Universal Card Crawl (by Arnold Rauers)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Tinytouchtales, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Mack we'll all let you try the update first and report back to us. Seems fair #
  2. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009

    Quit the app completely, log out of GameCenter, restart device, log into GameCenter, start game.
  3. Tinytouchtales

    Tinytouchtales Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Berlin, Germany
    @Mack the Knife no the update just fixes some of the major bugs such as steal and so on.
  4. webdaffy

    webdaffy Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2009
    Awesome game !!!

    I have one question: how is the bonus gold calculated in an successful run?

    Hopefully the devs enhance this great framework with some kind of
    additional features to keep even long time players motivated, for example:

    • - enhanced statistics (e.g. winning streaks)
    • - arena runs (play against subsequent opponents if you survive)
    • - more player characters or classes (with different class specifics)

    Wish you a lot of success & keep up the good work !!!
  5. andreadeda

    andreadeda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2013
    The game is really fun even if a bit simple; very good presentation.

    It could be really awesome if there was a story mode with different battles against different decks; as it is is a funny way to pass the time but can't stop hoping for some big updates or even a sequel...
  6. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Hell of a game.
  7. vivafringe

    vivafringe Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
    #167 vivafringe, Mar 16, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
    Game Impressions

    This game is extremely fun, and like a lot of people I'm hoping this game ends up being popular enough for it to be worth supporting and adding content to (even if it's IAP). However, for now I'd really like to see two things fixed:

    - The special power cards have a wide power range. IDK if you guys are collecting metrics as to what appears in high scores, but the low hanging fruit is that Bash is close to useless. There *are* tactical differences between attacking and defending, but it's not worth freeing up inventory space to change one from the other. A more reasonable move would be to make Bash closer to Frenzy, and have the shield attack not expend the shield. I think fixing this is almost as important as fixing Steal. I am just autodeleting Bash when I see it to free up space (and I believe it's optimal to do that). On the flip side of the coin it feels like Revive shouldn't last forever (and only last 1 turn instead). Balance-wise it makes the move extremely powerful, since it's not too hard to play in such a way that it's a 10 point shield. But gameplay wise it's bad because because there's no HUD feedback to tell you that the ability is active, so it's easy to forget about if you're not paying much attention.

    - This is related to the previous point. In order to maximize chances of appearing on the leaderboard, and also gold gain, you should just never unlock spells that have lower than the average power. For now I'm fairly certain that you should not unlock Steal (since it's bugged) and Bash, but depending on how strong the later special abilities are, the list that you should never bother to unlock could be quite large. I personally strongly dislike this and feel that I shouldn't have to choose between having all the content and playing optimally. As a result, I think spells should just unlock automatically in order as you earn enough gold.
  8. Tinytouchtales

    Tinytouchtales Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Berlin, Germany
    @vivafringe very interesting comment. You have analyzed some of the flaws pretty good. In my opinion there have to be "some" less useful cards. If all cards would be equal there would be absolutely no choice on what to use aka. boring decisions. I see why you picked Bash as an example and i like your idea of buffing the card a bit. I will think about it.

    HUD feedback, mini icons on the player card, for cards that last longer than 1 turn is planned.

    The other comment in regards to lower tier cards ruining highscores in normal mode: Normal or Random mode was always intended as a more casual way to play. If you want to go for highscores you should play constructed as you can find out good card combos there. I see your point when you say that not unlocking certain cards in normal mode will give you an automatic advance over players that have unlocked all cards. Maybe we can fix that in an expansion where we will "force" players to unlock all cards first in order to get new content for example. For now we have to accept this flaw i guess.
  9. Nachtfischer

    Nachtfischer Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    Game Designer
    That's not necessarily the case. Obviously not all cards should be "equally valid in every possible situation". Instead every card should be valid in the context of the overall system, there should be situations for every card to be good. And the strategy is finding/identifying those. But having cards that are just overall worse is not the right way to go.
  10. Qwertz555

    Qwertz555 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2010
    Which card number is Bash?
    I got the german version and the translation doesn't make it clear.

