Universal Carcassonne - 2011 TouchArcade GOTY Runner Up! [Expansion Packs Out]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by VeganTnT, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Nice blog there, Mr. Bass!
  2. Thanks I just added Through the Desert by Knizia which was announced two months ago exactly April 22, 2010.

    Side note that app iCarc ($2) though got it when it was free. They show all the expansion tiles. Last update though yesterday removed the copyright images and replaced with generic looking ones although still shows the tiles. I just keep it to see which tiles will be coming out depending on which expansions come out for Carcassonne.
  3. Mlw209

    Mlw209 Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2010
    Sorry if this question has been asked before, but can someone please tell me if multiplayer is timed? Does your opponent have, for example, 60 seconds to make a move? Or can this feature me turned off?
  4. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    Ah, very cool. It's interesting that someone's doing Le Havre but not Agricola (although I guess they have different publishers, so...). I just go Le Havre and am currently in the process of trying to figure out how the heck you play it well.
  5. TheSporkWithin

    TheSporkWithin Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    College student, studying English/Japanese lit.
    There's a forced 60 second timer in random matchmaking, you can't disable it. If you do multiplayer with a friend though, there is no timer. Furthermore, when doing multiplayer with friends, you'll receive a push notification when your turn comes up, so you can leave the app while you wait.
  6. Grumps

    Grumps Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Feb 2, 2009
    iOS Game Developer
    Game Tips:

    I was playing without really going through all of the instruction but did you guys realize that a person with the most men on any terrain will get the points?

    For example, if blue player have 2 men on the connected field and red player have only a single men, only blue player will receive points for that category. Same rule applies to road & city :)

    This changes the whole game don't it?
  7. Rules in scoring section it specifically says "with most follower(s)" and ties are shared.
  8. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    Not sure if this can be added in... but that would be really helpful info to someone who only played the tutorial. I don't remember it being covered and only found out after playing someone online.
  9. magihiro

    magihiro Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    I think it's fine where it is. People need to read rules sometimes. :p
  10. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    I agree, the interactive tutorial is good to teach you the basic rules of the game but it is always a good idea to read through the rules in the game to better grasp everything there is to know. :D
  11. Yes cuz other area scoring board games change it up so always have to know the rules. For instance in China the 2nd player scores how many the 1st has. 3rd player scores how many 2nd has. Tikal for instance if tied no points are scored only when you have majority. El Grande oh geez I can't even remember..hehe.

    I have a friend and we have played probably about 60 or 70 games of this. He has beat me two or three times but he still loves to play as I think he is getting the strategy more and more. Still has trouble figuring out how to steal farms or protect farms near end of game though. To me it's obvious but he still makes silly mistakes like putting a farmer north of a road when he needs to come in south. It'll never happen (unless road with cloister but only two of those are in the bag).
  12. update 1.1 update just came out (iOS 4.0 tested)

    - support iOS 4
    - high-resolution artwork for iPhone 4's Retina Display
    - multi-device support enhancements
    - improvements to Internet play
    - setting to disable chat in Quick Play
    - setting to disable vibration on turn
    - german localization fixes
  13. Squeaker

    Squeaker Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Lovely. With an iPad update the game will be perfect.
  14. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    Their twitter states that their next goal is to release the universal update so the app is compatible with the iPad. After that they are working on expansions via DLC. Can't wait. :D
  15. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2008
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    Orlando, FL
    Has anyone put it on their iPad after the Retina Display graphics update?

    I'm curious to know how it looks/feels
  16. #336 mrbass, Jun 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2010
    Think it looks same to me since it was clear already before update. Same with Zooloretto. Now Ingenious at 2X could use a little help but honestly not too bad though.

    Here is screenshot now and I put in update last night. I don't know about retina think it's marketing hype. I remember when 72 dpi was MAX human eye could see. Then it was 100dpi or 110 dpi somehow. Now it's 310 dpi or something. Have our human eyes improved? Also next year all of a sudden human eyes will be able to notice 90fps rather than just 60fps. We are evolving I suppose.

  17. RttaM

    RttaM Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Just got the game due to the amazing reviews (Why isn't this in the Top 100?)

    I'll leave my impressions soon! :D
  18. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    It WAS before EA and Gameloft decided they wanted to take the whole thing over ;)

    Thanks for the screen mrbass! The board looks great even though the Meeple have some jaggies (doubt you'd see those when all that is crammed onto an iphone screen though)
  19. bluewomble88

    bluewomble88 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Am I right in thinking you cannot gain a win over a field/city/road with 3 meeples against 2? In other words if a city has 2 meeples from each side inside it then both players share the points even if a 3rd is introduced before it's completed?
  20. bluewomble88 yes you can take over majority with 3 followers if opponent only has 2 followers and prevent them from scoring and only you will score. I really think they need to make an option to replace back the Meeples (followers) after the game so new players can analyze the farm scoring or city scoring for instance as some may believe it's not correct which I can totally understand.

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