Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (This game is the pwnage.)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Slapshot, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. dogmeat

    dogmeat Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Information Security Engineer
    San Francisco, CA
    My friend just gave this to me, he said he beat it in 14 hours and didn't want to play online. I'm excited to check it out :)
  2. da shiz wiz 19

    da shiz wiz 19 Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    wow hes slow, it takes like 6 hours to beat the campaign. Only like 7 on veteran....
    Online is where the game shines, just like COD4
  3. walsh06

    walsh06 Well-Known Member

    Ya, how did it take him 14 to do the campaign. Youd do big games in that time. COD is quite short. Although I still think its amazing as you really get pulled into the action.
  4. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Veteran is insanely easy so far, I've done all of acts 1 and 2 and I think the longest I've been stuck on an area is about 5 minutes. It almost seems that the more you die, the more checkpoints the game throws at you to make it easier.
  5. Negamaki

    Negamaki Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    Just wait till you get to Contingency on Veteran. Takedown and Contingency took me the longest to beat.
  6. Derochea72

    Derochea72 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2009
    Floor installer
    Online is exactly why I am trading mine in! This one has mote issues than the prior ones, unload a whole clip into someone back or heAd just to have them turn around and shoot you once and kill you, there is also way more camping in this version and I hate the maps, I don't think there was any thought put into the map layouts..
    In my honest opinion this game has got to be the biggest let down in gaming history
  7. NomaD

    NomaD Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    i have also noticed this..
  8. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I stopped at Contingency cause I remember the final rush being mildly annoying on Hardened... which level is Takedown?

    As for the online maps, I think most of the hate is due to inexperience. You're all used to how the old maps work and the more you play the new ones the more you'll discover the best way to handle the chaos.
  9. walsh06

    walsh06 Well-Known Member

    I don't see what's wrong with maps. One thing is you just don't them off by heart while blindfolded which it was like with 4. But now because the maps are new and you don't them they're are wrong. Well all I can say is don't enjoy this amazing game, I'm happy to.
  10. Negamaki

    Negamaki Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    Takedown is when you have to stop Rojas in the village area.. But, I'd choose Takedown any day over Contingency. Contingency made me rage more than a pissed off Poseidon after Jason blinded his son Polyphemos.. But yeah, I hated that mission.
  11. robertf224

    robertf224 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
    Campaign was decent but the ai sucked. I'm too spoiled by the fabulous new ai in uncharted 2 :). Multiplayer is great though.
  12. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    The singleplayer campain is awesome, I give it a 9.5/10 only reason why I take off some is because of the length.

    About the multiplayer, it is sloppy as hell. I love all the new weapons and attachments and even the level up system is deep, but the weapons don't seem balanced right, or given the right strength for what they are. I can shoot and kill someone far away with a pistol, when using a .50 cal sniper rifle it takes an average of 2-3 shots no matter what distance. The one on the left in the pic is a .50 cal bullet...


    so yeah, I think they would go down with one shot when hit anywhere from the waist up or even anywhere below.

    It seems like throwing a grenade is done in partial slow motion while everything else is going on super fast. Throwing a grenade was never so slow in the previous 2 CODs. There is also a delay on other movements in the game that don't seem right.

    There are quite a few technical bugs in the game, if you haven't experienced any yet just keep playing.

    I never thought I'd say this, but Treyarch will likely outdo this game with the next COD release, WaW (and even COD4 by IW) had more strategy than this game. The way the maps are designed you are open to get shot from almost every angle on almost every area of the maps. Oddly, I'll admit I still find the game somewhat addicting right now, probably because its new, but due to all the sloppiness... I'll just level all the way up once, and trade it in before all the 10 year olds save up enough allowance to get the game and get on the mics to start pretending to be Eminem. Prestige is pointless, what's the point? go through it over and over again only to see and gain the same shit, nothing new because you're bored, been there done that with the last 2.
  13. da shiz wiz 19

    da shiz wiz 19 Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    holy shit
  14. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    That's what I like, nowhere is safe. There shouldn't be a definite line between you and the enemy, battlefields have many flanking routes. I'll admit it's probably gonna take a good team to actually guard an area effectively, but when you do it's badass. Watch the enemy try and rush you when you've got all sides covered effectively... lambs to the slaughter.

    P.S. Just finished veteran, woot! 52.2% of Spec Ops done, all 3 starred so far but damn they get tough.
  15. robertf224

    robertf224 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
    totally agree. I like the feeling of claustrophobia when playing. You feel like you have to keep moving or someone will get you. It stops campers and makes battles a lot more intense. I don't know why people are complaining about multiplayer I think it's awesome.
  16. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    yeah but how many times are you gonna be teamed up with these "great teammates" Once in a while? Most players are too busy camping prone in the grass somewhere or peeking and lurking in one of the hundreds of open windows. Moving around alot does not save your ass in this game since you are usually open to so many angles no matter what.

    Another problem is that the game doesn't register fast enough even with a good connection/full bars. It plays out like a domino effect, you kill someone and before you have time to react or the game to register your movements and allow you to react, focus on the next enemy he takes you out. A lot of this has to do with the fact that everything is so open there aint anywhere to really put your back to, just too many opening even in buildings.

    Almsot every game I play I hear other players on the mic shouting "that's bullshit" and other disaprovals about the game design. Now I'm not saying the game isn't fun there just isn't as much strategy as the previous 2, you get killed often by chance luck or because of the open to every angle map design. Many deaths feel cheap and the gameplay just chaotic. There are several other problems with the multiiplayer other than the map design, I already listed some but not all of the problems and lack of polish to the online. So whoever prefers chaos over strategy I suppose its fine for the most part. And about the teammate thing people know they can't count on teammates to back them up, its nice when they do but each player needs to be self-reliant like the previous 2 CODs allowed you to be. This game (design) just doesn't allow you to react quick enough to multiple enemies, there are uncontrollable delays in movement more so than in the previous games.
  17. da shiz wiz 19

    da shiz wiz 19 Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    yessir thats how I feel all the time. No matter how good I am, I always get killed by some random ass way. like a knife flies through the air and hits me while im sniping. Or my teammate throws a grenade at me and I try to throw it away (cuz i thought it was the enemy's) and then It blows up and i die. Or there are pre-fireing retards everywhere..
  18. DaveMc99

    DaveMc99 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2009
    Seattle, WA USA
  19. The Bat Outta Hell

    The Bat Outta Hell Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Mar 10, 2009
    Hat Salesman
    Does ANYONE have this game on Steam? I need a partner to do some special ops missions that require teammates.
  20. Kamazar

    Kamazar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    I pray to god Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will be better than this. I'm playing Battlefield 1943 right now and the fact that it has a few spots here and there you can take shelter in (until someone finds you) is what saves my ass. Especially playing as a sniper. Speaking of which, are their classes in MW2 or is it just different types of guns? But back to MW2, my aim's still pretty sloppy with a joystick, so I'll probably get murdered my first time in the game. Damn Gamefly, I live in the same city as one of their distribution centers, and they haven't even shipped me a game yet.

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