Imagine if there's some major bug (hawhaw) that caused Apple to reject the update? I think we should prepare to raid Apple's headquarters just in case. I'm going in with Beetle.
I feel ya... This is the FIRST time on a mobile platform gaming wise I'm stoked this much, since the release of Zelda64 back in the day. This game to me is a platform seller... Maybe Apple should look at FM as rare was to the big N in the day.
What if the update doesn't exist, and Foursaken Media has been fooling us the whole time? Bear in mind, they have been caught multiple times for pay per reviews, and they might just be making this whole thing up.
Waiting for the update I've begun attempting to pit against one another various crawlers in my office. Unfortunately none of these sugar ants, roaches, or other assorted critters (in various stages of life from actively biting to dead & dusty) seem to have the fortitude of their video game outerparts and my co-workers have started calling me names. Please release the update so I can salvage what's let of my workplay reputation.
I'm sure the update will be out later tonight, no reason to start speculating that the developer is shady what-so-ever. There is a logical explanation for everything and this delay is just due to it being a large game with first time game intro of IAP's. Patience...
I don't think that post was fair upon your part towards these gals/guys. You start off your post with, "what if" and then go on to slander them. Nobody knows the reason for the long wait and everyone is "jonsing" with you but the volley statements like that without knowing everything, IMO Dosent seem appropriate. I just think your jumping the gun.
haha c'mon people, K was totally kidding... and if you clicked on the link he posted, you would get the joke...
yeah hes just expressing his frustration in a different way LOL i got a kick out of it... this is so annoying though. i feel like such a geekazoid waiting for this ipod game lol...i just dont understand how it can take so long to "review"...what exactly entails the "review" process? checking for viruses?
I'm a sucker for falling for sarcasm. However the reason for the delay is still something I believe is the reason it's not out yet. If I were to guess though with the pattern of apple I'm willing to wager everything on a release in about ... No longer then 2 hours from this post.
after that post foursakens gotta add a coliseum level inside a hamster cage...with a wheel and all! LOL
Don't worry nothing has gone wrong with the update, its just that the actual IAP content has to be separately approved, meaning that there are essentially 2 things that are currently in review... the IAP and the update itself. I believe the IAP content is actually what is holding up the release :/ Hopefully it won't be more then another day or so!
Is there a possibility of the update releasing today? Or did apple tell you that it is releasing tomorrow?