Use Flea as a substitute for Spider. Like: Ant/Fly, Beetle and Flea. I haven't personally tried it, but that's what I'd do. Unfortunately with the new changes, I'm finding it very hard to play without Beetle, because enemies start hitting hard real quick, and even Fleas could rip Hopper apart in a few seconds. So Flea might actually be better as a replacement for Spider than Hopper as a replacement for Beetle. That's my current theory anyway.
The highest round I can get to in easy is round 24, my heroes keep dying and I dont have enough food to heal them. I can't go and look for food either, because I have to get rid of the centipedes that are eating up my food. any tips?
What heroes and turrets do you use? Try setting up a Forcefield turret. A fully upgraded one will offer your base tremendous protection against Centipedes, Maggots and Grubs. If you use Ant, use Life Support whenever its cooldown is finished. Get escape abilities to avoid heavy attacks, like Teleport and Warrior Gauntlet.
have the high score been wiped clean yet? Those are great tips. Scouter is great for bigger maps when doing quests and even better with Ant on the team.
Whoa! I just found a crazy Turret set-up! With TT in Hard playroom I bought 2 Zappers and 2 Scouters and maxed them all and MAN!!! THAT'S SOME CRAZY RANGE!!! Like in early rounds I hardly had anything to do my Zappers just shot all over the map. It was crazy!
I use fly, stick bug and beetle, and for my turrets, I use zappers and machine guns most often. I never really used forcefield turrets, I didn't really think they did much. Thanks for the tips.
I've tried 2 maxed out Forcefield turrets, one maxed out Food Cultivator and one maxed out Zapper for defence. Worked pretty great.
I just did... Epic fail!!! The bugs have to take a bite before the turrets work so you will still always be losing food unless you are willing to come back about every five seconds to do the work yourself... Also I'm pretty sure forcefeilds don't enflict dammage... sounds like a setup that works until you trie it.
I just got a cool idea for an IAP; customization! It would allow you to switch around Attributes, like give Beetle Vampirism instead of Health. How crazy would that be? It'd be like Treasure Trove, where you're playing just for fun, and Leaderboards are disabled. Though that'd probably bring about a lot of glitches. That's quite interesting. I didn't know Scouters stack! Gotta try that with Magnifiers. I wouldn't say "only", but yeah, a fully upgraded Forcefield is much better due to the 100% chance to knockback. That's a nice combination, and highly effective against siege bugs. Get Stick's Fortify, Earthquake, Poison Ward and Wind Staff. Fortify is fantastic at mitigating the damage inflicted on the base when Centipedes are attacking it. Use Wind Staff to push back centipedes and the others. Place a Poison Ward in front of your base when you go exploring. Use Earthquake when things get ugly. As for Beetle, get Shockwave (one of the best abilities in the game btw, especially combined with Adrenaline and/or Colossus), Adrenalin, Earthquake Jump and Colossus. For Kitchen, I suggest replacing Fly with Ant; his teleportation abilities in this map are extremely useful. Plus, the Life Support will probably help you a lot if you have food troubles. PS: I just had some success with Ant + Beetle + Flea. Probably the best success I've had with an Alternate Hero. I'm still peeved at how unreliable Miracle Worker is. It's probably the least desirable of all Food/Health abilities.
Yeah, a wall around your food stash would be cool. but what would the point of the game be if you never lost any food? It would be kinda boring...
Thanks. Maybe I shoud start using Ant and his life support. I never really tried that. Shockwave + Adrenaline + Colossus sounds like a good idea too.
Here's a silly turret setup: 3 Chargers + 1 MG. Use Better Base Defenses and Spark Plugs at night and enjoy the little machine gun obliterating everything. The chargers aren't too bad. Their working only at night (instead of day) is convenient for Spider's and Mantis's night-inducing abilities, and for vampire quests. 3 MG + 1 Charger is a pretty good setup, especially combined with Better Base Defenses and Spark Plugs.
Hahaha!! hmmm... I never even though of combining Chargers with Spiders and mantis' abilities... Good idea!!
I will add a strategie! Mantis with Steadfast + Reckless + Rage + Concentration is a real hungrybug killer in restaurant.