Disappointed that the game went free after I paid good money for it. I don't see why we people who have paid for the updates for this game through our purchases should be kicked in the face like this. Why should others get something free of charge when others have paid for it. Free promotions do nothing but detract buyers from purchasing future games. I love the game, just not being screwed like this.
I fail to see how you're being screwed over. The free promotion wasn't *that* soon after the game came out, and besides, as someone said earlier, when you bought the game, you obviously decided it was worth it's price. If you love the game then I fail to see what the problem is. It cost you $1.99 or £1.19 or something, it isn't like Square Enix have put FF3 up for free! I don't understand how you can be bitter about paying £1.19 for a game that you clearly enjoy. There's nothing wrong with Forsaken Media trying to get new customers is there? I don't see how it will detract future buyers either, on the app store, if you see a game and you want it, you normally buy it. The only games where I wait for promotions are EA games which come out around sale season, because those almost certainly drop. Although I agree that it would have been nice if the update was free, given that each pack comes with 2 new heroes, a new map, new enemies and a new turret, I can't see how you feel cheated when a game like Minigore is charging 59p for nothing more than a character skin.
Yeah, the problem with Earth Staff is that it's short ranged and very risky to use in tight situations, so you're better off just running away. What would be great is if Blast created AOE damage. A teleport skill would be awesome too, and fitting as a magic spell (Like I said before, I'm having a hard time substituting Ant because of his teleportation abilities). Maybe give him a very low-cooldown reliable damageless shockwave to push enemies away from him, which would give him excellent crowd control.
Frankly, stickbug's attacks are too hard to aim for me to consider using him for anything other than his abilities (which I really like).
I'm getting good with Ladybug-Worm-Hopper! They're a fun combo, its like the red headed step children of Spider-Ant-Beetle hahah Hopper seems hard to use late game because of his mushiness but still viable, just need more practice (i get too hop-happy sometimes and blow my escape mechanism). i love how you guys COMPENSATED for his lack of durability and gave him so many healing spells as well as a spell that DELIBERATELY drains his HP with the idea that its easy to regen! very cool The ladybug is very useful lategame with her spells, i love riposting bumblebees and scorpions and vampire ants, very satisfying. her spells lack a little creativity? at times, i dunno, lots of reptitiveness i find (still one of my favorite chars, just saying she lacks a certain "coolness" factor) worm is the man! so much fun, exploding bullets is the coolest addition to the game yet, hes pretty strong, much stronger than ant late game....i like the double grenade combo, very satisfying and effective. foursaken, can you answer me this? whats the deal with the levels in this game? it seems to me each level is progressively HARDER in a very CALCULATED way (eg office is a LITTLE harder than kitchen, playroom is slightly harder than office etc) ^this annoys me with garden and restaurant. i feel like those 2 lvls are so insanely difficult to play on! maybe i just need to get used to them. anyway, back to studying! jesus christ ive been wasting so much study time playing this game (and each bug heroes "break" takes longer and longer as i get better at the game LOL) Bug Heroes name: Carnage
so for new turrets one should reach again 10th level on all maps? this requirement kinda sucks. why force players who bought iap play new maps? :/
I just had an awesome idea, I think in a future update it would be sweet to have a practice room, in the practice room you could spawn enemies of your choice and fight them, so if in the game you were having trouble with elephant snails or bumblebees you could fight them one on one (or spawn more if you so chose), you would also have infinite money in order to try out different skills and skill combinations.
Force? What? Huh? Here's a better question: why on earth would you buy the IAP if you didn't want it? And complaining about reaching level 10? You have played this game, right? I unlocked the new turrets on my very first play of each map - that took, what, 15 minutes per turret. It's not even remotely a burden and it's just a little touch that adds a small sense of accomplishment to the game. Guess Ladybug must be your favorite new hero since it came with all of its gear unlocked by mistake
For some reason, the game crashes for me after every time I submit my score. Without fail. Minor inconvenience though, just thought that I should sound this out to you.
