Universal Captain Cowboy (By Wadonk AB)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Bob Nimbe

    Bob Nimbe Active Member

    Jan 12, 2016
    Founder of Wadonk. Lead Singer in Maskinpop
    Vislanda, Sweden
    A review!
    With several stars in it!
    I'm beyond happy :)
    Feels good that that crazy mess of thoghts in the end materialized into an actual game and that people enjoy it!

    And hey! Lowlander! That's awesome!
    I'm of course a big fan of the Ultima-style and we created the space station as a tribute :)
    A couple of blocks and the text "saloon" was/is all you ever need for your imagination to create the most perfect space saloon.
  2. Gektor Flagler

    Jan 29, 2016
    playing games, playing poker
    keep traveling! Thank God!
    looks like a pure indie game - it's all in there ! But the price a bit high for that type of games (maybe?). But true fans of such genre & old nostalgia will like it!
  3. Bob Nimbe

    Bob Nimbe Active Member

    Jan 12, 2016
    Founder of Wadonk. Lead Singer in Maskinpop
    Vislanda, Sweden
    #143 Bob Nimbe, Feb 5, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2016
    The price is a difficult subject.
    3 dollars is like, not much money. I need 5 to just buy a sack of virtual gems in Clash of Clans. Or 8 for a beer at a bar here in Sweden.
    People tend to think some types of games are typical 1 dollar games. At the same time another fellow buys a new AAA game at the store for 60 bucks and don't even open it. Just put it on his shelf.
    My hopes are that when the next developer is gonna put at prize on their game they will look at Captain Cowboy and think:
    "Hey, they charge 3 bucks! We should do that too!"
    And then someone go:
    "Yeah or just make it free and fill it with ads!"
    but then a third fellow, swings in through the window with a little white glove and slap him in his face and say
    "Shame on you!"

    Or perhaps that's just my imagination.
    And I charge 3 bucks for it. ;D
    sebgo likes this.
  4. Bob Nimbe

    Bob Nimbe Active Member

    Jan 12, 2016
    Founder of Wadonk. Lead Singer in Maskinpop
    Vislanda, Sweden

    Damn, this is awkward.
    Found out about lowlander here, been playing it since and all of a sudden find myself stuck cause of the game autosaved while I was being poisoned and too many steps to the healer, right outside of a town.

    Soo, i need to restart the game now. I smell karma ;D
  5. bsabiston

    bsabiston Well-Known Member

    Ha ha Bob -- but you can restore your 'previous' save from the options menu, I put it in just for situations like that. It might be too late for that information now though...
    I'm still rocking on Captain Cowboy. Am still in the top half of the map, haven't seen any water yet. Though I did find the little secret way to get a glimpse of The End from the top of the map!
  6. icoker

    icoker Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2013
    Warms my heart to see two developers enjoying each others games. A precious moment in the history of humanity.
  7. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    I haven't played this in a while. Since booting up the game after all those updates, I'm stuck in some sort of dead end. If I die it gets all glitchy. I have no way to restart the game so it plays normally. Right now I think I'm going to just do a full reinstall.
  8. Bob Nimbe

    Bob Nimbe Active Member

    Jan 12, 2016
    Founder of Wadonk. Lead Singer in Maskinpop
    Vislanda, Sweden
    #148 Bob Nimbe, Feb 9, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
    1.4 is on it's way soon with a bunch of added failsafes to avoid corrupted savefiles. Sorry about the problems with it. The glitch-bug where the actual game-over screen gets saved as the actual screen in the world is my holy grail right now since it's a bug I've been trying to provoke to solve. Haven't seen it since 1.1 and was probably solved together with the optimization of the savefile-size. Since you have an old save it could have been corrupted in the earlier version.

    Here are the coming features in next version.
    - a hidden savegame backup that the game can revert to if it looks like the saveFile is corrupted.
    - An option to actually clean out the savefile from the start-menu.
    - The deadscreen options re-enter , continue , end game will be a bit more spread out.
    - The blowing yourself up on the bus-bug solved.
    - The stuck at bluescreen bug removed.
    - A few nudges on the world map.
    - Some global Snorkhog-logic that open up some new ways to play the game.

