Universal Bug Heroes (by Foursaken Media)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Nekcik, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. Paradiso

    Paradiso Well-Known Member



    Try it like that (add the last bracket)

    Edit: Never mind :)
  2. K?!

    K?! Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    alea iacta est
    This happened a ton in the beta. The developers fixed almost all instances of it, though. You can always use teleporter or ant hole to get back in the map.

    Also, the Flea Gunner Team's long range does tire me out, so I guess this could still be in context. It'll probably be fixed though, nice catch.
  3. TooTinyMan

    TooTinyMan Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    Over there --->
    #423 TooTinyMan, Jan 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
    I started a new game, and I didn't have teleporter or ant hole then, because I focused mainly on guns and weapons. And thanks.

    EDIT: Also thanks for telling me how to post pics! :D
  4. GregB

    GregB Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    "Hmmm... In the first twenty waves on kitchen, 5 of them are defense waves... 75%+ of the game you don't have to worry about any bugs eating your food."


    Some waves start with a message about bugs gonna eat your food. Are those the defense waves and bugs will NOT go for the food stash on all other waves?

    Because of the defense game set up, I assumed bugs would go for my food on all waves. I really only upgrade my turrets and assumed I could stay near them and let them protect both my stash and heros. From what I have experienced, I'm guessing this is not a good strategy.
  5. K?!

    K?! Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    alea iacta est
    Correct, sort-of. On the non-defense waves, you will have some bugs that attack you and some that attack your food. Also, if you want to make it to higher rounds, you need to strike a balance between upgrading your turrets and upgrading your heroes.
  6. deiden26

    deiden26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2009
    While I agree that on the surface it performs a lot like other dual stick shooters, to succeed one must take advantage of the tower defense and RPG elements. To be more specific, these elements are:

    Tower Defense:
    -Number of towers
    -Type of Towers
    -Tower upgrades

    (Note that this does not include tower placement)

    character earns over time
    -Buying equipment for party members
    -Buying special abilities for party members
    -leveling up abilities of characters
    -Party System including
    ~choosing right character for each situation
    ~choosing how distribute the use of each character and thus xp each

    I might have missed some things, but these elements I already mentioned add a lot of depth to the game that goes far past what most dual stick shooters offer.

    That being said, it would be cool if permanent towers could be bought and placed anywhere on the map. There would have to be a cap though...

    Also, I have noticed that you always start with a machine gun tower that takes up one of the four tower spaces. The player should have more choice. Thus, I recommend that the player starts with $200 to buy a tower with or to use on something else. It just seems odd that with such a limited number of tower spaces one would be required to be a machine gun. At the very least have the resale value of the un-upgraded original turret be the full $200.
  7. K?!

    K?! Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    alea iacta est
    You can sell it if you like, it's only so if 1 grub gets to your stash while you're away you don't lose half your food.
  8. Foursaken_Media

    Foursaken_Media Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Well, thats one of the cool parts about BH... you CAN play that way if you want. Building up a strong defense is certainly a viable strategy, however it does make it harder to wander around and complete side quests, bc by that time you spent all your money on turrets instead of a nice array of equipment for your heroes as well. Its also harder to go out searching for food if you don't keep your heroes nice and leveled up/equipped with gear.

    But generally, only large groups of bugs will attack your food stash on the labeled waves. There are some small groups of grubs and maggots which may occasionally attack your stash on other waves, but they are designed to be small enough groups (and rare) so that if you have even a decent array of turrets, you should be fine leaving your base alone.
  9. GregB

    GregB Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    Good to know about the waves. Suggest some way to make this clear - I happen to be on this forum but wouldn't have known otherwise.


    "(Note that this does not include tower placement)"

    I was wondering if the four turret slots correspond to different locations and if the locations matter (front=better?).
  10. K?!

    K?! Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    alea iacta est
    Towers in front have slightly more range, so put your snipers, lasers, and firecrackers in the back, and anything else in the front.

