Universal Card Monsters: 3 Minute Duels (By MU77 NETWORK TECHNOLOGY)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    I feel your pain. I did the same thing on launch day.....almost made me stop right there and then.

    However the packs I pulled yielded enough good rares and one epic that I managed to form a decent deck.
    Let the fun commence!
    Since then, I have not felt the need to pay for anything else as the pack drop rate is so generous just this last 24 hours alone I've had a legendary and 2 epics drop.

    I get the impression the devs underestimated the sheer volume of interest in the game and are furiously working to catch up and brush up what is essentially a very good CCG.
    Let's hope so anyway.
  2. Machiknight

    Machiknight Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    Yea my purchase yielded nothing higher than an uncommon, including several packs that had nothing but commons. I was pretty upset!
  3. Cigarekt

    Cigarekt Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2016
    Oh well. This is what I wish everyone should know before they spend their gems. If you just started, it is advisable to buy runes or gold to upgrade your common/uncommon cards rather than card packs.

    That 5* blogodyte is a perfect counter to any magic creatures. That 5* notarat? A 4/6 for 2 mana is a terrifying force to reckon with. You will obtain a lot of daily packs and that will be your main source of new cards. You will obtain most of the useful rares in a few days.

    Remember, only card upgrades will bring you far in game and there are plenty enough of free runes daily to upgrade your cards. Choose wisely. Also, visit our discord channel for more tips!
  4. MintCity

    MintCity Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2016
    I couldn't agree more. Wait till you get higher in arena before purchasing packs. If you want to support the game, I would buy monster/item runes, although you can earn plenty through playing the game.
  5. CamZer0

    CamZer0 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    I'm setting up a little tournament over on the CM forums. If you'd like to take part get on over there (tap the beer icon) and it's under events.

    I'd love to have some TA participants. 32 spots total, 9 currently taken. Get involved.
  6. gmattergames

    gmattergames Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    #146 gmattergames, Jul 23, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
    Wait ... these MU77 guys actually expect us to pay them for putting this together? Seriously, aside from the gold debacle, I've played to mid tier (10) and feel the iap model has been fair. Cost $5 so far but have played 15+ hours.
  7. Cigarekt

    Cigarekt Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2016
    Please put me in XTXAG2. I am interested
  8. CamZer0

    CamZer0 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    Come reply on the game forum. I've got 3 spots left only!
  9. scape211

    scape211 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Graphic Designer
    totally agree. for a card battler game, this has a much lower money investment then something like Hearthstone to feel competitive. However, the gameplay is different - its less about getting all the legendaries and more about picking the right mix and upgrading. This game showers you with cards each day (like 5 packs a day for free from regular quests). The hard part is getting the right mix of mats to upgrade cards and buying mats to be competitive is cheap. Ive invested 5 bucks as well and am at mid tier and still have a bit more upgrading to do to get me higher. I dont know how they will handle expansions, but i doubt it will be the HS way of 'buy 50 packs for $50 bucks' that people in that game felt they needed to do. Overall, its been a good experience and i hope this game grows.
  10. rangent

    rangent Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2009
    I can't seem to find it. Also, guild chat seems to be broken (my last 3 attempts to post don't show up for me at least). Can you post a link here?
  11. Hephaestus

    Hephaestus Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    I'm in bracket 16 and it's been at least 20 matches since I've gotten an opponent who, like me, has 0 legendaries. What the ####?
  12. MintCity

    MintCity Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2016
    Hey Pagan Fox! I noticed you added me as a friend the other day but you still haven't added me to the TA guild. Could you please do that today? I really appreciate it!:)
  13. minusbacon

    minusbacon Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    #153 minusbacon, Jul 25, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
    Add me-- XU7K33
  14. minusbacon

    minusbacon Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    You're really giving this game one star just because you can't win? Rating a game based on if you can win is ridiculous.

    Have you modified the starting deck at all? Have you upgraded any cards? Have you learned any basic strategy? Which arena are you in?
  15. dTb

    dTb Member

    I really love this game and I really think it is not getting all the exposure it deserves. I was expecting TA to do a full review, to give a game of the week award or something.

    Because it did not happen, I decided to write a small review myself, just to scream my love to this game :D :


    Usually I hate freemium games self called "mobile CCG" (apart from Hearthstone) because they are usually just disguised cash/slot machines.

    But just because of its design, I felt the taste to at least try this one quickly, expecting to delete it after 5 minutes like I do with 99% of the freemium I try even when I have high expectations for them.

    And after one week I enjoy it to a point you cannot imagine! I really think this game is not getting the exposure it deserves.

    If I had to explain it with only one sentence I would say "Hearthstone captured and perfectly simplified the core essence of Magic the Gathering, and Card Monsters captured and perfectly simplified the core essence of Hearthstone".

