Not sure if this has been discussed before but it appears that since the iPad launch in Canada Apple updated the Canadian App Store to allow it to accept gift cards. Before the launch of the iPad all Canadians had to purchase Apps with a credit card only. I just found out because my friend bought a gift card (he usually buys tons of music) and when he saw an App he wanted he purchased it but instead of taking it from his credit card it took it from the gift card balance. About damn time Apple. Thanks for moving it.
Not sure, haven't tried one myself yet. My wife use to say if only they took gift cards because then she could just buy me them as a gift once in awhile... now she can. We were also talking about cancelling a couple of our cards and only keeping 1 or 2 for emergencies. Now I can cancel my card from my iTunes account and still get apps. Also good for all the kids not of age to get a credit card. I do have a US account though that I created with my relatives address. Since I only live less than 1 hour from the US boarder I go to the US a lot so picking up gift cards while I'm there is no problem.
thats how i do my apps, i do not buy anything unless i have credit from a itunes card.. i buy my itunes card once a month.. have been known to buy a couple tho when i first got my ipod. lol.. it has saved me some money for late night instant impulse buys.. no money no honey.. works for me. chris.
started using them recently - so glad it finally works. I hated having to use a credit card on the iTunes store.
You think Apple would have released a statement of some sort considering all the complaints they were receiving about not accepting gift cards for App Store purchases.
Omfg yes!!!! I just realized this after checking out a 7 11 yesterday!!!! now instead of stupid prepaid credit cards that glitch up and stop working 75% of the time, I can get app store cards or itunes cards, LIKE IN THE BLOODY USA!!!! any idea if you can pay off a debt with a gift card now? As I mentioned before, prepaid cred cards would glitch and cause me to go into debt so I owe around $15 and can't use the last $10 worth of it.