Woah that was unexpected. This looks even better than the usual CoD, because of the tactical view mode. Edit: wait, NO MULTIPLAYER?! WHAT?
And it's people like you why we have freemium garbage. A huge franchise game is now available on mobile and you're complaining its 6.99???????
Ah. Found it. It is the red mission on the word map. Also, this really needs a sprint functionality. The survival mode will be getting a ton of play time from me. It is FPS only and it is fun.
Need gameplay video before buying it , don't like to trow my money at completely new games and regret it later.
Ahh I see. If anyone played the campaign on Black Ops 2 this is basically the Strike Force missions but more in depth and actually with its own story to it. Really intresting as I love those missions.
I've only seen one survival map so far (only played the first mission though), which is titled "A Cold Day in Hell" and is indicated by a red marker on the world map. Edit: Never mind. Looks like you already found it.
I've only had a chance to play through the first tutorial mission for now, but this looks and feels really good. I love the fact that you can switch between the top-down tactical viewpoint and first-person view at any time. I look forward to playing more tonight but first impressions are impressive.
So this is never coming to other AppStores? Wtf -.- Don't want to buy a $15 Gift Card for an $6 Game on my fake US account.
Sir, please don't yell. It's 9AM. My ears aren't ready for that. But yes, $7 is not much for a premium game such as this. It is worth it in my opinion.
http://kotaku.com/watch-the-first-12-minutes-of-call-of-duty-strike-team-1256724849 For those wanting a quick preview.
+1 to that! All you read anymore is how everybody hates F2P/freemium games, then when something GREAT like this comes out and its over 99 cents, all you end up reading is a bunch of complaints on the price. That's why the market is flooded with F2P games. Not every iOS game can be a buck! We are getting near console quality games for a fraction of the price. You NEVER hear people complaining about the price of the latest COD or GTA or whatever that comes out on the consoles, or that they are going to wait until the price drops, so why here? I pretty much consider my iPad and iPods as handheld consoles anymore. I've got more hours logged into some of these iOS games than I do on my console games. I know the economy still sucks right now for most, but if you KNOW you are going to buy a certain game on iOS, than pay full price and support the developers or we are gonna end up with a bunch more FarmVille sim games and timers in the future.