Hey everyone, Just wanted to pop in and let you know there's a new update for CC3 that adds iOS 9 compability. It's going live tonight for anyone on ios9!!! Jordan
Hooray!! I can play it now on iOS 9 ;-p Great game, but some odd bugs (apologies if already mentioned) 1) locking iPhone gives massive memory issues (locks up device), and quits game 2) each time game restarts I'm only given option to "Start", not resume. This then starts at1-1, and I have to use map to warp to the last location Are these potentially iOS 9 (GM) specific?
Unfortunately these are just issues across the board. The game always starts in the backyard so that is normal, but we are working on the high memory issues! hmm this isnt good, whats happening when you try to purchase it? (also, iOS or android?)
iOS - nothing happens.. Button appears to "depress", but nothing actually happens - tried WiFi and 4G
well thats certainly not good... I just tested it myself on all my devices and everything worked fine... so we are looking into this and will get it fixed ASAP!
I can't beat the huge parrot boss. Any tips? Such high hp and those bullseye things that fly at me are brutal.
I don't remember a parrot boss but make sure to use your sword to deflect projectiles. They won't damage you and the deflected projectiles will damage the boss as well.
Been waiting since release for controller support. Is that something that will be implemented at any point in an update?
If it's the boss of Lost Village, you need to use your sword when those needle things are coming at you. I just stay in one spot at the bottom left of the screen and use the sword on the needle things when they come at me then when the boss flies over right next to me I hit him with the RPG.
The best way to beat Shelly the Hive Queen is to use your spike gun to destroy the stingers, then get out of the way when Shelly dives at you, then she will hit the ground and stun herself and be vulnerable. we are still working on it! I'm really sorry for the delay. We hope to have it in our next big update in a couple of weeks. Great tips! There are also tips on how to beat all the bosses here. http://callyscaves.com/callys-caves-3-boss-tips/
Flashing orbs Does anyone know what the drop item from most bushes and other sources that are the flashing blue and white orbs? I can't tell what effect they have on the gameplay. ..monstergarden
Hey Monstergarden, thanks for playing! The Blue orbs are XP orbs that go towards levelling up Cally. When she levels up, you get another heart (HP point). These are the way to level up your character, but you can also level up your guns. In the case of the guns there aren't any orbs, you just use them and they gain experience! Hope this helps and thanks again! Jordan