Is Car Jack Streets a 'long' game with lots of depth and levels or is it very 'short' with the game balancing on the fringes?? Does it have any incentives to make me want to come back, ie. other modes?? In other words, does it have replayability???
Bought it for $1, played a couple days trying my best to get into the game and like it, but never opened it back up. I thought I would enjoy it because I absolutely love GTA chinatown, but for some reason I was just never was able to get into the game, and now I haven't touched it for like 2-3 weeks. It maybe just me, but I think the ratings of this game in the AppStore shows the dislike too (3/5 stars), for those who got into the game, there has been some complaints about the repetitive missions, keep in mind you have to play this every week.
Errrm, I'm not sure about much replayability - it has online score boards, and achievements to earn (with what looks like three unlockable cars), but I can't see myself trying hard to complete it more than once. (I've only had it three weeks or so, though, so I can't say if I'll complete it even once - so far, so good though). I'm enjoying it more than I expected though - the missions are generally fairly easy, so reaching the target money isn't too much of a hassle, and it's fun for quick blasts. I actually prefer it to GTA 2 (the closest game I've played) because it's easier to get through and I feel the type of game they both are is better suited to CJS-style quick plays. I'd say it is very much a 'casual' rather than 'hardcore' game though. I'm not sure how much I'd pay for it (I got it for 59p/99c), but possibly 3pounds (can't do pound sign!!!) would be my upper limit. Hope some of that helps...
It's fun in quick bursts for perhaps a 2 weeks. At about that time, you'll realize that there are only 10-15 actual missions beyond the standard delivery ones (e.g., pizza delivery, ambulence). You'll probably have played many of the same missions in the same 2 week period too. I've played the game on and off for over a little month, and I haven't seen a new mission since the 2nd week. I've played some missions at least 10 times. The variety in the missions is also rather low, with most just varying by the description. It's too bad, too. It's quite a good game otherwise, with a fantastic foundation for a game that could be excellent. But the lack of missions and the general repetitiveness destroys it. I'd still say it's worth it at a $1 or $2. Overall, Payback is clearly by far the best GTA clone on the iPhone/Touch. It's got a much larger variety a missions, FAR more number of missions, and multiple game modes and cities.