In the next update please fix the worm changing back to basic weapon after using a skill such as claymore
Won't go post by post, but jotted down everything everyone said in the last few pages @ Dyelon -- this game is a lot harder to balance due to all the new enemies and such (and the fact that they aren't just clones of basic enemies), so it may take an update or 2 to get to where we want it to be. @ eev -- we thought about this... its mostly to keep it consistent, but it is a good point. We are actually thinking about unlocking In regards to wizard, we are exploring some options to make him a more attractive choice. Look, the game is 4.5 months old since we released it... We are sorry you happened to buy the game recently before it went free, but as with ANY game in the app store, you have to personally evaluate whether the game you are buying is worth it at that time or not. This isn't just with the app store, this is with ANY product. PC and console games drop in price, TVs drop in price, cars drop in price, even lettuce goes on sale... Trust me, we do NOT like going free... no one wants to put a game they spent 9 months making and then give it away for free... but the reality is we have to make some hard business choices to remain successful... and the bigger reality is that after a single day, this free campaign has been INCREDIBLY successful (more successful then our best day during initial launch OR during our Apple Feature). I understand we may alienate some customers when it comes to our future games, as much as I hate it... but again, these are choices we have to make if we are going to keep making games.
Yeap thats true. I got it when it went free played for 2 hour and loved it. Bought all 3 packages in the store. I recommended it too two friends and they did the same. Wouldnt have got it otherwise so somtimes going free is great
Ultimately, the "challenge" of unlocking things in the game is such a small effort in the grand scheme of things that it doesn't matter that much but... ... I suggest sticking to your guns and leaving things as gradual unlocks. When the game was $1.99 (and when (if?) it returns to $1.99) you still had to unlock everything in the core game and nobody was whining then, so consider the sort of person who actually bothers to whine they had to wait 15 minutes to get access to a new tower. It's 100% doable to even use the new tower in your very first play through of the new maps. Watching the unfolding of new stuff over the next few days is an experience I wouldn't want to miss for the appeasement of the sort of short attention span afflicted who whine they just paid $0.99 and didn't get access to every single thing instantly.
Alrighty, I've come to a decision: I'm not using Beetle's shotguns anymore, because I'm pretty sure Fours4kenMedia did not intend for it to 1-shot everything when Colossus is active, which is how I got to round 39 on Tree Stump. I was about to get an unfair score this way in Garden as well. It's a wonder why Fours4kenMedia hasn't hired me to be their tester yet.
I'm still working on understanding all the new characters, but my early favorite is Fly. Early in the game I put most of my points into Theft to help fund turrets and then start picking up a little Speed and Chance. Worm is really cool, but if you run into trouble you'd better switch fast or you'll lose him with his poor health. Haven't had much success w/ Grasshopper yet, he seems like you need to invest more in him to do well and keep a sharp eye on his abilities. Tried a game concentrating on Termite last night and while he did well the constant turret creation put a serious drain on my money so my base turrets fell behind which caused my downfall. I do like the drill though. Stickbug is fun, but I agree that a homing shot would be useful with him. His rate of fire is too slow to afford misses. Anyway, still working on it but I only have so much time to play so it's a slow process
i dont think stickbug is bad i just use auto aim and i use earth and wind staff if you do this you can attack really because the one loads while you use he other i use this mainly vs centipede they dy really quickly this way
Kind of makes the point The ROF is too slow to miss with, so even if you're pretty good with a DS control scheme, with Stickbug, you've got to be phenomenal to make him work or, as you've done, just throw the whole matter of aiming out. As I believe most prefer to do the aiming themselves, he's a trickier hero than most. I'd prefer either a homing upgrade to the hero or weaken the individual power balls and increase ROF so you don't have to be quite so precise.
@Foursaken_Media thanks a lot for response, i understand what you mean. in contrary not everyone has a lot of time to play now after playing a lot with original heroes. your games are really great, but new one appear etc. so i personally would like to try new stuff on fav maps with new heroes. but anyway i have unlocked already one turret and gonna try it out on kitchen map.