Great AI? I don't agree, but it doesn't really matter, most people play online anyways I think. Here are also Carcassonne tournaments, if somebody is interested:
For a game this complex I am actually quite impressed with how well the AI does and how they made them actually play differently. Sure human competition is always better but the AI is pretty solid! In fact i imagine updating the AI was one of the harder parts of programming the expansions as the new tiles add a lot more possibilities.
Finally broke down and got this, and I love it. Either I'm a terribly rubbish player, or the AI is pretty darn tough. I don't think I've felt this actively challenged by an AI in any similar games. Actually makes me afraid to play other humans though I am a bit of a Carc noob, but I don't lack for enthusiasm for the game. If you're on the fence, it's a wonderful app as well (I own the tabletop also). Very impressed with the polish and presentation.
annoyingly can't play any games till the evening at work some info on the changes at the developers blog
that's nice, however i think the river mini expansion could be just part of the base game as an option, because it changes only the start of the game and as i understand was shipped in some prints with the base game.
It can be included as part of the base game, you just have to pay for it first and then tick the "River" box. However, if you're saying that it should be included for free, then no, there's no legitimate or reasonable argument you can make in favour of begrudging the developers the measly $1 they're charging for the time and effort it took to develop and implement this expansion - and make no mistake, it is an expansion which is still sold separately in physical form. TR2 has been included in some of the box sets, but it isn't part of the base game; the physical sets also all cost a hell of a lot more than this app does. Over here, the basic physical game is NZ$43.99 (on special), while the iOS version is NZ$13.99. The "Big Box 3", which has the base game and five expansions, costs NZ$117.99, while the iOS version with both expansions costs a hundred dollars less at NZ$17.84. If three more expansions were added to the iOS version at the same price point as I&C, the total would still only be a paltry NZ$25.52. As for TR2's physical incarnation, over here it is NZ$10 on special, and I&C is NZ$30.99, whereas the digital expansions cost NZ$1.29 and NZ$2.56 respectively. I don't think asking for discounts or freebies is necessary, fair, or even in good taste in this situation.
Agreed. The pricing for these expansions is extremely reasonable. In fact I was expecting it to be almost double what they asked. Instabuy for me. Great update :- )
it's really tiny expansion with basically nothing new and with definitely no big efforts to implement it, so there are legitimate and reasonable arguments why this could be free in the premium priced ios game (i am not saying it should be, because there are probably some license costs devs should pay).