when a message pops up saying "A huge group of bugs is heading for our food! We must protect the stash!" It's a pure defense wave.
oohhh just saw that the update is active. I'm gonna update then try a new strategy with my newfound information. Thanks K?!
This is a third the price and has more updates planned. The amount of content is similar depending on how you play either.
Thamx guys. I actually tested the game so I've been playing. I kinda like having the top score so I dont want to release my stradegy but all I can say is get beatle beefed up. This game is amazing and I love it... P.S.---Bring it jamie
Foursaken, great work with the update! All stability issues I experienced in the initial release have been addressed judging from what I've played so far today.
just updated. i'm wondering if you guys accept all of the quests? i maybe except the first two quests, but i end up declining the rest because i can't get anything done if i'm worried about doing quests usually
A key part of Bug Heroes is accepting as many quests as you can handle. I now accept anything except the "one hero for five minutes" quests, the no feeding your heroes quest, and quests during pure defense waves.
I think there should be a way to switch heroes without pausing the game. Like icons on the top of the screen you just tap to switch, and you touch the hero to buy upgrades. This is probably the only game that frustrates me this much, that I keep coming back to lol. I seem to be making no progress in getting past round 18, but it's still fun
Same here...I put it down after getting frustrated about dying at the same point every game, yet i pick it right back up 10min. later... I've tried beefing up every bug. I've tried different combos of weapons, tried stockpiling food... I DONT KNOW!!! I did think of a cool new ability though. How about the tornado for the spider... He can spin like a top and shred things up.... that would be pretty cool... Anyways if anyone could give me a couple of hints on how to get a little further please let me know...i think i'm missing something... I've made it to level 20 once...