Hallo to the admins / moderators Is anything going to happen here ? This problem seems to be getting worse by the day ! There are now god knows how many threads about cozycrap or whatever the latest one is called. Is there any chance that the mmos can be moved anywhere / deleted / ignored ? Everyone in this thread seemed to agree with that but there seems to be no reply from any of the admins ? Hallo is anyone there ?
yeah it's pretty continual - I can see why Arn & Blake aren't rushing to implement a new system though as it would gurantee one hell of a lot of work for them as most of the posters wouldn't adhere to any new system it's just a shame as the main thing all these tedious threads do is push threads on interesting new games into the background more quickly than would otherwise be the case of course the MMO threads do bring a lot of page impressions to TA - so it's a double edged sword for the admins - but they must be aware it's devaluing the site for the majority looking to keep track of the latest in iPhone gaming
I may be mistaken, but doesn't Arn also run the forums at MacRumors? In the app section, they have a whole section dedicated to promo codes, just like we asked for here. How is the MacRumors forum run so much tidier than here? I know MMOs are technically games, but if anything is distracting and worthy of being considered SPAM, it's these code threads. I honestly don't think these code fruit cakes really care about spamming as much as they just want their lame codes to be picked up by other code fruit cakes. I think moving their threads to a dedicated section would be just fine with them.
All right! Good job TA thanks Arn! I really think this was a much needed thing this will keep threads where people are actually discussing games and not spamming codes in main games section. Hopefully this works out!
nice work guys - place seems 10 times better already! may I never read 'add me' again er ................ oops ^^^
ADD ME to the supporters of this new section. Hopefully all the threads about the MMO games can move there someday.