Universal Cally's Caves 3 (by Jordan Pearson)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Matt33

    Matt33 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    Hey Jordan, does the current version fix the
    blade gun
    not leveling up to 20 after
    finishing survival mode?
  2. jordanfwc

    jordanfwc Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    No but thank you for reminding me about this - I'm putting a line of code in right now to resolve the issue!
    edit: tested now and it seems to be working so far to resolve the issue. Look for it in the next update, and thanks for your patience with us fixing it
  3. Bombiscuit01

    Bombiscuit01 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2015
    I can't find the blade gun final
  4. jordanfwc

    jordanfwc Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Hey Bombiscuit, the final bladegun is the reward for beating survival mode, so that may be why you didn't find it.
    Also on a side note, we have a huge content update coming next week, we'll be doing a post here Sunday or Monday to detail all the new stuff!!!! There's tons of stuff coming and it's all free :)
  5. jordanfwc

    jordanfwc Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Massive Expansion Coming Free Next Week

    Hey everyone!
    So after some hard work, we have completed our next update for Cally's Caves 3. On Sept 9th we released the Bera: A Long Way Home story with 12 levels, and next week we are adding a much more substantial update: "Melvin's Prototype Factory"


    This is a massive new Zone (divided into two sub-zones) that is the biggest Zone in the entire game, and about 30% as long as the regular game. It has full map functionality and checkpoints, unlike the more straightforward Bera update.


    Melvin's zone also includes 3 all-new weapons, which are fully upgradeable and can be used in any of the other game modes! This brings the total number of weapons in CC3 to 15. Try the Slimegun and use the enemy Slimes for your own purposes:


    Or use the Web Shooters to stop enemies in their tracks while you melee attack them. The Bow and Arrow from Cally's Caves 2 also makes a return, upgrading to fire multiple arrows in an arc! Each of these new weapons has 4 upgradeable tiers and a Final Form hidden in Melvin's Prototype Factory.
    Melvin's Factory was also where all the bosses were created, so of course you'll have to fight 5 new enemy classes in this update. The new enemies are Boss prototypes and add a new wrinkle to combat:


    Finally, there's a new Boss Battle against Melvin's Ultimate prototype. This Boss Battle is different than most of the other bosses, which were pretty tough. Instead, Melvin's Prototype can only be destroyed by destroying different parts of the boss level, all while being fired at by a giant wall of turrets!


    The new expansion also has full story scenes, and continues the main story of Cally's Caves 3 after the ending of New Game +. The update is 100% free, and not an iAP or anything like that.


    Part of the reason it's free is that we just hit 300,000 downloads and have now made enough money to ensure that we can make another game. In times like this, where companies are letting apps drop from customers purchase histories because they don't want to keep updating it for iOS, we want to show everyone that played Cally's Caves 3 how much we appreciate them and would never let this happen to people that spent money on our game. We are a team of 3, who made this game over the course of a year for a total cost of 689 dollars. We are so grateful for the TA community's support, and plan on continuing to show that with another free expansion (which we are about half done) before Christmas.
    Thanks everyone in the TA community and we hope you enjoy the free expansion next week!

  6. bhoylhogro

    bhoylhogro Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2014
    Congrats on your success!!! That's one MASSIVE free expansion indeed, and there's one more following! You guys are too generous!!!! I used too many exclamation marks!

    Now that you have a bigger budget, I hope you use more vibrant sound effects for the next game. After completing the different modes, I felt that the sound got a bit drowned by the music that it's hard to hear it. Other than that I'm very much looking forward to what you're going to create :D
  7. jordanfwc

    jordanfwc Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Haha!! Thanks so much bhoylogro... I definitely agree with you about the sounds as well, we will definitely work on making that much better in our next game!
  8. jordanfwc

    jordanfwc Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Hey everyone just popping in to let you know the update is rolling out internationally right now!! Enjoy!
  9. 8BitFlash

    8BitFlash Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2015
    I cannot beat th cyborg boss the second time when he's all upgraded. He kills me so many times I'm losing all my money, hundreds of thousands of coins being lost because of this a-hole. I'm so mad. I can't beat him.
  10. jordanfwc

    jordanfwc Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    hey 8bitFlash! the key to beating the cyborg is to get up to the top two platforms in the boss room (where he can't hit you but his missiles can)... basically you go through this cycle:

