Universal Carcassonne - 2011 TouchArcade GOTY Runner Up! [Expansion Packs Out]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by VeganTnT, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. Khamous

    Khamous Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2009
    How do you get different colored meeple?

    Also, any chance you can see your rank by inputting your e-mail or something?
  2. cthibault

    cthibault Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Professional Magician
    MA, USA
    You can change the color of your meeple for internet games by tapping the meeple to the right of where you entered your email address to make you account.
    If you tap the mail icon on the front page of the app in the lower left corner, the devs just posted a message last night with a link to the top 100 ranking list.
  3. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    What is everyones high score for the Solitaire mode so far? I think my best is around 530. :D
  4. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    583 on L'Anisois
  5. TheSporkWithin

    TheSporkWithin Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    College student, studying English/Japanese lit.
    554 on Aulontre. 476 on Gavioure, the "game of the week."
  6. Menneisyys

    Menneisyys Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Just purchased - and eagerly waiting for the high-res iPad version.
  7. #247 mrbass, Jun 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2010
    One thing I hope knizia samurai (when it comes out for iphone) does like it was on mabiweb was be able to override your color. For instance, say you are in 20 games it's much easier to flip among them going from next to next if you are always yellow. If an opponent picked yellow they'll still see their yellow. Hope that makes sense.

    Probably too late for Carcassonne to implement that feature though.
  8. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    That would be awesome!

    Conlan stole my yellow in Carcassonne so whenever I play him I'm Blue. I keep making mistakes because I'm focusing on the yellow and not the blue.

    He did it on purpose to throw off my game :(
  9. thats why I'm always skeptical when playing with devs..hehe. You still beat us though VeganTnT.
  10. MartiNZ

    MartiNZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    My top 5:
    755 on Atuièpes
    637 on L'Oyesody
    631 on L'Urileir
    609 on Acad'Oion
    596 on Outuônnne

    But you beat me on those two you listed :). I've done 23 towns now through random - I keep wondering how many there are, surely not every ordering of the 70 tiles? Even with duplicates that's an astronomical figure.
  11. mikeg123

    mikeg123 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2009
    That is awesome! The funny thing is that I was just telling my wife, this morning, that Samurai needs to come out on the iPhone/iPad. And now I see that it is. Go figure. :)

    I'm embarrassed to admit that I had never played Carcassonne before. But after reading all of the great reviews here, I bought the game a couple of days ago, and I have been loving it! I haven't ventured into the multiplayer realm, yet. I'm challenged enough by the easy AI at this point. :rolleyes:

    Now I'm tempted to check out Catan (another one I'm ashamed to admit that I have never played).

    But I have played Samurai.
  12. RaptorF35

    RaptorF35 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Computer Technician
    On a Motherboard
    I've played samurai, Catan, and axis & allies.

    I'm really hoping for a&e to come to the iPhone(anyone else?). And I'm thinking of getting this :)
  13. sync99

    sync99 New Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    665 on gavioure. 726 on l'oind'ules is my best.

    Loving this game, am new to it, but I really think it's beautiful to look at and the play mechanics are simple but deep. Awesome ;)

    A few things I'd love to see:
    - better online matchmaking, maybe a lobby for >2 people games?
    - a way to add quick game opponents to your online friends list
    - online high scores for all game modes
    - online play is a little flakey at times - maybe a better way to see connection issues? I've had people make no move, I exit and reenter app, game is still in progress and they are asking why I won't move. Sometimes after finishing a game I get a push message that the game finished some time after. That said I've had maybe 10 quick games, 1 with that problem, 2 where they dropped out, and 7 good!

    I'm in the group if anyone wants to add me. I'm <1200 ATM though, like I said I'm new to it ;)
  14. bluewomble88

    bluewomble88 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Ok I'm now pretty sure there is a bug regarding fields. Just finished an online game with 2 others and I had a meeple in a field with 1 other opponent meaning we would share points. He got all of them! I know it's possible he had a 2nd meeple in a field nearby but I was very careful about it; I was definitely entitled to half of the points.
    Once the game is ended it would be good to see the final board with the last placed meeples.
  15. TheSeldomSeenKid

    TheSeldomSeenKid Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Manchester, England
    I agree, it'd be good to go back and review the board...
  16. pbb76

    pbb76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2009
    Anyone having Push problems? I've got 2 email games on the go and notice no moves had been played for a while, so I went into the games and the moves played out and it was my go - but I did not get a Push, nor a badge on the icon... :(
  17. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008

    Every dev out there should buy this game just to see how to do a perfect interface/polished game on FIRST TRY.

    Bought yesterday after reading this thread....never played Carcassonne before aside from maybe half an hour on XBOX360 years ago (didn't liked the 3D look)...played till 3 am in the night.
    Really well done, from graphics to sounds, to interface and music....

    Is there a prize for the very first one that lower his ELO below 1000 in no time?
    Because if there is, it's mine :)

    Cannot wait to play some online game.

    Just a question (I'll re-read more accurately the help though): sometimes I get a nasty X on the table meaning I cannot place anything there...usually in the spot that grant me huge city.
    Is that because there are no 'right' tiles left?
    Or are there some other meanings in that?

    Many thanks.
  18. Oliver

    Oliver Well-Known Member

    Yes. You can also tap on the tiles button in the area on the right to see which tiles are left.
  19. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Thank you.

    I was playing my first online play when the network was shut down...after a while (back online) I received a push message saying it was my turn.
    That's ok, many other games do that.
    What left me speechless for a moment was the fact that I HEARD the old voice from the tutorial saying it was my turn.
    I didn't even thought it was possible on the iPhone to personalize the push 'sound'.
  20. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010

    I completely agree with this. After playing Carcassonne day after day since released the only thing I thought of so far that I would like to see is a way to view the entire board with all meeples still in play so you can see what everything looked like and maybe work on future strategies to help you out. :D

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