    Then I have some suggestions of adding ability to have sfx without music, and the sound-button available from inside the game as well, hidden inside the MAP-screen.

    The desktop-version displayed at the container at Electrodome in Gothenburg last week was a fun experience. Will start working with at proper desktop-version of the game beside the work on updating this original version. Biggest difference will be new landscape optimized screens and the game will come bundled with the world-editor we have constructed the game with so it's free for all to create and share their own worlds, with some added npc-logic. All new features will pour over to this version as well of course, so a year from now the game will probably have been expanded quite some. Just need to annihilate the unstable savefile-bugs first and foremost.
  9. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    Oooooof... Why do you have a game over button? I got really far and I accidentally pressed game over. I don't understand what game over is for. If you have to have something like that you should add a confirmation button. Also, the self destruct button doesn't make sense unless it's used for something further in the game. The button itself looks like it's for bombs and not a suicide button. Why have this to add confusion? I think just having a pause button with the options for a restart makes more sense. Other than that, your game is so good. It's the perfect game to relax and chill out.
  10. Bob Nimbe

    Bob Nimbe Active Member

    Jan 12, 2016
    Founder of Wadonk. Lead Singer in Maskinpop
    Vislanda, Sweden
    Ah, sorry. I blame my ux-department ( of which there is none ) At one time you actually dropped bombs in one of the early builds, so the bomb button was logical then. Good points! (But it will transform later in the game to a snorkbomb if you remotely control one) also with the cunning use on re-enter you CAN actually use yourself as a lame live-bomb.

    And I really hate coding gui and dialogs so everything is a bit hacked together with the existing game graphics to look like buttons and menues. But ok, i'll give it a go for next update. Need for future games anyway. :)

    Sorry about your experience. Glad you like the game anyway! :)
  11. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    I'm surprised no one yet mentioned that this amazing gem dropped to free yesterday
  12. sobriquet

    sobriquet Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2015
    I'm actually more surprised that we haven't heard from Bob in over a year. He was working on some other games when this released. I hope he still in the business.
  13. Bob Nimbe

    Bob Nimbe Active Member

    Jan 12, 2016
    Founder of Wadonk. Lead Singer in Maskinpop
    Vislanda, Sweden
    I'm still in business :)

    I build an Arcade Cabinet using a JK-cab + Arcade VGA card and had a booth up in Nordsken this weekend to show off the new version of Captain Cowboy (cause it's more fun to show off a game on an arcade cab) I made it free in the meantime to try to boost the download-numbers as much as I possible can.

    The time I don't spend coding games I spend communicating with publishers or license holders about why my download numbers are lower than all free games they compare me too. In their world it doesn't really matter how much a game cost as they are in business for exposure. So, that's why Captain Cowboy and it's coming update to 1.5 is free to play! And free as in freeeee. (And no, you won't get you're money back if you bought the game before, ya greedy bastards)

    I have however scored a quite hefty cool license for a comic that I'll be making a game about in the future. But in the meantime we gonna release:

    for all devices early this autumn. It's gonna be a jump n run n ladder n doors n categorize em up about our local legend Carl Von Linné ( Carl Linnaeus ) and it's such an awesome title that I don't even have to show anyone any screenshots of it. Yeah.

    So still going strong, just really don't any time for any polite social interaction on forums for the moment. But I do love ya all!

    And did I tell you that all screens in Captain Cowboy 1.5 (not yet released) got two sides where the backside got some line of sight issues? Kids did love it on the arcade this weekend. It also supported 2 player where player two could control a snorkhog!

    And here is me next to my dear friend Jabba:

    sebgo likes this.
  14. Snooptalian

    Snooptalian Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    Wish I had saw this when it was free...
  15. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    I've kept this game forever. Watching the launch trailer meant insta-buy for me, even though I came across it some time after it had already been released. I haven't cleared many rooms, but it's definitely a very nice game. Love it. ♡
  16. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    300+ diamonds and counting...
    This map is huuuuuuge!! ♡ 80a13745-c9dd-43bc-a065-3d6da52c4466.jpeg

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