I'd gift a few myself if iTunes allowed me to gift using gift card credit instead of a credit card. How ironic. Loving the game so far. Completed 20%. Got to the part with Spoiler Beetle being rescued by a mysterious rescuer, who I bet is Ladybug.
I'm having problems with crashing. It crashed 3 or 4 times during the 1st level. I reset my iPod but it didn't help. Its a little bit frustrating.
That applies to pretty much to everything. Buy something today, and it goes on sale tomorrow. Either way, I think this is the best deal one will get for quite a while. FM has no plans for IAPs, so this game is not likely to go free anytime soon, and 0.99c is a temporary opening sale. No crashing here.
No crashing for me either. And oxy I'm at 24% but I haven't gotten to your point yet. I think you missed something lol
Why do we buy it this early and we dont wait for it to go free?? Because.... Its freaaaaakinnn cheaaappp =) And we wanna support the dev who makes quality games if we wanna be all cheapskates and wait for it to be free then how will the devs earn their money and continue producing quality games like this one and bug heroes?? None related rant: Why cant i have a faster internet!!!! downloadddd fasterr!!!
I'll be honest, I played only about an hour of the original. It has never left my device though (first day purchase) and I already bought this one.
Don't know if this is a glitch or not but is the level stocking up supposed to have such a ridiculous spawn rate? I mean there were giant snails spawning left and right every second lol
I think this is so cheap that is super worth it I also took the original and paid for it and every iap, no regrets! The dev get all my support for quality products.
I'm well aware of that situation, which is largely why I already addressed it in rest of the post you quoted. However, there is a difference between apps that go on sale for a short time (which is an occurrence that shouldn't surprise anybody any more), and apps that start off paid and go permanently free (especially if they're also then ad-riddled, which feels particularly sleazy). We've heard that about as many times as Lucy has told Charlie Brown she won't move the football, yet the football is always moved. It wasn't so long ago that a game dropped from a higher initial price down to $1 immediately after its "opening sale", actually, which went down just ducky. Because this is the internet, and people love arguing against points that nobody raised, I should reiterate that nobody has said that people shouldn't pay the current price, that the developers are ripping people off, that the price isn't reasonable, or that the app will go definitely go free. The point was simply that after the original app started off paid and went permanently free, a consumer waiting to see if the same thing happens with this one is perfectly justified in doing so. Whether or not you think they're going to be disappointed, or whether or not you think them potentially waiting several months in order to save a mere $1 is excessive, well, those are entirely separate matters.
Been a lurker in these parts forums for a while, finally decided to take a couple of minutes to sign up and join this community! Well, I for one am a rather fervent Bug Heroes fan (been telling whoever who'd listen to play the game, got all the IAPs, been having restless nights over when BHQ would be released ) and while I feel that a buck is dirt cheap for a game of this quality, as long as there's a chance that BHQ would go free, I'd probably wait (even more sleepless nights...). And it is not about not valuing the developers, or being a skinflint. To me, it's about being logical; why pay for something that you can get for nothing? Hmmm... And as for those arguments about supporting the developers, I will gladly give a buck, or even more to Foursaken if they'd had a donate link or something. To my mind, that's truly supporting them, and I am not even expecting anything out of it. But if Foursaken comes out and say that BHQ will not go free (cos it is supposed to be viewed as an stand-alone IAP right?), I will buy BHQ in a heartbeat, probably faster! Anyway, moving on. So, Foursaken, what are the plans for the next game? Really looking forward to all your next big thing, and of course, the update to Bug Heroes as well!
I pm you but I don't have a Canadian app store account though.. Can US app store account works? If can't, guess I will just buy the game myself..
Game Impressions I played through the first two levels and about half way of the third. Not really impressed with this game at all. - Buttons in-game and on the menu screens are low res for some strange reason. - Controls position on the iPad is not customizable and the sticks are too far in for me to play comfortably. - Action frequently occurs behind large objects meaning that you are "playing blind." - For some reason my character progress from the first level to the second did not save. Not sure if it's a bug or intended. It saved from level 2 to 3. - Absolutely the worst music I've heard in an iOS game. Disabling it emphasizes the sparseness of the sound effects. The gameplay is just "alright." I suppose if you loved it in the original game you'll love it here. I thought it was "alright" there too. Half way through level 3 though, and to be honest I'm bored. I'll probably stick with it for a little while longer but mainly because I feel I "should," not because I'm really enjoying myself. EDIT: Forgot to mention the utterly annoying and frequently recurring instances of unintentionally initiating conversations with NCPs just by being in their general vicinity. Particularly (often) during combat. And the almost equally annoying mechanic of enemies spawning out of thin air (or from underground) thus negating any possible tactical advantages the game world might provide. I suppose it makes for a simple and quick "fix" to ensure challenge, as opposed to actually taking the time to properly balance the difficulty by designing the game world with some sort of relevant logic.
Sad to say, I just gave away my fifth (and a half) copy of this game. That's all folks. Hope you five really enjoy it! I know I am!
Yuck. Some of my complaints from Bug Heroes 1 got repeated here, as well as some more drawbacks introduced with the RPG aspect of this sequel. I think I'm going to pass on this game. The first one was very disappointing to me and nothing about this game begs me to give the series a second shot.
sometimes enemies spawn behind some objects and it's impossible to see them and generally it's hard to fight and aim in such cases. enemies spawn from the air close to hero, that should be fixed just because it does not make any sense, with respect to the game world. why spider fights fleas in the first missions, if they are ruled by the scorpion clan? and maybe it would be good to pause the game after opening the map. also i would not call it adventure or rpg, it's original game with story based missions.