Universal Carcassonne - 2011 TouchArcade GOTY Runner Up! [Expansion Packs Out]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by VeganTnT, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. markl

    markl Member

    Apr 25, 2009
    scoring issues?

    I'm sure I get screwed out of points at the end of games I play against the AI.

    If I understand correctly, it doesn't matter who has more followers on any given field - you all get points, right? Unlike completed cities, where the player with the most followers as the city completes gets the points (unless there's a tie).

    And the green bar/flower icon represent points from fields, right? Well, it all the above is true, then unless the final scoring is drawn incorrectly, I'm not getting scored for field points.

    I'm going to pay closer attention as the end of game nears to be sure ...
  2. nope same as cities for field scoring.
  3. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    Scoring for fields is based on the number of guys you have on all the fields touching a given castle. If a castle touches three fields, and you have the most guys on those fields combined, you get 3 points for the castle.
  4. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    Speaking as someone who's played 85 games against the AI opponents...

    No, they don't gang up on you, and winning against multiple AI opponents really is doable. It's a lot harder, of course, because there is a fair amount of luck in the game, and getting luckier than one opponent is much easier than getting luckier than 3-4 opponents. I do feel like the strong AI I play against (the Count) targets me a lot, but I think he targets everyone; he's just a more aggressive player.

    Also, the strong AI is definitely better than the easy AI; he wins a lot more often. However, he doesn't always win. A lot of it depends on my style. He's very focused on controlling castles, so if I focus on castles and trying to get castles away from him, one of the other AIs is more likely to win. In my games the Servant (one of the easy AIs) focuses a lot on farms, so if it happens to be a good farming game, and he doesn't get a lot of competition, then he has a shot at dominating everyone else. But on average, the strong AI does better.
  5. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    See I've had over 50 and while not many of them were with 3 or more players I still found that they often played moves to screw me over. It might have just been because they thought it was the only or best move at the time and I was just having terrible luck though.

    Aside from that the strong AI seems to be far more pradictable. Like you said they often seem to be controlling over cities so it isn't hard to block their attempts to finish it.

    I can't wait for the expansions to come out. :D
  6. markl

    markl Member

    Apr 25, 2009
    Yes, on closer inspection of the rather fast scoring at the end, I see that now. Same for for roads?
  7. swampthing

    swampthing Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2010
    Hmm I find it not that hard to win multiplayer, except when the count (in particular) and countess are involved. The only AI that has a higher ranking than me is the count, and to win I have to majorly screw him over, like take his pieces away or prevent him from closing a castle.
  8. asianness

    asianness Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Hey sorry if this was asked before and sorry for bothering this thread but ...

    I have no idea what this game is really. I've read the reviews and watched the dev trailer but it really doesn't tell me much about the game i guess. I'm not really a hardcore board game player but this one looks good but i don't wanna pay for it then not like it.

    Is this game good for someone who, say, never really played boardgames that didnt have the words Monopoly in the title?

  9. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    There isn't really any way to answer that question. Did you never play board games because you actively dislike them or find them entirely uninteresting? If so, this probably isn't the game for you. It is a great game, though, especially if you're interested in strategic planning and adapting to unpredictability. Not sure what else to say...
  10. Ohbobol

    Ohbobol Member

    Mar 8, 2010
    Simply Amazing!

    I don't comment much around here but I must say... This game is amazing! I had never heard of it before it was released on here. Judging on all the initial comments, I decided to see what all the fanfare was about. This game has failed to lose my attention. In matter of fact, I've enjoyed this game so much, I purchased the board game. It's been a blast teaching friends how to play. Bravo on this game, and I hope to see some expansion packs soon!

    If you're still second guessing the purchase of this app, just do so already. You won't be disappointed!
  11. Zallman

    Zallman Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2009
    Good golly I feel spoiled by the expansions. I got this for my touch but I can't bring myself to play it without all the extra goodies of the expansions.
  12. Yes it's a good intro game into German board games I'd say. It's very light weight and has some good screwage aspects to it that don't make it say as nearly as nasty as Hacienda or Santiago board games but enough to tick off your opponents and deny them some major scoring.

    There's quite a few more German board games in the pipeline coming soon and are a tad more involved then this but the expansions for Carcassonne will give you new life and this game should never get old.
  13. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    Really? Which other games are coming? Is there a particular company developing them?
  14. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010

    The thing is though, Carcassonne isn't your typical North American style board game. I'm personally not a huge board game fan but I love Carcassonne along with a few others such as Settlers of Catan that get a group of people together for a game night.

    The things you have to answer for yourself are; do you like a game that involves a decent amount of strategy, and do you mind if said game also factors in luck. If you like a good game of s trategy and don't mind a bit of luck being involved then you will probably enjoy Carcassonne. The rules are very simple and if you play the tutorial it will teach you the rules of the game. If you are still a bit confused there are instructions you can read through for more details. The same applies to the new game option called Solitaire, all instructions are in the game, presented well, and easy to understand. Once you have the basics down it will take a lot longer to master and develop your own strategies.

    On a side note, once you get bored or playing against the AI you can jump online and test your skill against other players from around the world or friends.
  15. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    According to their twitter, 1.1 has been submitted and includes various fixes as well as high resolution and support for iOS4.

    They also said their next priority is to complete the iPad version so they may update the app to a universal app which at that point the price will raise to $9.99.

    After the update to make it universal they will be focusing on expansions which will be available as In App purchases. I'm still hoping to see at least one expansion such as The Rivers included in an update for free. :D It won't be the end of the world if they don't include at least 1 for free but I think letting people try one expansion will show potential customers just how much an expansion can actually change the gameplay. ;)
  16. EMTKiNG

    EMTKiNG Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2010
    Los Angeles,CA
    I totally agree I would like at least 1 freebie for the expansion because before I bought the game .I havent played it or knew anything so I dont know how the expansions will change the game
  17. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    While normally not one trying to hit devs up for free DLCs (free is nice but, let's face facts, new content only comes if they get paid), but I think you're onto something there, Drucifer. Some of these expansions are simply a new rule and a couple of new pieces. As a fan of the game and one who's played with some of these expansions in a PC version of the game, I get that while they often don't sound like much they can have a PROFOUND effect on the game. So I figure something like Rivers for free and once players see how much of an impact they can have on gameplay even if a whole 5 pieces, it will be easy to sell the rest for $1+ a pop.
  18. medianotzu

    medianotzu Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    This game is absolutely gorgeous. I didn't know what to expect, but with all the rave reviews I figured I'd give it a shot and I'm glad I did. I'm hoping to see what the expansions are all about too, sounds intriguing.
  19. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010

    Glad some people agree. I thought my original post may have come across like I'm some sort of cheap a$$ but I'm honestly not. I have no problem paying for the additional content, hell I've already bought the game 4 times now, once for myself and 3 other times I purchased the game for a friend or family member so we could play together. ;)

    BTW, my best Solitaire game now is just over 650. I'll have to give the "Game of the Week" a go to try and get a high score. :D
  20. Here's my blog post ...trying to keep track of the European board games in the pipeline.

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