Universal Card Crawl (by Arnold Rauers)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Tinytouchtales, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Stevencarla

    Stevencarla Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    after these days of playing, i ve tried my best to reach my best score 100 , so what is the highest possible score in thisgame ??? thanks !!!
  2. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    #242 worldcitizen1919, Mar 24, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    Very disappointed the lash card got dumbed down. I worked a while to get it all for nothing. No point in trying to acquire the skills anymore as they get dumbed down and the lash was one of the rare better cards amongst other not so good skill cards.

    Waste of time playing for skill cards if this happens. Deleted.
  3. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Well you can get an idea by seeing all the high scores that game shows you worldwide... You know, the heads in the jars? It's there somewhere on the title screen.
  4. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    So lash got gimped? I didn't use it much but it felt good when you had three bad guys take it on the chin.

    Not three points each anymore? Any more notable changes before I take the update plunge?
  5. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    I regret updating. I had a lot if fun until the update.
  6. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Well maybe you delete it and then reinstall off your computer if you keep a backup? I've been disappointed with certain updates in the past so I periodically back up stuff so I can hopefully get the earlier version back.
  7. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    This new update plays VERY differently. I now can't seem to lose... Which is a good and bad thing. Good in a way but now it seems like there is very little tension as it seems so much less aggressive. So I miss the "fear" I used to have... lol
    If that makes any sense...

    Plus the scoring seems definitely lower... Someone else also mentioned this but I haven't come close to the scores I put up even just last night. I think the leaderboards are going to need to be reset if this is the new scoring curve.
  8. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    #248 Talbs, Mar 24, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    This new update isn't sounding good. I was holding off buying this because have too much of a back log, but very much intended to soon.
    Not good if things have been changed up too much.
    Any more new impressions?

    Edit: just read the changes log on the AppStore and it only mentions non bug changes as changes to "lash" and "swap" cards. Is that really enough to change people's experience so much as it sounds? There's no mention of other critically game mechanic changes, as the rest is bug fixes.
  9. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    No other cards besides what you mentioned seem changed. It's just the deal of the cards seem very different... I know it was changed to prevent the swords and shields from appearing together but it overall plays quite differently.

    It's still enjoyable and a must-buy IMO but different. Not sure yet if I like it better or worse... I'm sure we're going to hear a lot more about it today and tomorrow. Be interesting to see other people's opinions.
  10. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    Game Impressions

    I like the game with the update much more. It was allways an easy game to win as long as you were not going for a highscore. But now it's much more about skill and not about card luck. The decision what health and armor/weapon cards to drop to get gold is now in a perfect ballance. I played it now with the update about 30 times in constructed mode. Have lost about 8 games because of being too greedy for gold. My best in this 30 rounds was 104. Before the update my best was 107.
    So complains about less gold counts are nonsense.
    They really made this game now near to perfect.
    Only thing missing are new heroes and new cards to unlock. But i hope this will come with an iap update in some time.
    And thanks a lot to the devs for taking out the 8 monster cards in a row unfairness.
  11. CrazedJava

    CrazedJava Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015

    I paid $2. If the update is no good, I've gotten more than my $2 out of the game already. No worries here.
  12. Tinytouchtales

    Tinytouchtales Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Berlin, Germany
    Hey guys!

    Let me hear your feedback, I want to hear all your opinions likes/dislikes.

    With 1.5 we aka. I introduced a new bug where the cards used in normal mode are wrong after restarting from within the game... fixing that asap.

    Besides that we nerfed lash to compensate with the new Swap synergy. Still this games design is in motion and we are planning on adjusting some of the other cards too.

    Shuffling is less heavy on luck now. Monsters are a little bit more distributed, which should make the "casual" games more easy to win but getting highscores will still be tough. Everyone complaining about too easy now should show me their highscores above 110 - which is still hard even for me.

    I can already spoiler that we will submit the performance fixes for older devices at the end of the week, so stay tuned for that too.
  13. CrazedJava

    CrazedJava Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    Well so far I hit pretty good scores in both normal and constructed mode. Didn't break anything but finished high for me.

    Failed a game right off in constructed mode, which I normally win, so the game is not a guaranteed success (which is fine!)

    Lash still does 3 points of damage but now it is random? Found it in normal mode, didn't seem to be a problem. Still as useful as it ever was (which is questionable depending on your play style)

    I'm not really seeing the problems so far.
  14. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Yeah I never said there was a -problem- with it... Just that it played differently and I got some lousy scores #

    Someone else had mentioned the scores so maybe that subconsciously trashed my performance - who knows.
  15. Fieryseraph

    Fieryseraph Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2011
    That moment when you use a Morph on a power 10 Souleater, and it turns into a power 13 Souleater. :)

    I like the update, by the way! The card shuffling problem was definitely bugging me.

    I'm happy the game is doing well, this game is a keeper.
  16. CrazedJava

    CrazedJava Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    That's why I actually like Morph. Seems like 4 out of 5 times it helps me, but on that 5th time? Epic screwing.

    I have also morphed a power 13 Souleater. Sphincter tightening moment, fortunately I had just enough sword, shield, and health to get past that and still win the game.
  17. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    I've had that moment too... great description lol
  18. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Once you introduce a dice roll with skill cards they cease to be skill cards and become luck cards and you can't plan a strategy with them anymore. You place a skill in your pack because you know it will have a certain effect but when that effect is random then it's up to Lady Luck whether that skill is useful or not. That defeats the purpose of having the skills, acquiring them and using them.

    I can see this is a great game being broken. What else will be dumbed down next?

    I would suggest to the dev not to tamper with the skill cards because one has to earn them. Create an easy mode or harder mode where you can or cannot use skills for those that want these modes but don't alter the basic game to accomodate different levels.
  19. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    I don't know what you are talking about. All my skill cards in constructed mode work like a charm. What do you mean with random effect? Maybe you have lost too many games and get a bit too frustrated not reaching your highscore that you had before the update. Read your last posts and see how you are in rage all time.
    The update lets you play with much more skill. The older version was about a lot of luck. So this is now ballanced.
    Devs try to make this game better. And they did with this update.
  20. CrazedJava

    CrazedJava Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    But the very nature of a card game means there is some randomness to it.

    I just don't get the assertion that a random effect on a card somehow destroys the game. I've been having a great time before and after the update.

    Essentially this is just Solitaire on steroids. Just like Solitaire though, there is some luck of the draw no matter how much you try to strategize.

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