    Edit: disnt read your post correctly, towers in front have no extra benefits apart from insignificantly more range.
  11. Foursaken_Media

    Foursaken_Media Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    We can see about adding some dialog to make the explore/defense/attack paradigm more pronounced.
  12. Wilbair

    Wilbair Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2009
    Congrats on a great game is just love it:)
  13. Dyelon

    Dyelon Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2010
    My thoughts =D

    Hey Foursaken, bought the game the day it came out and i LOVE IT! Recommending it to ALL my friends who can get it because it's probably the most fun I've had on the iPod touch besides FF7 on psx4all LOL!!

    I just today got the highest score on the hardest difficulty on the leaderboards so im taking a break and thought id give yah a piece of my mind =D

    Here are some of my thoughts:
    a) the stability/crashing: I'm not gonna say much about it because you are insisting the update you issued shall fix it...I hope so because its REALLY annoying. I actually got into one loop where I couldn't get through ONE round of the game no matter how many times I restarted the app. I had to redownload it and thus lost all my unlocked stuff.

    b) Framerate: its great up until later levels (15+ on hard) then its starts getting hectic. (im on ipod touch 3g on high graphics)

    c) Graphics: great graphics engine!! top notch. only thing I'd say needs work is the ART direction...like the colors. 80% of the game is black/grey/white/off-white.....lets get some color going on man!

    i have some ideas, and they would help fix the colors AND the seemingly common complaint about the lack of permanent unlocks from game to game. Personally, I think the complaint is really silly. I feel like people can't come to terms with the GENRE of the game. Its supposed to have a Dota/wc3 feeling where game to game you have to start over. the SKILL of the game comes from how fast/efficient/smart you are able to start from SCRATCH.

    That being said, check it:

    -i think the "unlocks" could be COLORS for the heroes! you have such cool hero design logically but visually it lacks. every 3 hours or so maybe let the player customize the looks of their heroes in the main menu screen? or how about allowing the player to not only upgrade the beetle's weapon to a wrench, but a COLORED wrench?? its shallow-ish customizing but its fun and gives the players something to get into from game to game:

    -the ant should be red like a fire ant because he....fires his gun. also give him unlocks like a rambo headband and army camo or something funny.

    -the beetle is by far the best visual design. hes big and blue and he looks truly awesome. but whats with his weapons?? he goes from a big ugly stick to a ...bigger, uglier stick?? let us color it or put cool leaves on it!

    -the spider is so underutilized visually!! his blades' shape are cool but why are they brown and dirty? i know hes a bug but hes supposed to be ninja like! let us upgrade his 4 blades into 4 KATANAS or something cool, and also just being able to put him in a cool colored ninja costume would be really really fun.

    -the enemy designs are great, i like them all really. give the slug spiky teeth though =D

    -okay, so today i got the highest score ever and it was also the FUNNEST game ive ever had. You know why? NO COIN QUESTS! You guys had your heart in the right place but cmon everytime i get the 10 coin quest my heart sinks...its BORING, ANNOYING, and in hard mode TOO RISKY. First of all, sometimes they keep spawning next to each other but sometimes they dont and it requires so much wandering and alot of times 2-3 ventures into the enemy SPAWN.
    I'll be running around as the spider looking for a stupid coin and a siege ant group (the 2 ants with the huge MG gun) will shoot me offscreen while im in a corner and catch me with 3-6 straight bullets taking off like 40% HP....effing sucks man. coins aren't relevant to bugs, its not fun looking for them, and I feel like you should scrap that quest and come up with something else that involves wandering like im sure you were aiming for.

    -do the quests like getting a scroll extra beneficial as one would think seeing as to how they are guarded by high lvl enemies therefore granting alot of XP? thatd be awesome.

