Thanks Nathan. Much, much appreciated. Your suggestion with playing up the edge "hanging" made it in to the final game. We're rewarding points for that. Added one day before submit fffffyeeaaaah living on the edge
Oh, and here's the launch trailer. A little bit early, but what the heck. It is out in some countries Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel We teamed up again with the fantastic wearethemassacre. Hope you like it!
Been waiting for this one for awhile, can't wait to grab it Very unique gameplay and the art is simply charming.
I think Candy Train is worth a price, may be with 0.99, this app will last longer for you. However, this Bumpy Road is definitely cool, it's much lower than what I've spent for Chao Rings actually.
I normally reserve my judgement until I've actually played the game, but I just watched the two videos in this thread and felt struck by the reminder of how lucky we are to be a part of a platform that allows for this sort of whimsy and creativity. Picking this up in 10 minutes. Unless my calculations are off.
HD Gameplay Trailer: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Note: First fifteen Minutes of the Game. I really need more Practice.
can someone explain what the different things do? What do the gizmos do? The clock? The arrow looking thing?
Game Impressions Initial impression is this is a bit disappointing. There simply isn't that much to do, and what there is to do isn't all that much fun. It doesn't help that I'm also finding the whole gameplay mechanic fairly unintuitive. It is a cool concept, and the art is nice, and so is the music, and I am liking the whole "lovers" set up and the uncovering of the story. The problem is, there is a whole lot of icing but very little cake.
I'm still banking on this being a Super Monkey Ball situation. You start playing, go "woah WTF?", suck for a while, master it eventually.
This. It clicks. This is going to be sort of a challenge for us. Because just in a couple of tries it clicks and you're doing more and more risky tricks. I think Hook Champ is very good comparison, in that sense.