Universal Card Hog - Dungeon Crawler (out now!)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by SnoutUP, Nov 18, 2020.

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  1. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Available now: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/card-hog/id1533054074

    Hello there,

    I'm back with another pig-based game and this time would like to show you my take on card dungeon crawler which is heavily inspired by Look Your Loot and Dungeon Cards.

    There are multiple characters available, each bringing their own cards (usually a basic weapon, secondary weapon and skill) into the deck and a special (passive) skill to spice up the run which will be full of various enemies and might surprise you with the amount of card combinations available (I love adding them, so there will be more).

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Currently there's an endless mode with a couple of grid size options and a less endless mode in which you have an option to repeat the run with added difficulty modifier. There are permanent upgrade system as well as various in-run deck manipulations (upgrading, adding and removing cards).

    Planned release date:
    January, 2021

    Planned content:
    Adding the endgame in the current main mode, new modes, additional options for current modes (difficulty mods, possibly custom deck building), more cards, more characters and maybe a simple story mode.

  2. ObsoleteOne

    ObsoleteOne Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2017
    I remember watching Northern Lion's video about this. Looked awesome and makes much more sense as a mobile game.
    Is the board always limited by 3x4 on the PC version as well?
  3. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Thank you! Would like to think that the game improved quite a bit since that video, I've been updating Steam version almost weekly.

    The main mode has the same size on all platforms (just swapping cols with rows to suit the orientation), but there is an option to play an older endless crawl on 4x4 board and there's additional experimental "extra wide" 6x3 mode where one column of the grid is destroyed every few turns to keep player moving. Will try to bring it to the mobile release too. I'm planning to add more optional rooms to spice up the gameplay and am experimenting with different layouts or grid behaviors there.
    ObsoleteOne and AltsKev like this.
  4. W8rd3

    W8rd3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2017
    Human paper weight
    In a human dwelling
    Really loving everything about this so far! Love the art style, and even though the card-dungeon type games may be popular now with many similar offerings, this one,I think is both memorable and fun to play.
    Son of Anarchy and SnoutUP like this.
  5. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    I love it a lot too.

    Some issue on iphone 12 pro, need some padding at top for the notch and at bottom.

    After 10 min play my phone start to become hot.
    SnoutUP likes this.
  6. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much!

    The heating issue is a bit worrying, since I'm not too sure what could be causing it. However, maybe you could try to disable auto-saving in settings (it's pretty intensive process and happens every 3 turns on default setting) and report back if it helps in any way with the problem you're having. Meanwhile I'll research it further on my side.
  7. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    i am not sure to understand how lasso work ?

    i click everywhere but nothing happen

    Attached Files:

  8. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Sorry about that, there's a bug with skill highlighting, so it doesn't show valid targets. You should be able to grab items, enemies, few other objects and empty cards from the same row or column to the character.
    AltsKev likes this.
  9. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    got it thank
  10. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Just rolled a new update to iOS! Let me know if notch issue (at the top) is better now, I don't have a physical device to test, but it seems to work better in the simulator now.

    I also optimized code a bit and added a FPS cap option (Settings->Visual) to hopefully help with the heating issue.
    adin and AltsKev like this.
  11. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    its perfect on iphone 12 for the notch !

    Good job
    vectorarchitekt likes this.
  12. ObsoleteOne

    ObsoleteOne Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2017
    Have played only 3 short sessions so far and I'm very much impressed with what you have done with this somewhat established genre.
    I really love small (sometimes hidden) mechanics like Digger -> Shovel -> Empty Space -> Loot or the fact that Mushroom cap does poison enemies, etc. The graphics design is very clean. Art is fun and looks perfect on the mobile screen. Progression seems reasonable and randomness doesn't screw you over too often (and even when you get in a bad situation it feels that it's your own fault and you could've done something about it). The pig theme with little jokes here and there fit the project so nicely and elevates it above most other generic fantasy titles.

    All in all, I really love it and will continue playing. I'm, personally, not a fan of "grinding" progression but that's probably me getting old and having less and less free time for this kind of thing.

    Here is a list of minor issues I have encountered so far during my playthrough:
    • tutorial messages in the bottom left corner weren't immediately noticeable. And it should be even worse for left-handed people. They probably need some additional way to draw attention;
    • In the squirrel-shop I accidentally bough things while trying to look them up with a long tap which was frustrating (although didn't matter that much);
    • boomerang targeting and resolution are weird. I like that it highlights directions after the update. But still, it seems that it hits things on the way back or I don't know. I have used it 4 times already it still not sure I understand the logic;
    • the Nemesis-mechanic might be not so obvious for the people who haven't heard about it from Shadow of Mordor. When the game told me that I'm facing my Nemesis I couldn't figure out what it's talking about;
    Once again, great game. Hope it will get some love in the app store.

    ps. notch situation has been resolved for iPhone X
    SnoutUP and AltsKev like this.
  13. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much for the feedback! Always good when someone points out these smaller UI details which push me to improve neglected (lower priority) parts of the game and in the end results in better UX.

    One important thing I don't want to do, but probably will have to... Is adding a nice "UI blocking" popups, which would interrupt the game to provide explanations to new mechanics as they appear in the game (upgrades, nemesis). While I'm a fan of players discovering things on their own... not many have time to do that in mobile game and current non-intrusive messages are really easy to miss or ignore. Popup position would also be a good setting to have for accessibility.

    Boomerang just hits everything in one line (going around if there's a room for that). Might change its animation in the future, not many like it.
  14. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to post a small update since game now has an additional mode: zombie survival! It adds a few different mechanics to the mix, mainly crafting, auto-inventory system and a safe-house area which you can upgrade by crafting various objects.

    Hope you'll like it!
    AltsKev likes this.
  15. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    i love your game ! the zombie survival game is really fun with the day night switch :p
  16. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    Do you have any news about the heating issue ? i have try some other settings but my phone still become hot after 10 min
  17. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Have you tried out both lowering FPS in Visual Settings (set it to 30 to try it out, animations will look off at times, but might help) and turning off the auto-save?
  18. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    i ll try but i have big game like XCOM 2 in full hd and my iphone doesn't come hot.

  19. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Updated the game with a bunch of UI/UX improvements, new cards and some new interactions. Also spent a lot of time on translation engine and the game is now localized to a few languages with more coming soon!

    Planned release: end of February.
    Myrkul likes this.
  20. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Missed planned release date, but getting ready to launch for the pre-order soon and hopefully go for a full launch in a week or two. Just updated TestFlight build with more content, achievements and bug fixes.
    AltsKev likes this.

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