Good golly, never did I think I would see the day! Will be mine, all mine (finally, a wait pays off!) Edit: says 99 cents for me already!
It's showing as 99 cents for me too, but upon trying to actually buy it I get the dreaded "Item is being modified". I'll try again later.
Hope you're all enjoying the game! Together with the sale, we're giving away the soundtrack for free on our blog, as a lot of people have requested it: You can also download the "Bumpy Road" song by wearethemassacre that he did for our trailer. Enjoy!
Oh HELL YES!! thank you so much! And because it's on sale, I ended up gifting the app to a couple of friends who refused to buy it because they hate endless runners... They're in for quite the surprise. =oD Thank you for the sale and for the soundtrack! Might end up making one my ringtone. =oD
There's no big updates planned (there is one little visual bug that we do want to get rid off, though). We're fully occupied with our next game. That said, we do have plans for more cool Bumpy Road stuff, but that's further down the road so it's way to early to talk about. But yeah, we will definitely revisit Bumpy Road in some way or another, no doubt about that.
I played a bit yesterday. The game has an uber charming style and I love the music... but I'm not really sure if I find the game fun or not. It's fun, but also kind of frustrating. I find that often when I try to jump I tap in the wrong spot and don't jump. I think what would work better for me is if you could jump by tapping, say, in the upper half of the screen. Anywhere in the upper half. Something like that. Or maybe I'll get use to it after a while. I guess I'll find out. Also, after Jetpack Joyride, I find that an endless runner without missions and lots of unlockables is quite a bit less addicting then it could be. Also, while it supports GC achievements, at least as far as I can tell the game gives no indication (in-game) that you've achieved any of them. You have to go look at the achievements list afterward and see if you got any. That's quite a disconnect and makes those less interesting too.
We've been doing some teasing on our twitter: @simogogames No official window yet, it's still early. This is our biggest project yet.
Funny you should ask... This is one of the games on my list of "I would literally do anything for this to be updated to widescreen" so I'm pretty excited about it
Ahhhhhh! Freakin sweet! Thanks for the info. Guess its time to download this to my iPhone so I can know when the update hits. =oD
Winter? Any chance we'll ever see a Winter level addition to Bumpy Road? Even better, a Winter level based on the snowy Year Walk game? That'd be amazing! Thanks for all the hard work on Bumpy Road. My wife and I love it!