    -the abilities: GREAT JOB!!! prob the best part of the game. so much fun. though i think the beetles could use some work if anything. some of his seem redundant and repetitive and as a result not as much fun. like his shield spell the gauntlet earthquake jump and stampede...i dunno all seem very similar maybe could use some uniqueness.

    hope you enjoy reading my post as much as i have playing your game, absolutely fantastic. all these stupid KRPGS like inotia and heroes lore and zenonia try doing the action RPG genre on the iphone but this is by far the most enjoyable experience in terms of that genre on the device. I hope the best for you as a developer(s), i believe any company would have to respect your skills after playing this game.
  14. DaviddesJ

    DaviddesJ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 19, 2010
    Burlingame CA
    What you don't understand is that MANY people aren't interested in a competition of their skill against yours. They just want to play an enjoyable game experience. I understand the concept that you are talking about. I just think there is a different concept---let people play at the difficulty and learning curve that works for them, without measuring their success by comparisons against other people---that is ALSO of interest to a lot of players. And letting people play that way doesn't hurt you at all.
  15. Dyelon

    Dyelon Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2010
    hey man i did not mean to put any negative feelings forth TOWARDS the people who want RPG elements, I dont mean it like that.

    My feeling is more that the developer set out to make a certain type/genre of game and people are asking him to make changes to it that would IMO bring huge changes to the gameplay thereby changing his/their original idea.

    and I agree with the complaint as well as you saw....i think they should impelment color and accessory customizations as that would not require too much coding and gameplay changes but alot of the times just color palette additions!
    but I don't think we should start having towers you can bring from game to game or abilities loaded onto to your char from the start or anything. the game design is what it is and we should respect the developers choice.
  16. DaviddesJ

    DaviddesJ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 19, 2010
    Burlingame CA
    No, if you let players who aren't as skilled as you have access to more of the content, that wouldn't change the original idea at all, because you could still play the game exactly as it stands now. I'm not talking about "RPG elements". I'm talking about making it easier for players who aren't as good as you to play further into the game. That doesn't affect you at all, if their scores don't go on your leaderboard.

    I think there's an arrogance when you take the position that you are really good at the game and so you should get more out of it than the average player. And I don't think it's good marketing. You can't make money only selling a game to the few people who are going to be on top of the leaderboard.
  17. Dyelon

    Dyelon Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2010
    Well I'm not sure what you mean by you want to access more of the content because that would mean you would just like to have access to the 4 levels and all of the skills for the heroes. The former merely requires reaching level 5 or 6 or something and the latter requires experience which can be obtained by just playing.

    So all you want is the content thats already in the game...I understand that. But then I don't understand why you attacked my comment about OTHER peoples opinions that the devs should add permanent towers or bring over towers and bring over abilities and such....because thats what I was referring to.
  18. DaviddesJ

    DaviddesJ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 19, 2010
    Burlingame CA
    I think you aren't understanding many of the comments that you then deride as "silly". But I will give up on explaining them.
  19. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    I tend to think that the easiest level should be set so that at least 80% of players can eventually, with practice, get all 3 heroes well levelled up with 4 skills each and maybe also with max weapons. Who cares if the game takes too long for some/many at that level, that is what harder levels are for? Keep the current "easy" mostly as is, and just add a "beginner" level.

    I would probably spend some time with beginner level myself. While I am confident I'll get past 19/easy/kitchen on my next playthrough -- having learned a good amount each play, it would still be fun to play around with the expensive abilities.

    Switching gears, can someone explain the Robot and Cat to me? The cat seems to attack enemies or you, so I just try to avoid it. The Robot seems to only go for you. Unlike the Cat, I am not sure if the Robot can be forced into inactive mode by attacking -- I dont think so.
  20. Dyelon

    Dyelon Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2010
    You didn't really explain anything. Thats my point. If you want all of the content IN the game, foursaken allows for that.
    If you want extra content/gameplay changes, then okay we might disagree? I don't even know if we do because you have such an attitude problem you can't even express yourself in a normal conversation without an edge in your tone.

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