    - get up to the top right side platform in the room
    - when he hits the ground with his mace the room shakes and its stuns Cally, so make sure you are jumping when he does that
    - then he will fire 8 or 9 heatseeking missiles at you, which you can parry down at him using your sword, the missiles all travel at the same speed so you can get in a rhythm of timing the parry
    - after he fires the first volley of missiles, hes going to walk towards the right side platform, it's much harder to parry the missiles if he's right underneath you, so jump to the left side platform (usually while hes swinging the mace - 2 birds with one stone) and start the parry cycle again.

    This definitely isn't the only way to kill him, but its the easiest way to prevent too much damage. When you are up on those platforms, the only way he can hurt you is with the missiles or the room shake when his mace hits the ground.
    Hope this helps!
  11. Moocow

    Moocow Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    This game is either hardcore or has a very very annoying checkpoint system. Accidentally falling down a pit result in not restarting from the same level, but A COUPLE OF LEVELS before, wtf? There's only a checkpoint every 5-6 levels, so if you die on the level right before a checkpoint... congrats you gotta replay the last 5 levels.

    I'm only on the first world and it's already this annoying. I can't imagine I'll have the patience to replay 5 levels every time I accidentally fall down a hole.

    Also why does the character have absolutely no i-frame? A single monster can kill you within 2 seconds because apparently you lose a heart every 0.1 sec as long as the monster is touching you. Trapped between 2 or more monsters = instant death because you'll just bounce around the two monsters unable to move while your hearts get drained under 1 sec. This is just retarded.
  12. jordanfwc

    jordanfwc Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Hey Moocow, you only have to replay the levels from the last checkpoint if you don't have the lamp equipped (the lamp is cheap and allows you to respawn in any non-checkpoint level if you die). Thanks for the feedback on the hit system! That's something we've been working on getting just right over the last few games but obviously we haven't achieved a system that everyone loves. we will definitely work on making it way better in the next game!
    Thanks for checking out our game,
  13. Aliens

    Aliens New Member

    Oct 30, 2015
    Why are most of the weapons not automatic...? I really don't see what's the point of making players tap ENDLESSLY unless the devs want us to get carpal tunnel syndrome, ESPECIALLY the laser, why does it not shoot a continuous beam if you hold down the fire button? This game might be fun but it's VERY VERY annoying to have to tap millions of times during the duration of gameplay because the guns refuse to fire continuously. I have never seen a game where you must click every time you want a weapon to fire a SINGLE bullet.

    Also, how can you even tell which relics you're missing? If you have 19/20 you have to replay every single level, all 240 of them, to find which one in the world you're missing? That's completely ridiculous.
  14. Moocow

    Moocow Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    What the F*CK? I just spent HOURS completing all 150 levels of survival mode, I'm supposed to get the damn final evo of the blade shooter. It didn't spawn at all despite having a beam of light there and my blade weapon at level 19, then I thought maybe I'll get the weapon when I exit through the door... guess what? A fatal error popped up with some scrambled code, then the app just crashed. Then I went into the game again, and of course... NO BLADE WEAPON.

  15. drmad

    drmad Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2013
    If it's a bug maybe you could send the screenshot and device model and ios version i believe they would be happy to help dude
  16. jordanfwc

    jordanfwc Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Yep we are always here to help. I'm so sorry that it glitched on you!
  17. jordanfwc

    jordanfwc Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    We are adding hold to fire in the next update. I need to do a collectible tracker, we have them listed on our site but we need an in game tracker. Thank you for the feedback on it!
  18. silentcon

    silentcon Member

    Aug 17, 2014
    Which weapon has the highest dps?
  19. jordanfwc

    jordanfwc Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    the laser or the flamethrower depending on the mods you're using! thanks for playing :)
  20. 7lilwhitewolf7

    7lilwhitewolf7 Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2012
    Not hear on earth
    Georgia,Cleveland Ohio,Texas,New York

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