Aren't difficulty levels just a means to balance a game? There are different ways to achieve a variety of levels of balance without difficulty levels though. In BHQ for ex for those who prefer more of a challenge we have added rather difficult gold medal requirements, as well as some harder optional missions. The main game I think is pretty straightforward, and apart from a few missions that have already been adjusted (well, and the final mission), we actually haven't gotten much complaints about balance one way or the other. Personally, I actually think difficulty levels can be cumbersome, depending on the game. They're easy to implement and they work for some games, sure, but they're not always the best option. For ex I rarely -- if ever -- see any RPGs with difficulty settings bc it throws the balance between character progression and enemy strength way off the mark and creates a whole slew of problems. In other games you don't want players "guessing" what is the appropriate difficulty for them. That's not to say BHQ balance is perfect by any means But I'm just saying difficulty levels are not necessarily the best way to balance every game, and there are other options to make a game enjoyable for everyone.
I don't know if this has been mentioned... In bedroom level 2, there is a point in the dialog where beetle says something like "hmm... we'll see after we this battle".
Garden 3 : Gold For gold in Garden 3... Required to get less than 1000 damage... But Beetle is required to die. If beetle is at a high level with high regen.. This becomes essentially impossible to accomplish. Don't know if that is intentional... Or if I'm missing something. Rgds, Jack
You have to defeat the armor ants quickly, then basically take one or some direct hits by the Scorpion. I don't think I was that low in health, but basically got cornered by the big scorpion - and one direct hit and the level finished. You don't get killed by the scorpion, just captured, so the level probably ends when you take a specific amount of damage from it (and not necessarily reduced to zero health).
Right but... "you only get captured..." Right but... My beetle takes 1100 damage... All from scorpions... Thus eliminating the chance for gold (unless you try for it with a weaker beetle) This seems like the only level that requires a weaker character to excel. But.. I may be missing something
swap out regen for offensive skills like meteor, death bringer, focus, and damage, get the kills you need, then just sit there until you die. easy.
Bug report I unlocked the deathbringer skill for beetle after getting him to level 60 about halfway through so I equipped it. The next time I killed a by I leveled up 11 times since I only had 10 ranks of skills to buy this forced me to quit and restart the game.
Why restart? It's not a bug - the game doesn't let you level up until you have a skill you can up. If all your currently chosen skills are maxed, your character will not level up until you switch to a skill you don't have maxed yet, and you possibly may go up a bunch of levels in lieu of what you have already earned in the meantime.
I think he's saying that if you have more then 10 level ups, and only 10 skill points you can put them in, it will get stuck at the level up screen after you max everything out. We're fixing this for next update, thanks.
I'm stuck on the saving the slaves from the mines. I wish ant had brought beetle and spider with him, because I have to keep running away from the ant warriors and armored ants. His mini gun is really ineffective against the armored ants.
Yeah, I forgot that my level up skill that I did not have mastered had changed to one that i did have mastered (it does this automatically when i leave the game and have to go through the title screen again :/ is this a bug?) When I leveled up with Beetle after switching skills I gained 9 levels in a row
Btw, I think explosive bullets needs a fix. It keeps throwing enemies in the wrong direction, causing them to jump towards me instead of away from me, causing it to do more harm than good in some situations. You can upgrade Ant's weapon one more time by beating the previous arena level if I remember correctly. Plus, don't you have "Take Aim"? That ability allows him to do high damage to Armored Ants.
I know this is from a slightly old post, but I saw this while going back through the thread and lol'ed really hard... I guess it's a good thing I don't use that ability almost at all. (Though there aren't that many levels that have enemy turrets in them.) Love this and the original, but my brother loves them even more He bought all the iap's except the treasure one.
No, I don't have take aim...... I'll check that out. I haven't upgraded his weapon either. Lots of stuff I missed. I'll go back and try to get the upgrade and skill.
Yeah sorry for the delay... we've been in a transition period between offices, apartments, etc -- with sparse access to the internet -- and its been slow going the past 1-2 weeks. But we're back in action and the update should be submitted in the next few days! Again, sorry for the delay.