane-based card games. Long-term it probably doesn't have enough depth going for it. Still, for $3 I think I'll get my moneys worth, but I don't see investing in any of the IAPs.
  5. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    You can, but you only get them by completing a stage 3 times, and can only do this once per stage. Since gems are have multiple uses, two being fairly important: opening chests for rare cards and increasing your storage, the limited amount of free gems may present a problem the longer you play.
  6. BloodFidelity

    BloodFidelity Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2011
    Cinematographer (Director of Photography, Camera O
    Los Angeles
    Think they'll add a multiplayer option in the future?
  7. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Couldn't agree more. If it was free, it'd be disappointing but it would be par for the course.

    But at $4, sorry. I get to play the game until I stop without playing more. I'm pretty sure this will drop to free, or they'll rebalance the timers. Until then, I've got enough to keep me busy... But man, I adore adventure time, and would have loved this to not have these cheap little tactics.
  8. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    I doubt it, the entire game, even the default combat system, appears designed around single player. If they did add though, hopefully they at least fix the fact that going first generally gives a fairly significant disadvantage. It's not too much of a problem versus the weak AI, but against human players I can see it being fairly game-breaking.
  9. BillyOceansBlues

    BillyOceansBlues Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    So far I am loving this game. It is full of polish and personality, way more than most ios games (but typical for a CN game). Mechanics are fun and deep. Really glad I sprung for this.
  10. badmanj

    badmanj Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Software developer
    Reading, England
    If anyone is tempted to buy any gems, please note it is cheaper to buy two lots of 6 gems than to buy one lot of 12...

    The gems do seem extremely expensive in this game. Hopefully they'll readjust this...
  11. leezeebub

    leezeebub Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    "The chef put rat poison in my food! Oh but it was only a little bit. I may get a little ill but it won't kill me, so it's totally acceptable and I'm going to throw money at him!"

    That's how all you apologists sound to me....
  12. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
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    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    "Wah. Wah wah. Boo hoo. Sob."

    That's how all you whiners sound to me. If you don't want the game, don't buy it.
  13. leezeebub

    leezeebub Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    #113 leezeebub, Feb 14, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
    Who's whining? I just came here to find out about the game... And don't worry, I won't.

    Oh and just a FYI. Dungeon Keeper had a soft release as well. During that time, things to buy with gems were a lot cheaper and the timers weren't as long... Then they slowly ramped things up and up to see how much they could get away with, to the point where things cost twice as many gems and 24 hour timers are regular thing right from the start of the game... The difference is that DK is a freemium game (and people still hate it).
    I wonder how much it would take for you to feel buyers remorse if this goes the same way.

    EDIT: Oh wow I've just noticed you are supposed to be a moderator here xD lol nice level of maturity and professionalism in your reply there!
  14. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    #114 Kirenx, Feb 14, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
    So a few more observations after playing more:

    1. Spells seem rather useless as you get more cards. Almost every spell effect can be done by a creature, essentially giving you two cards in one.

    2. The card balance, or lack of, is bizarre. I obtained a creature with 22 attack. On average players only have between 20-40 health. The creatures simply do not scale well with the cost:value ratios, the 1 magic creatures will have stats like 3/2, or at best 5/5, and 2 magic creatures have 5/15 or so, then 3 cost have 10/17, 22/5, or even 5/32. This imbalance is especially prevalent as the game is lane based, thus 1 creature versus 1 creature.

    3. Gems are really annoying to farm, and I'm already at 43/50 of my card storage. You can sell cards, but you get about 5 gold each for them, I currently have 5640 gold simply from matches. Really wish storage had been a lot larger as deck building games are generally more enjoyable when you can actually collect and build decks.

    4. The heroes are almost as imbalanced as the cards, and annoyingly level separately. So if you have made a deck with say 18 cards, and switch heroes, if that hero is a lower level you may have to go to deck edit and remove some cards to play.

    5. Just playing the story mode in a linear progression, the timer isn't too noticeable as every 3 levels you gain an extension on your timer and it is refilled. However, the moment you try to complete challenges to gain gems, the timer becomes a very real barrier to playing as much as you want.

    6. The game starts you off fighting with a random wheel that basically gives you a chance to completely block attacks on your monsters and to do critical hits when attacking. Your opponents do not get this, thus giving you a huge advantage. I have found that with this off, the later stages can actually be a bit of a challenge as the AI starts using decks with a lot more higher level creatures. If you play with the wheels, however, the bonus pretty much negates creature stats, since creatures with low health can simply spin and negate all damage.

    Overall, the game definitely has a bit of a freemium feel, perhaps not as bad as most freemium games. It is not a deep card game, and considering this is supposed to see a physical version, hopefully the creators work on the balance a bit more. Due to the collection capacity limits and the scarcity of rarer cards, the game becomes progressively less fun the further in you get. Fans of Adventure Time will probably still get a kick out of it, but anyone else will probably burn out fairly fast.
  15. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    It's a game. I think it's fun. You may not. It's not trying to forcibly remove money from your wallet.
  16. Bool Zero

    Bool Zero Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2010
    That's not even remotely a comparable analogy... Just stop...

    No one is forcing you to buy the game. If you don't like the notion then walk away, no harm, no foul. No one os making you "eat the cooking" much less forcing you to "pay for the meal". You speak of apologists and associate the notion that they have some idiotic and inane acceptability without realizing how knee-jerk reactionary and zealot-like you own position sounds. The point here is that your assertion sounds just as, if not more ridiculous than the position you are arguing against.

    It is possible to hate games with timers and have exceptions. It is not a position that is black and white and what works for you may not work for another. I know I personally love board and card games. I know for me personally, I dislike most forms of freemium and especially hate most games that release as premium with obvious freemium trappings that seem unavoidable (I'm looking at you Freyr games!). I've been in timeout a couple of times over debates about freemium and it's model used in games, and my position against them. To me, this one is not bad at all and I find most of the complaints largely inflated and grandstanding against the idea rather than the implementation. The timer in this game doesn't kill it for me, because it is a card game, and by the time I have played a couple of hours, I am ready to be off anyway, whether I hit an empty heart timer (which hasn't been my experience yet) or not.
  17. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    Haha, that seems arguable at times. Every time my deck runs out of cards or I lose a match, a message pops up telling me to just use a gem to have another go at it! Worst of all, the default selection is yes, so you have to be careful not to accidently use a gem anytime these messages pop up. Strictly with how this game uses and abuses gems, I would say it tries everything short of holding you upside down and shaking out your pockets.
  18. leezeebub

    leezeebub Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Again nice level of maturity lol, why are you getting so angry about it? Surely not because you're so insecure in your position that anger is your only retort?

    Also, where did I whine? I made an analogy to express my viewpoint but at no point was any whining involved. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is a forum right? If this isn't the place to express my opinion I don't know where is, and if you don't like people expressing opinions which differ from your own, perhaps you should find a different past time.
  19. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    A) I'm not angry.
    B) I feel pretty good about my position.
    C) One person's "expressing opinions" is another person's whining.
    D) I'm not sure I see how pointing out the absurdity of a ridiculous broken analogy is immature, but you seem married to that idea, so you can go with that if it makes you feel better.
  20. leezeebub

    leezeebub Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    A. Maybe not now, but it seemed you were one step short of throwing a tantrum and telling me to GTFO in your previous replies.
    B. let's see if that changes when the soft release is over.
    C. That's not actually true. Someone could express an opinion by whining but the two aren't mutually exclusive.
    D. I was talking about the overall tone of your posts. You're supposed to be a representative for these forums but frankly you give a pretty poor impression.

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