    I'm about to buy a new card with my very hard earned coins and was thinking of card 11 (mirror/reflect in english?). Could someone explain this card a bit closer (spoiler please)? Will the reflect go to every card or only the bad ones or...? Thanks a bunch.
  11. Kinsey93

    Kinsey93 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2009
    Really loving the game so far, the artwork + depth is GREAT!

    I hope an expansion (free or paid) could include a few things...
    new avatars to play as (maybe with different skills like in the binding of isaac?)
    e.g Character that starts with a random valued sword, unlocked by playing 3 swords in a row in normal mode
    Character that cannot heal(or only heals with even/odd/spells), but potions give +extra damage/resistance next turn, unlocked by some kind of feat with revive

    Also, other people to play against would be great even though I like the ox man thing, even if is's aesthetic it would be a nice change every now and then.
  12. RLennon

    RLennon Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2013
    I love to balance of this game. If I try and play to win the game, I get a low score. If I play to get a high score, I die before the deck runs out. It's trying to find the perfect balance. That's the key.

    My high score is only 80. The high score universal is something like 320. How is that possible. I wish that high score lists would have a separate list for legitimate gamers.

  13. CrazedJava

    CrazedJava Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    I don't think I've ever played a card game outside of basic solitaire of freecell. This was a first for me and I think it was the TA review that convinced me to give it a try.

    Honestly, after a few games I was sure I'd spend my time in constructed mode after I got a few ability cards unlocked but I find myself bouncing back and forth consistently.

    The card draws do appear to be sufficiently random but I'm a little weirded out how often shield/sword combinations crop up together. I routinely draw a 2/2, 7/7, whatever sword shield combination, but not always. I wonder if this is intentional?

    It definitely has that "OMG this game is soooo cheating and just mopped the floor with me!....Ok, ONE more hand and then I'll stop." vibe.
  14. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    The highscore for a constructed deck is 139. The normal deck highscore with 320 is a hack. My personal best so far is only 103.
    I love this game. It's a bit sad, that there are not more cards to buy with gold. But it's still addicting.
  15. Nergal

    Nergal Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2014
    What do you guys mean by High Score? The amount of gold earned in a game? My GC is wonky for this game, I know you earn points for certain achievements but other then that not sure about where you guys are getting your scores from?
  16. justplainjay

    justplainjay Well-Known Member

    Haven't had time to look at all the strategies but my high score is 83 and I'm hoping to break 90!
  17. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    #177 Ghostdog1, Mar 16, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
    Your personal highscore is shown after every playthrough - no matter if you lose or not. It's the amount of gold earned in the game without the bonus gold. (You get bonus gold with a gold score about 70 or more) The overall worldwide highscore can be seen in menue-option "trophies". There you find a highscore for normal game -> it's called world. In "trophies" You can scroll to the left to see the constructed deck highscore -> it's also called world. Only difference in this menue is the symbol next to the written word "world".
    When you can't connect to the highscore but have GC turned on, just enter the "trophy" room once again. This works for me, when highscores don't show up on first attempt.

    My personal highscore is now 107. Fiddling around with different decks is really helpful.
  18. Nergal

    Nergal Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2014
    Thanks, competing on the leaderboards adds a lot to a game for me, now I just gotta work on cracking the top 100. Also, since I missed the leaderboard, I may have also missed some other modes. As far as I can see Normal is the only mode in the game? Great single player card game though, also love the art in the game
  19. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    Normal is not the only mode. The most fun and skilled mode is found in the menue under "constructed". In this mode you select 5 special cards for your game. But in the beginning you only have 5 special cards.
    To get more:
    In the main menue click "collection" to buy special cards with gold you earn with playthroughs. There are 13 specialcards to unlock. With this cards the game gets really deep strategy. You change with different decks and special cards in "constructed"- mode your playstyle.
    The more you unlock- the easier the game will be. But ballancing the special deck is the key.
  20. Nergal

    Nergal Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2014
    And thanks again, I though constructed was to designate a deck for normal mode, Ha! Dunno why this menu puzzled me so much, at least I know how it works now.

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