    I'm a big fan of Hearthstone (and MtG) but I'm not every-time in the mood of farming and playing "long" games of 10 minutes where I may lose and get nothing in return (a pure lost of time in a life where time is almost the most important and valuable resource). Card Monsters games lasts usually 3 minutes. You have only 3 cards on the board and your deck is made of 16 cards (8 monsters, 8 equipments). Everything is extremely simple but also surprisingly deep. I am a board (and video) game developer and I tried myself multiple times to come with a MtG like where there are only 3 cards on the board and that's really difficult to make something interesting ("simplicity" is one of the most difficult thing to match with "interesting"). Card Monsters is a great success from this point of view.

    During your first games and tutorial you have access to only a couple of card abilities and you think that the game is going to be boring soon or turn into something very randomish. But no: level after level you understand better the core mechanics, its subtleties and at the same time you get cards with new abilities, you begin to see how all this can combo/interact/override etc. and that's finish, you're addict.

    I feel incredible that developers managed to pack so much enjoyable things (strategy, deck optimisation, farming...) into so short game sessions. If you have only 3 minutes, it's enough to go through your cards and find a new deck idea, to optimize your main deck by changing or leveling one card, or just to do a fight.

    If you like games like Card Crawl, Card Thief, Hoplite, Solitairica etc. you know what I'm talking about... and here one of the beauty is it's an online game such as Hearthstone, with the living community, the events, the constant content update!

    Before I continue to praise this game, let me talk about the small problems that makes me think it deserves a note of 4.6/5 instead of 5/5:
    - Localisation is a big fail. I started in french language first because my device was in french and... I switched to English as soon as I got the option.
    - On iOS, if you play a lot of games (~20 minutes) without restarting the app, sometimes a card texture is replaced by other. You understand it quickly and you "just" have to long press on the card to see what it is for real. Just a technical issue that is most likely going to be fixed.
    - And something that some may consider a problem but I don't: you often duel an AI in the ladder. I would say at the low levels 80% of my fights were against AIs and now at higher level it's more like 15%. They are not explicitly described as AI, they looks like real players but you quickly understand when you meet one, from it's profile to the strange way they are playing.

    Now back to praise!

    - The game is extremely generous: even if you play only 10 minutes per day, you get around 7 boosters pack to open. Yes everyday.
    Game is really polished: nice animations, simple but nice visuals... you really feel that it was made with love.
    - No crappy boobs girls: monsters are some skying penguin holding winchesters and giant rats with fake moustaches... did I mentioned the pretty small and cute (monstrous legendary killer) rabbit?
    - A mechanic I really love is that if you want to craft a card from a specific level (let's say a legendary), you need two kind of materials, the rarest being one legendary rune. And do you know how to get a legendary rune? Only (afaik) by destroying another legendary. In Hearthstone, when you destroy a card even very rare that you don't need, it's just turning into dust with no emotion attached to it: you could have destroyed a lot of common cards to get the same dust. Here if you destroy a legendary to get it's Rune and craft a new one with it... you will remember that legendary you destroyed and it will part of the story of the new card you made. You will remember what you destroyed forever to get THIS item.

    Now let's remember: it's my feeling after one week of play. But even if I was going to stop here, the fun this game already gave me was worth writing this long english-broken review in return!

    And by the way, my ID if you want to add me: XTYRRE
  16. Asdone

    Asdone Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2009
    I really appreciate this game, it's a flashy mix between hs and a clash game for the upgrade. I hope devs will continue supporting the game and add new features, because for me there are not so many cards and a lot of them are not used in general
  17. Mistrija

    Mistrija Active Member

    Jan 31, 2014
    #157 Mistrija, Jul 28, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2017
    Are there iOS notifications for this game? Like for new events available or messages from players etc? Basically for any badges you get in the game menus. At least to be working while the game is in the background if not when is fully quit. Especially for friends invites for practice duels.
  18. Hephaestus

    Hephaestus Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    He's not wrong. I've opened ~150 packs and gotten 2 epics and ZERO legendaries, and yesterday I was put up against someone with SEVEN legendaries, plus multiple pieces of legendary equipment. It's like being given an airsoft gun and told to fight someone with an AK-47. Since there is no way to craft legendaries without the hilariously impossible feat of getting duplicate legendaries, there's no way to progress even one tiny bit once your shitty cards are fully maxed. If I don't get a legendary from the ladder reward tomorrow I'm uninstalling.
  19. rangent

    rangent Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2009
    How does someone get 7 legendary monsters? Thousands of dollars and a bunch of luck?
  20. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    I do think it's luck, though there are those whales out there in these sorts of games.
    I have 2 legendary mobs and 2 items, three of which have been pulled from free packs.
    In my current team I run only one legendary, but have 3 epics which are fully upgraded......more powerful than a lot of legendaries.
    In fact upgrading even your rares to max will overcome a lot of legend heavy teams.
    Or so,I've found.

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